Norman W. Nonnweiler's site to see his art, poetry and writing. check out
For ebay goto user name "bunnyeatingeorge" store name "NWN Records"
For humor, politics, some religion and the book I've published for free on this webpage BUNNY EATIN' GEORGE goto:
For Norm's religious beliefs stay on this page or goto:
"No more hippies!"
"No sympathy for the devil."
"A friend of the devil commits suicide. Didn't you know? The devil murders all his friends. The devil is there before God to accuse all of his friends and he tells God to kill all of his friends"
Make no mistake, the devil is but a worm to God. The mistake is thinking he could be much of an enemy to God. No, the devil is man's enemy and it is men he wants to die eternally. One of the reasons the devil stands condemned is that he hated man because God loved man. God loved men more than anything else and Satan knowing this chose to defial man to get back at God. Satan hated men so much that he chose to attempt to murder the souls of all men so that they would burn in hell like Satan himself will burn in hell forever. The way out is Jesus.
The mistake is thinking there is anyplace God doesn't rule. God rules everywhere. He even rules in hell. The devils only authority is over men and this authority is temporary as it will end on judgement day. Most people remember the loving Jesus and he is but they forget that he is God. As it is said, "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord." Jesus too will have vengeance on Satan for eternity. In the end, the devil burns in hell in the presence of Jesus and the holy angels. "And the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever." This is the fate of all evil. A wise man knows that one is much better off being the least in heaven rather than be the greatest in hell.
Lesson of the day.
Jesus and Satan were not brothers. Jesus is the one who made Satan making Jesus Satan's father. Satan was the rebelling son who wanted to murder his own father and he used us as a bartering tool to get just that. It would not have the results he wanted though for it proved Jesus was worthy to be God. The Father already knew about this but at this point he could prove it to Satan.
Think of it this way. The Father is the author of the infinite story and the story is already written. The Father is the author of the story that never ends and if you want to be part of this story in the future you should follow his Son who gave up his eternal life to save you. Think of it this way the Father is both inside and outside the story as he encompasses all things. Even Jesus said that the Father is the only one who knows when the "abomination that causes desolation" will take place. The Son knows only what the Father reveals to him.
The creation of the photograph, film, and movies has turned a large part of the people in the civilized world into voyeurs. Wanting to see violence, sex and nudity with the photo or movie being a window that they are peering into.
We live in a world where the things they call adult are childish and the things of children we will find out are actually adult.
Usually worldly success is a curse but true success lies in the fact heavenly treasure is found in the hearts and souls of men. For nothing is more valuable than the soul of a man to God.
There Are No Heroes in Hollywood.
There are no rock ‘n’ roll heroes.
It’s a fantasy, a fake, a zero.
Those actors, those stars, well that’s all they are.
They’re all full of bull, a reward paid in full.
There are no heroes in Hollywood.
Not one that is special, not one that is good.
And like the tower of Babel,
High in the sky when it fell,
So will be Hollywood,
For no one is good, at least not in Hollywood.
You may laugh but Rock 'N' Roll is a dead religion. As a religion, all it's members are dead.
It is as much the Son’s world as it is the Father’s world because the Son made the world and the Son also made man in his own image.
Is It Worth One Moment in Time
Did her olive green legs turn you on
Or the tail that has grown upon
Her ass has these scales, do you see them?
Disease dripping down her legs much like phlegm
It’s amazing how dim lights can deceive
Her tongue lifting your money before you leave
Here's something people often overlook. What is the first appearance of Jesus in the Bible? If you said at the beginning of Genesis, you are correct. Here the Father is speaking to the Son about making man.
Genesis 1:26 Then God Said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness."
Clearly God is speaking to somebody else in this passage. We know from the beginning of the book of John that Jesus was with God in the beginning. We also know from the beginning of the book of John that it was Jesus who made everything. This is clearly the Father speaking to the Son. In actuality, Jesus is part of all of the first chapter of Genesis for it was Jesus who made everything at the Father's command. He was always there and always will be. He is the beginning and the end. Outside of Jesus there is nothing eternal. He always has been God at the Father's side.
Fora great performer:
Buy Carl Martin Coles book "Bound Verse." on Amazon. He is a good friend and a very spiritual person.
This is the fact all nicotine users need to know. Nicotine is a deadly insecticide. Milligram for milligram, nicotine is more poisonous and deadly than cyanide.
New from CC Supersonic Enterprizes the Cat Cracker 1000, $9.95 plus 5.95 shipping and handling. For your unwanted feline pest problem. A testimonial from a real customer, "My girlfriend donegone brought one of them cat things into my house with what I can only call the smelliest object on earth--a cat toilett that you have to clean. I bought your product to take care of this cat infestation and sure enough his head cracked just like you said it would. I threw him into the street like you recommend and my girl cried in my arms."
What has science really done for us? Yes we have many, many conveniences and are so rich in a way. But think of this, 80 years ago we did not have a way to completely destroy the planet but now we do. If the wrong people get the right stuff, it could be all over. Should we applaud science or should we dread what it might have brought upon us? Just think of all the fun and useful poisons and chemicals science has brought us. As we poison ourselves and the planet, we should all take time to thank God for how far we have come. It seems the smarter mankind becomes the closer we come to destroying it all. Thankyou science for thinking progress is more important than the future.
To those who think they want to go to hell to party. Not only will it be hot but there isn't any beer, drugs, sex or rock n roll in hell. Enjoy the flames. You sure will be thirsty.
Outside of Jesus, mankind will ultimately fail because they will be looking for scientific answers to religious questions.
Among the most important Old Testament scriptures is the Easter story as told by Isaiah the prophet. Here you clearly see that Jesus was beaten so severely that he no longer looked like a human being. It is here in Isaiah 52:13-53:12.
"See, my servant will act wisely; he will be raised and lifted up and highly exhaulted. Just as there were many who were appalled at him--his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness--so will he sprinkle many nations and kings will shut their mouths because of him. For what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand.
Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Surely he took up our infirmaties and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afficted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. By oppression and judgement he was taken away. And who cand speak of his descendants. For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was stricken. He was assigned a grave with th wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.
Yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand. After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors."
You are wrong if you say Jesus was made in the image of a man. No, all men were created in the image of Jesus for he made all things. Jesus is the beginning of all things and when it says "let us make man in our image." in the beginning of Genesis it is the Father talking to the Son."
One might feel blessed if one is wealthy and successful. But, one must also remember that this wealth may become a curse if one does not bless the lives of those less fortunate than themselves with this wealth. You are not blessed if you have money. You are blessed only if you bless others with it, otherwise it is a curse that will take you straight to hell.
For lessons in music theory for guitar, look on home page about half way down. Books of chords are a big waste of money. Learn how easy it is to construct your own chords and you won't need to buy books that list chord after chord and waste your time and your money. Any bozo can write a book on chords if they know how to construct chords themselves. It's elementary music theory. First lesson: 1-3-5 is a major or minor chord. Second lesson: 1-3-5-7 is a 7th chord. Third Lesson: 1-3-5-7-9 is a ninth chord. 4th lesson: 1-3-5-7-9-11 is an 11th chord. 5th lesson: 1-3-5-7-9-11-13 is a 13th Chord. Most western music is built on two formulas x to the 12th = 1/2 or x to the 12th = 2.This ratio and it's inverse multiplied by the frequency on a note will give you the next chromatic note or half step in the chromatic scale. For more see home page about half-way down.
Pray for the Ice Cold Soul.
Pray for the ice cold soul in his winter freeze
The heavy limbs are breaking on his frost damaged trees
He himself invited the storm to frolic in its snow
Turning his world into an icebox that will never go
The recharged freon chills
Its numbing feeling thrills
As man is prepared to kill
To pay this man-made Satan's bill
To be held above hell's flames
It's thawing bringing back the pain
Forever captive in Satan's games
The icey soul never able to abstain
And if no man dares to warm with love and save
His frostbitten soul will ramain forever glacial in his grave
Where Oh Where Did Wynona Go
Where oh where did Wynona go?
By her tongue into a black hole.
Ride the comet, bounce the boob.
I got milk, it’s just good food.
Pop stars have their fleeting fame.
Rock stars struggle to survive the game.
A price is paid to have your name in lights.
Careful not to feed the hand that bites.
I hear she’s licking poison dart frogs
And snorting nutmeg up her schnozz
Jumping off ledges tied to vines
Climb aboard, her engine whines.
She’s a ship tossed to and fro,
On ocean waves her whistle blows
Frantically running from “Moby Dick.”
Hot Dogs make her violently sick.
So if you see her, remember this
Save your tongue and do not kiss
She’s been to India and drinks cow piss,
To cleanse her spirit and attain full bliss.
No shit.
Only a fool choses violence for revenge. The best revenge is success in life. Nothing will spark more jealousy.
In the beginning there was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God. Jesus was with God in the beginning. Through Jesus all things were made; without Jesus nothing was made that has been made. In Jesus was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. Jesus was in the world and though the world was made through Jesus, the world did not recognize him. Jesus came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believe in Jesus name, he gave the right to be children of God. Jesus became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen the glory of Jesus, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, has made him known.
In the beginning the Father created the Son. Instead of writing the story about himself, the Father wrote the story about the Son he created. Everything was made by the Son and for the Son. Everything ever made, everything in existence was for the Son. From the very beginning the entire story has been about Jesus. The Son has always been the Father’s number one love. It was for this reason as well that the Son loved men. As the Father created the Son in his image, so the Son made men in their image and loved men more than anything. This was the Fathers will. The Father always knew that the Son would be worthy. This is our salvation that the Son was willing to die for men when Satan attempted to murder mankind. The Son loved men more than his own life and was willing to sacrifice his life to save those who believe. We live because Jesus died and was raised from the dead so that we could live again though him. This was the Father's will and the Father's wisdom and the reason the Son is worthy of our worship. The only way to the Father is through the Son, for the Son always has been part of the Father. Jesus Christ is the Father's love for us. What we could not see or understand, we could see and understand through Jesus and his sacrifice is what has saved those who believe from the second death or hell. It is the Father's will that we worship the Son for the Father is seen only through the Son.
Nothing angers me more than the glut of "end times" books out there. From what I can tell they are all garbage. They are all filled with one lie after the other. This also includes books that have become movies. The message was to always be ready. The end hits like a storm and only those who built on the rock will stand. The lesson is to live by his words now and not wait for the trouble to come. Follow the trumpet calls and you will see that Jesus returns at the final 7th trumpet call when he comes to set up his kingdom. It's in the scripture. Read it for yourself and do not believe the fictional lies put forth by the fakes and there are pleanty of fakes out there. In the end people will not be able to buy or sell unless the have the mark. Without the mark you won't even be able to pay property tax. It is lose everything or become condemned. That is the end in scripture. The fictional books out there are setting many up to fail. The question in the end is do you love your posessions more than God. That is what it will come down to. Many who do not believe there is a God will recieve the mark to show how much they don't believe. Many will seek scientific answers to religious questions. There will be a lie and most will believe it. People will love what they own more than God and most will become condemned because of it.
You had to go and milk an idea till the cow died. You f'n idiots in Hollywood had to go and make one super hero movie after another. Now the cow is dead. You killed super hero movies. They are dead to me. I don't ever want to see another super hero movie. The cow's body is getting bloated and it smells like death. The smell is bad enough for me to litterally want to barf all over anybody involved with making one of these rancid movies. You had to milk the cow until it died. I can't wait until the dead cow of super hero movies gets so bloated it explodes all over you f'n fools in Hollywood. That's what you a'holes deserve for reusing and mutilating old ideas over and over again. I pray you get to smell this dead cow as I have. You people disgust me because money is all you care about. The art of making good original movies is dead.
The more I look at this world. The more I see how backwards it is moving and how so many only care about themselves. Instead of figuring how we will feed and house an ever growing population in the world, most are only woried about how to entertain themselves. The United States of America is fat and lazy and only woried about money. We are couch potatoes. Business if the number one worry in America. Money is god in America. I love America but our ideals have turned into dog shit.
It sickens me that sports stars and entertainers are among the highest paid people in the world when in the big picture, they are actually the most useless workers in the world. What entertainers do is not important. In fact, it is harmful. It has made America fat and lazy. Entertainment is what is wrong with America. If we took it all away, maybe some might see the world we actually live in. It is a fucked up place. Half the world has child prostitution for God's sake. I used to be a fan of many different entertainers. Now, I don't want to be anybody's fan. We should be looking for answers and solutions for the worlds problems, but instead most of us ignore all the real problems in this world and worry about our own petty little lives. People like missionaries and doctores and soldiers deserve the type of money entertainers are getting and that is the real truth.
Beware of a day when you can trust nothing you see on film. A day when anything can be faked. We are edging ever so close.
This is to those who like to gamble with life and to those who like to mess with what was given to them by nature. Imagine the good old days and you want to win that big tomato contest. You want the biggest damn tomato at the fair you just gotta have it. This is before hybrids and gentetics really caught on so what could a man do to tip the odds? I know lets turn to its close relative jimson weed or as some call it loco weed. I bet if you took a jimson weed plant and cut off the top, that you could splice a tomato plant to the top of it and grow really large tomatos. Bingo! The largest damn tomato at the fair! But what if you didn't cut away enough of the jimson weed plant. What happens then? OH! Deadly poisonous haloucinagenic tomatos. But if you cut away too much the plant dies. So where is the balance?
Jimson weed was also responsible for some late 18th century soldiers halucinating after stewing it. They stewed and ate the plant. It was described as if they were apes. Does the same to cows and quite often it kills too. Would you eat a jimson weed tomato? It's no different than things like meth, crack, heroin, steroids. Name your killer poison and you are playing the same game with your life.
A Question of Time
Ghostly figures seated along the wall
Empty shapes, timeless they seem to crawl
Glazed expressions and false impressions from the crowd
Senseless laughing echoing, deafening, it’s so loud
Ooh, ooh, so loud.
Ghostly figures, jelly minds devoid.
Slippery time, slipping into the void
Closing eyes, stung by the wasp of smoke
My pounding heart, trying hard not to choke
Ooh, ooh, don’t choke.
Ghostly figures weaving in and out
Blind as bats, bumping into the walls
Panic in stupor, intense pain in your mind
Eyes closed in ending, leaving just a question of time
Ooh, ooh, of time.
I ask you is it possible for things to have started from nothing in the beginning? It is impossible for there to ever be nothing. There always has been something--an eternal God and the Son he created first. Believe. There is a God.
Those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who are humble will be exalted.
A knife made of words can cut deeper than the longest blade. I do not believe in condemnation. I would rather see a person who believes they are my enemy change into a better person rather than let their pride get in the way of better judgement.
Fora great performer:
Buy Carl Martin Coles book "Bound Verse." on Amazon. He is a good friend and a very spiritual person.
We are injured
We hide in the dark
Afraid of the light because we think it burns
But the light is cool and it soothes
It heals our wounds and makes us whole again
It shields us from the fire, which is the devil
The second death
Because we are loved, we are hated
A worm to God, Satan is man’s enemy
“Satan” means “the accuser”and he is the accuser of men
He shall die the second death
All who love death will die
As God is life, the devil is death and he wants us to die
Should we die because we are loved
Or should we answer Christ when he finds us?
Bunny Eatin’ George Theme Song: You’ll Wish You’d Gone to Prison.
You’re a long haired dead head freak.
Sellin’acid on the street
But to me you’re just a piece of meat
To chop and give to my dogs to eat.
You’ll wish you’d gone to prison.
You’ll wish you’d gone to prison.
To the child molester,
Your sores will fester.
And I’ll chop off your cock.
Just like the wife abuser
You’re a big fat loser
Nailed to the wall so you won’t stalk
To the terrorist.
You’ll feel my fist.
As I bash in your head.
You’ll never die for Allah
But you sure are gonna
Wish you were dead.
Thank you Sherri for,
Encouraging me beyond my cowardice to play.
I gathered my dust.
Collected my tears.
They became me onceagain.
Remembering my most beloved companion of yesterday.
A premature ending.
A resting place so near.
I ought disinter a friend.
Digging, delving furiously in a heap of fetid vestures.
Reach ‘neath my nocturnal roost to my comrade’s sepulcher.
Joyous inspiration as I peer within’ the casket.
I recollect the past and resurrect it in my spirit.
Re-tuned strings.
Now it lives and sings.
As fingers flow through,
Melodies a glow, woven in,
Harmonies bestow—ing,
A mood, a horizon,
A panorama to the focus,
A guide to the ear,
In an auditory labyrinth.
To the apogee
Of my symphony,
Which is reborn to my enjoyment.
They’re Outto Get Me (incomplete)
They monitor every toll booth
They know when you are at home
They watch your every movement
No, you are never alone
I know they’re out to get me
‘Cause I hear them in my head
No they’ll never medicate me
No they’ll have to find me dead
I’m LeavingTomorrow (unfinished)
You laid out your vision, I could not fulfill.
What once was a thrill now leads me to kill.
The night is so warm, your body so cold.
You’ll always be mine, to have and to hold.
I’ll rip out your heart, and lay a new course.
Babe, I’m leaving tomorrow with absolutely no remorse.
The abject man crafts another plan.
With a miserly mind, he sets the time.
Nimble and nifty, he will have to abscond.
Reappear at an instant to cover his crime.
To drub an old man insanely.
Money, yes, money is plainly.
The reason for the violation at the scene ofthe crime.
The splattered old man won’t see this plan.
As a mugger just killed a man vainly.
The bracket, the class.
The cutting of glass.
Middle or upper.
The lower for supper.
The deal will go down.
Some time in your town.
And we’re helpless to stop this forever.
New. Home Lobotomy kit. Set includes: skull drill, skull cutter, knives, ether, synthetic narcotic pain relievers. 99.99 plus 10.95 s&h. Testimonial, "My wife needed an attitude adjustment and I bought your product to do this. She is so sweet now. She doesn't make a fuss about nothin'. It's as if she were a brand new perfectically agreeable person." Free with purchase of Lobotomy Kit: Home electro shock therapy kit. "A couple wires tot he temples and they're good as new."
Sometimes books on the Bible can be good. But I would rather read the Bible itself. That is what I recommend. In the beginning, God created Jesus. Jesus introduces himself in Proverbs 8 as the voice of wisdom. "I was the first of His works." and "I was the craftsman at His side." In Matthew 11:18-19, Jesus directly references Proverbs 8 when he says, "And wisdom is proved right by her actions." In Genesis man ismade in God's image. "Let us make man in Our Image." In John 1 Everything said in Proverbs 8 is confirmed. "Without him nothing has beenmade that has beenmade." "No one has ever seen God but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side." And in John 17 Jesus says,"And now Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began." Finally It is said in Colossians 1, "He is the firstborn over all creation...all things were created for him and by him. He is before all things." From the Old to the New Testament he was there for all of it. The one who died on the cross and rose again was God's litteral firstborn Son. What does a father love more than himself? Typically his child. And so the Father loved the Son. And so God loved the lives of men more than His own life and offered his life for the lives of men. We were created in the image of God and God loved loved us more than anything. Jesus is the firstborn Son of the Father and He was willing to give His life for the lives of men. The first creation was God himself. God was created first. Jesus was created first. "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning."
My favorite Bible verses:
Proverbs 8:12-36 (This one is Jesus Christ speaking as the voice of wisdom
"I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion, To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. Counsel and sound judgement are mine; I have understanding and power. By me kings reign and rulers make laws that are just; by me princes govern, and all nobles who rule on earth. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yeild surpasses choice silver. I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, bestowing wealth on those who love me and making their treasures full. THE LORD BROUGHT ME FORTH AS THE FIRST OF HIS WORKS, BEFORE HIS DEEDS OF OLD; I WAS APPOINTED FROM ETERNITY, FROM THE BEGINNING, BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN. When there were no oceans, I was given birth, when there were no springs abounding with water; before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth, before hemade the earth or his fields or any of the dust of the world. I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep, when he established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep, when he gave the sea it's boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth. THEN I WAS THE CRAFTSMAN AT HIS SIDE. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind. Now then, my sons, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. FOR WHOEVER FINDS ME FINDS LIFE AND RECEIVES FAVOR FROM THE LORD. But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death."
John 1:1-18
In the beginning was the Word, an the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things weremade; without him nothing wasmade that has beenmade. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world wasmade through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not recieve him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God--children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. The Word became flesh andmade his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John testifies concerning him. He cries out saying, "This was he of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.'" From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, hasmade him known.
John 17:5 "And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began."
1 John 4:16 God is love. Whoever lives in love lives om God, and God in him.
1 John 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Luke 23:38-43 There was a written notice above him, which read: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. One of the criminals who was hung there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!" But the other criminal rebuked him, "Don't you fear God," he said, "since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong." Then he said, "Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom." JESUS ANSWERED HIM, "I TELL YOU THE TRUTH, TODAY YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE."
And for one righteous action the first man saved by the cross was saved.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the testimony of Norman W. Nonnweiler a man who believes that Jesus is God see:
For the story of mankind go to that very same page.
People often misunderstand who the devil is and who has what kingdom. The devil's kingdom is on earth and is not in hell. Heaven, hell and the universe all belong completely to God. Satan owns nothing and only temporarily has authority on earth. Satan's only power is over men. As it says in the book of Revelation about those who go to hell. Revalation 14:10-11 "He will be tormented with burning sulfer in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever." Those who burn in hell burn in the presence of Jesus and the holy angels forever and ever. Satan's only kingdom is earth for even hell belongs to God.
The problem with Satan began when Satan could never accept that Jesus was his God even though he was made by Jesus. He would not accept that the Son was part of the Father even though the Father said he was. Satan considered himself to be more beautiful than Jesus and therefore superior to Jesus and that he should be worshipped instead of Jesus. He wanted to murder Jesus but he could not because he was part of the Father. Because he could not murder Jesus, Satan instead took it out on what Jesus and the Father loved the most. He took it out on the men that God had created in his own image for God loved men the most because they were created in his image. In Proverbs 8 it says Jesus delighted in mankind. We were the happiness of God. Satan lied to men and attempted to murder mankind through temptation. Man believed the lie and fell. We were apparently condemned but Jesus offered his life for the lives of men for God loved men more than his own life. The Father always knew the Son would do this for the Father is beyond time. Not only would this happen and men would be saved but the Son would be their God again. First, though, God for all fairness had to find a man who was willing to give up their only son for him. God found that man in Abraham. Because of Abraham’s love and willingness to sacrifice his only son, the Father was willing to send his Son to take Isaac’s place. Jesus gave his life for the lives of men and because it was the Father’s will he rose again so that we could live through him, thus defeating the Devil for those who believe in him.
Only a condemned man measures his success by how much wealth he has.
Real wealth is knowing you have made somebody else's life brighter. Real wealth is feeding and helping those less fortunate than you.
Numbers put the number of malnurished people in the world between 800 million and 1 billion people.
It is definitely not a sin to be rich but a rich man should be grateful, kind and good with what he has been given. It is said that there will be a day when a rich man's gold and silver will corode his flesh like fire. For out of those given much, much will be expected. For it says that the love of money is the root to many types of evil. Greedy people are often consumed with the over-accumulation of wealth. This often goes hand in hand with spiritual death. For a man's heart is where his treasure is. Be careful to invest in people and not money. For the souls of men are among those things that are heavenly treasure. For the souls of men are what is most precious to God.
Do not judge. For instance, do not judge a man because he grew up in an environment that encourages crime if you grew up in a comfortable suburb.
A lot of racists like to consider themselves Christians but they commit the sin of the devil. For the devil said, “I am perfect in beauty. I should rise above God.” The devil felt himself to be superior to all things including God. The story of the “Good Samaritan.” is a lesson in bigotry. When white people feel superior to other races they are in essence acting like the devil. This goes for any type of bigotry based on race by any race of people.
Ezekiel 28:16-17
“….So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to earth.”
Don't let anyone convince you that you are condemned. That is not for men to decide. No matter what you've done in your life, do not believe this ever. Jesus forgives those who are sincere with him.
Worldly blessings will become a curse if not shared with those less fortunate.
For a poem that symbolizes the truth.
Books about the Bible can be good but beware of the many frauds. That is why I prefer the Bible itself over those books.
Beginners music theory for guitar. Understanding scales and chords.
A Dream’s Just a Dream.
In a conversation with one of my close friends, she told me of a dream that had troubled her the night before.
In that dream, she dreamt that everyone thought that her sister was smarter than she was.
I laughed and said,
“What does it matter?
Intelligence can be so trivial.
Genius is not memorization.
It is comprehension.
Realize that knowledge is worthless unless it can be used and you know how to use it.
True originality often comes from a man because he doesn’t know the answer.
I watched De Vinci pass a torch to Picasso. Then he gave it to me.
I looked up to see Einstein smiling, waving and saying, “Well done.”
Edgar Allan Poe looked in awe and stated, “It’s scary what you’ve done.”
Jimmy Page drove up to my house and handed me his guitar.”
I laughed at her again.
“Can you see what I see?
Or are you afraid I’m smarter than you?”
EXPLENATION: I am not trying to conceited but rather positive. Look to the greats for inspiration and shoot for the stars. Worry does no one any good.
One might ask, "Who should I judge?" The answer is always, "the one in the mirror."
My favorite crazy man stories include that of James Brown when he thought someone had crapped in his bathroom. He took out a shotgun he was so mad. He then led the police on a multi-state chase until he crashed his car. Apparently James was on PCP. That kids is why you don't do PCP.
There was a man who didn't believe a certain something would do a certain something so he decided to try it. He was stupid because the certain something was also poisonous. Nothing was happening so he did more. He woke up in a police cell. His lawer told him before you say anything watch this video. It was a video of himself standing in the toilet and flushing it. He was saying, "I'm going to flush myself down the toilet." To add insult into injury he found out he drove into the front ofa grocery store. This kids is why you don't let people tell you to do stupid things because that might be exactly what you get. Time in prison.
Here's a story that ain't funny. Two teen-aged girls decide to go to a popular area of Chicago to go and party by themselves. They met two guys and decided to try heroin for the first time. They were found in an alley. One barely made it and one died. This is true story and a warning against partying with strangers.
If you think LSD is cool, you could be the guy screaming at the top of his lungs in front of his friends house drawing in the police. Your friends end up in jail and you find yourself in a hospital.
If you think coke and alcohol are cool together, I've known a couple people who have died because of the combination. They react with one another in the blood stream and create a 3rd even more poisonous substance.
If you think you are invincible and can drink everyday in excess, I tell you about the man who died at the age of 42 of sclerosis of the liver.
If you think drugs like crack are only a young person's problem, I knew a man whose smoking partner was in their 60s. I have also been in a nursing home with a man who was a drug dealer. His 70 year old uncle took a giant glob of crack and smoked it all at once. He said that crack doesn't mess with your mind like weed does. There were old men litterally beggin for the stuff and asking to be spotted a little.
Just think. A little piece of your heart is eaten off each time you use cocaine. It eats heart muscle tissue. That tissue is replaced with scar tissue that is not muscle tissue. So go ahead and blast a rail. You'll die of a heart attack sooner or later. That is what you want, isn't it?
Just remember. If you like to drink yourself into blackout oblivion, you could end up on the tolett with your pants down. One of your friends lying on the floor in their own vomit because you passed out on the tolett and they were to drunk to get up after they vomited.
The stupidest things I've seen or heard about anybody doing have been done by drunk people. Two drunks sit several minutes each holding a cigarette on the others arm burning each other. Each wound was black and the size of a nickel. A man holds his his hand above a candle until it is black all the way through. There once was a chick who liked to piss on couches. Don't you just like to see people drool and mumble or talk as loud as they can as they are barely able to pronouce the words they speak. It is true that if you get drunk enough you could have the privelege of falling flat out on your face on pavement which is sandpaper for the face. Some people shouldn't drink. I once saw a guy snort an air freshener can when he was drunk. Drunk generally means two things for some people--stupid choices and acting like an idiot. This isn't true ofall people but to those it is, just stay the hell away from me.
He’s on the Way to Nowhere.
Well he’s on the way to nowhere,
Cause he doesn’t want to change his song.
But it’s been heard before,
Like a famous score.
A few regulars tag along.
Well his dream has never faded,
Though he doesn’t know he is wrong.
He needs to change his tune,
To excite the room,
And be followed by a bigger throng.
Well, no one can see the future,
And we don’t always see the plan.
Sometimes change is good,
If you’ve understood
That we’re still clay in the creator’s hand.
Only a hypocrite believes that they are righteous.
Yes there are two paths you can go by but there is not always time to change the road you're on. The message was to always walk the narrow road. Meaning that the time is always now. You never know what day you will meetyour maker.
Words to live by. "Do not judge and you will not be judged. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Do not condemnand you will not be condemned."
To those who think they want to go to hell to party. Not only will it be hot but there isn't any beer, drugs, sex or rock n roll in hell. Enjoy the flames. You sure will be thirsty.
If you think Satan is so powerful, then why hasn't he attacked God yet. After all if you know the story, Satan still reports to God. Why if he reports to God and has access to God and Jesus. Why hasn't he overthrown them yet if he is so powerful. Since he thought he was more beautiful than God and more worthy of worship than Jesus. He could not dethrone Jesus though. That is why he wanted to kill Jesus. He wanted to take his place as God. The Son has always been the only way to the Father. When Satan could not kill Jesus he turned on the people that Jesus had created. This was what God loved the most and defiling mankind will force his hand. Satan got what he wanted Jesus's life but it did not have the results Satan wanted. First since Jesus was willing to die to save the lives of men and face eternal damnation to save men, Jesus was found worthy to be their God because he was willing to die eternally to save the men he had made in his own image. It also openned the door for Jesus to have his vengence on Satan on judgement day. What Jesus had done was to separate men's fates from Satan's fate which was hell. It is said, "And the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever." Those who burn do so in the presence of Jesus and the holy angels. Jesus rules everywhere, even in hell. There is only one who holds the fates of men and it is the righteous one Jesus Christ. What Satan holds is death and everything that has to do with Satan leads to death and burning in Christ's presence forever.
Satanists underestimate how helpless a soul is after death. As sick as the Satanist will feel in death, he will not put up a fight. Helpless to end the pain and suffering forever. Ronnie James Dio, a man who took the name of "god" says that Satan and the fallen will over throw heaven. Ronnie was a fool and so is the man who doesn't see that Satan is but a worm to God. He wanted Jesus' life and used men as a barganing chip to get Jesus' life but because Jesus was willing to be condemned, Jesus was found worthy to be God by the Father and Satan could not argue about that. Satan had lost though he had gotten what he was after. Men can now be saved through Christ's death and resurrection. Now Satan can and will be punished on judgement day for Jesus' actions were righteous and Satan's actions were evil.
The Firstborn Over All Creation.
Index to “Firstborn Over All Creation.”
Chapter 1: Firstborn Over All Creation.
Chapter 2: Jesus Points the Way.
Chapter 3: Old Testament Jesus.
Chapter 4: The Greatest Story Ever Told.
Chapter 5: The Greatest Love Ever Known.
Chapter 6: The Holy Spirit
Norman W. Nonnweiler.
Chapter 1: “Firstborn Over All Creation.”
You may ask, “How old is Jesus?” The right answer may surprise you for he is as old as time itself. This is consistent throughout the Bible. Let’s look first to the words of Jesus in John 17:1-5: After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed:
“Father, the time has come, Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.”
Do I need to say more? This is Jesus praying to the Father and stating that he existed before the world began. Colossians describes him as the firstborn and he is the firstborn of the Father. The very first thing the Father ever did was make the Son. And it was the Son who made everything, whether in heaven or on earth or in all of the universe, it was the Son who made everything. That is exactly what this scripture says.
Colossians: 1:15-20.
“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all Creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.”
To fully understand the Bible you must understand how each and every scripture relates to Jesus. For, he is our maker. He is from the beginning and the Bible is the story of Jesus and the people he loved. Once you understand that you will understand the Bible and Gods great love for man.
In the next scripture I am going to change the language of it a little and bring out its full meaning.
John 1:1-18.
“In the beginning there was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God. Jesus was with God in the beginning.
Through Jesus all things were made; without Jesus nothing has been made that has been made. In Jesus was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.
Jesus was in the world, and though the world was made through Jesus, the world did not recognize Jesus. Jesus came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive Jesus. Yet to all who received Jesus, to those who believed in his name, Jesus gave the right to become children of God—children not born of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
Jesus became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John testifies concerning Jesus. He cries out saying, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’” From the fullness of his grace we have received one blessing after another. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side has made him known.”
Jesus not only is God’s Son but he is the one who made us in his own image. Jesus was part of the creation story. He made what the Father commanded. The book of Genesis doesn’t quite tell the whole creation story as it happened. The book of John completes the story by telling us that Jesus was there from the beginning and that all things were made through him. Mankind met its maker and chose to murder him rather than honor him. Here in this next set of scripture, I have added Jesus to the story to bring out its full meaning.
Genesis 1:1-31, 2:1-3.
In the beginning Jesus created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
And the Father said, “Let there be light,” and Jesus made light. Jesus saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. Jesus called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
And the Father said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water.” So Jesus made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. Jesus called the expanse “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.
And the Father said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And Jesus made it so. Jesus called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered water Jesus called “seas.” And Jesus saw that it was good.
Then the Father said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And Jesus made it so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And Jesus saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.
And the Father said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on earth.” And Jesus made it so. Jesus made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. Jesus also made the stars. Jesus set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And Jesus saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning—the fourth day.
And the Father said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky.” So Jesus created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And Jesus saw that it was good. Jesus blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on earth.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day.
And Jesus said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along on the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.” And Jesus made it so. Jesus made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And Jesus saw that it was good.
Then the Father said to Jesus, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
So Jesus created man in his own image, in the image of Jesus, Jesus created him; male and female Jesus created them.
Jesus blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Then the Jesus said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And Jesus made it so.
Jesus saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and the was morning—the sixth day.
Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in their vast array.
By the seventh day Jesus finished the work Jesus had been doing; so on the seventh day Jesus rested from all his work. And Jesus blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
Chapter Two: Jesus Points the Way.
Mathew 11:18-19 (Jesus Speaking) “For John came neither eating nor drinking and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and “sinners.”’But wisdom is proved right by her actions.”
Notice that Jesus says, "her actions" not "his actions." Here Jesus is pointing the way to Proverbs 8 which begins describing wisdom as a woman.
Proverbs 8:1-11 “Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? On the heights along the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand; beside the gates leading into the city, at the entrances, she cries aloud: To you oh men, I call out; I raise my voice to all of mankind. You, who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish gain understanding. Listen, for I have worthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right. My mouth speaks what is true for I detest wickedness, all the words of my mouth are just; none of them is crooked or perverse. To the discerning all of them are right; they are faultless to those who have knowledge. Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.”
Then Jesus introduces himself for he is the voice of wisdom.
Proverbs 8:12-36
"I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion, to fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. Counsel and sound judgement are mine; I have understanding and power. By me kings reign and rulers make laws that are just; by me princes govern, and all nobles who rule on earth. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yeild surpasses choice silver. I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, bestowing wealth on those who love me and making their treasures full. THE LORD BROUGHT ME FORTH AS THE FIRST OF HIS WORKS, BEFORE HIS DEEDS OF OLD; I WAS APPOINTED FROM ETERNITY, FROM THE BEGINNING, BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN. When there were no oceans, I was given birth, when there were no springs abounding with water; before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth, before he made the earth or his fields or any of the dust of the world. I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep, when he established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep, when he gave the sea it's boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth. THEN I WAS THE CRAFTSMANAT HIS SIDE. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind. Now then, my sons, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. FOR WHOEVER FINDS ME FINDS LIFE AND RECEIVES FAVOR FROM THE LORD. But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death."
The joy of Jesus was mankind. This is more evidence that Jesus existed from the beginning. Not only did Jesus exist from the beginning but the Old Testament Saints knew who he was. Pay careful attention to this next verse. Jesus referred to it often. It is part of a Psalm of David—the first verse of it. It may not seem to say much but it actually says a lot which is why Jesus often referred to it.
Psalms 110:1:
The Lord says to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”
This little verse says a lot. First of all it is the Father speaking to the Son. So it could just as well have read, “the Father says to Jesus, “Sit at my…” What this means is a couple things. First it shows the enemies are not the Fathers enemies but the Son’s enemies. Satan was the enemy of Jesus and mankind. Second, this is a Psalm of David and he refers to Jesus as “my Lord” meaning that David worshiped Jesus. Abraham worshipped Jesus as well. John 8:56, “Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad." How were the Old Testament people saved from their sins? It was Jesus. It always has been.
Here is the evidence in Matthew 22:41-46: While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is he? “
“The Son of David, “They Replied.
He said to them, ‘How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit calls him ‘Lord’? For he says, “The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”
If then David calls him Lord, how can he be his son?” No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions.
Here Jesus claimed to be David’s Lord again pointing to Jesus’ existence from the beginning.
Chapter 3: The Old Testament Jesus.
Let us take a second look at Proverbs 8 and how wonderfully it describes Jesus in a way that matches the New Testament description to a tee. This is the scripture that set up Jesus to have the classic one liner “But wisdom is proved right by her actions.” A dig at those who questioned him and at the same time it pointed to the message directly from him in the Old Testament scripture, Proverbs 8. As we know at the beginning of Proverbs 8, wisdom is described as a woman. In verse 4 though this ends and the voice of wisdom starts speaking. Proverbs 8:4-21: “To you oh men, I call out; I raise my voice to all of mankind. You, who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish gain understanding. Listen, for I have worthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right. My mouth speaks what is true for I detest wickedness, all the words of my mouth are just; none of them is crooked or perverse. To the discerning all of them are right; they are faultless to those who have knowledge. Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.
I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion, to fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. Counsel and sound judgement are mine; I have understanding and power. By me kings reign and rulers make laws that are just; by me princes govern, and all nobles who rule on earth. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yeild surpasses choice silver. I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, bestowing wealth on those who love me and making their treasures full.”
Notice how similar these things are to what Jesus taught about himself in the New Testament. Did Jesus not teach that his treasure was worth more than gold and silver? Yes he did. This entire passage shows just how closely this Old Testament passage agrees with the New Testament description of Jesus. Jesus is clearly speaking in this passage.
Proverbs 8:22-29: THE LORD BROUGHT ME FORTH AS THE FIRST OF HIS WORKS, BEFORE HIS DEEDS OF OLD; I WAS APPOINTED FROM ETERNITY, FROM THE BEGINNING, BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN. When there were no oceans, I was given birth, when there were no springs abounding with water; before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth, before he made the earth or his fields or any of the dust of the world. I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep, when he established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep, when he gave the sea it's boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth.
This bold speech clearly agrees with the New Testament assertion that Jesus has existed since the beginning and that his birth was at the beginning of time. The first thing the Father ever did was create the Son. The Father’s greatest love is the Son because he made him first. Jesus was the Father’s partner in creation because the Father loved the Son so much. The voice of wisdom is clearly Jesus.
Proverbs 8:30-31: Then I was the Craftsman at his side, I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.
Jesus was the craftsman, the one who made everything. The great joy of Jesus was mankind. Nothing gave the Son of God more joy than mankind.
The end of Proverbs 8 again agrees with the New Testament teachings of Jesus to a tee. Proverbs 8:32-36: Now then, my sons, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. FOR WHOEVER FINDS ME FINDS LIFE AND RECEIVES FAVOR FROM THE LORD. But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death.
What more can be said. If you find Jesus, you have found life. This is the truth of the story. This is the truth of the cross. Belief in Christ’s birth, death and resurrection is all that a person needs to cross from death to life. Are we not to listen and put into practice Christ’s words? He says “listen to my instruction” and “do not ignore it.” This fits perfectly with what is said in the New Testament. This isn’t the end. Jesus has many roles in the Old Testament including this speaking role in Proverbs 8.
Another Old Testament Scripture that describes Christ to a tee is Isaiah 52:13-53:12. It starts with Isaiah 52:13-15 which has two contrasting pictures.
Isaiah 52:13-15: See my servant will act wisely, he will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted. Just as there were many who were appalled at him—his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of many man and his form marred beyond human likeness—so will he sprinkle many nations, and kings will shut their mouths because of him. For what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand.
First there is the picture of a man who is highly exalted and who would shut the mouths of kings. Jesus was highly exalted by the people. Just before he died there were some who wanted to make him king. He has gone on to become one of the most influential people in history. Kings have shut their mouths because of him. What is said here is true.
Second, there is the picture of a man who was brutally beaten. It says he was beaten so severely he no longer looked human. He was disfigured beyond human likeness. Satan took his full wrath out on Jesus. Jesus took on our full punishment in his beating and his sacrifice. We had met our maker and in one day lifted him up and in the next we murdered him. Though it is through his death and the power of the cross that we are saved. The man next to him on the cross became the first man saved by the cross. Jesus loved men more than his own life and offered his life freely. That is what he wanted. It is this willingness to do this that also confounded Satan because the Father could prove through this that Jesus was worthy to be God because he was willing to die in the place of the people he had made. Don’t forget we were made in the image of Jesus who has always been the only way to the Father.
Isaiah 53: 1-2: Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
Jesus was truly human in every way. He didn’t look any different than the rest of us. In fact, before he began his ministry late in his human life, he lived a normal human life no different than anybody else. God had humbled himself and become a man so he could save them. God had come to serve rather than be served.
Isaiah 53:3: He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised and we esteemed him not.
We were visited by God himself. We were visited by the one who made us. Yet we rejected our own maker. Would you want to look at a man who had been brutally beaten as Jesus was brutally beaten? That is why they hid their faces. He was despised for no reason.
Isaiah 53:4-5: Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.
It was his death, his wounds and his suffering that saved us. He took on our punishment though he himself was innocent. Jesus was punished like a murderer though he was truly completely innocent. He was pierced during that punishment on the cross. Jesus suffered greatly in his last hours. We have to understand he was taking on the sins of all mankind.
Isaiah 53:6: We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
There isn’t a single person who doesn’t need Jesus. Only by believing in his birth, death and resurrection one can be saved and pulled from the hands of Satan. The devil’s only authority is over men who don’t believe in Jesus. Jesus is the one who saves those who believe. It’s that simple. Our guilt was put upon Jesus when he died on the cross.
Isaiah 53:7: He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before the sheareres is silent, so he did not open his mouth.
Jesus did not open his mouth amongst the many accusations. He did not even try to defend himself. This was so that he would take on our full guilt. Even though he was guilty of nothing, they would accuse him but he would not defend himself because it was necessary so that he would die and suffer for our sins.
Isaiah 53:8: By oppression and judgment he was taken away. And who can speak of his descendants? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was stricken.
It was by the decision of evil men that Jesus was killed. But this was necessary to pay the price of the sins of all of his people. It was his suffering that saves us all.
Isaiah 53:9: He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.
Jesus had wronged no one. He had not hurt anybody nor had he lied to anybody. Yet, he was on the cross like a murderer. After he died he was given a rich man’s grave. These are all true things to say about Jesus.
Isaiah 53:10-11: Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand. After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities.
Jesus was willing to and did die for the sins of those who believe. And though he took on all of our guilt in his death, he rose from that death so that we could live through him. Those of us who believe are the descendents of Jesus. His death was not in vain. It was so that those who believe in his birth, death and resurrection could have eternal life.
Isaiah 53: 12: Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors for he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
Jesus took on our sins in his death and was rewarded with the ultimate, to be worshipped in the Father’s name. He took on our sins and since he was willing to die for us and did he was given the right to be God. He always was God but his sacrifice was the proof that the Father needed to prove to Satan that Jesus truly was worthy to be God. So he was to be found the greatest among all men for this.
Notice the sarcasm of Jesus in this next passage as he tell the price that was paid for his head.
Zechariah 11: 13: And the Lord said to me, “Throw it to the potter”—the handsome price at which they priced me! So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the Lord to the potter.
Jesus who was and always has been God’s life was priced at thirty pieces of silver. In this passage we introduce ourselves to the sarcasm of God. The creator’s life was only worth 30 pieces of silver. That is the price that was paid to Judas to turn Jesus in. Apparently Jesus our creator was only worth 30 pieces of silver. How ironic.
In this next passage of scripture, Jacob wrestles with God. I believe it is Jesus he was wrestling with. Two of the reasons is because the Father appeared as fire to Moses and the Father never took human form for the Israelites. It was pretty much understood that seeing the Father would bring death to the one who sees him. Yet in this passage, Jacob was able to wrestle with him. That is why I believe this is a hidden passage involving Jesus. It was a man that Jacob wrestled with and this man was God.
Genesis 32: 22-30: That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two maidservants and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. After he had sent them across the stream, he sent over all his possessions. So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, “Let me go for it is daybreak.”
But Jacob replied, I will not let you go unless you bless me.”
The man asked him, “What is your name?”
“Jacob,” he answered.
Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome.”
Jacob said, “Please tell me your name.”
But he replied, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blessed him there.
So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.”
Chapter 4: The Greatest Story Ever Told.
In the beginning, the Father created God. God became known as the Son of God or Jesus. As the Father commanded, the Son made everything. Nothing exists that wasn’t made by Jesus. All things were made by Jesus. Heaven and all the angels in heaven were made by Jesus. All of the universe and our small planet earth were made by Jesus. When the time came, man was created by Jesus. Jesus made man in his own image as the Father instructed. The great love of God or Jesus was mankind. Nothing gave Jesus more joy than mankind. Jesus in fact, loved man more than his own life. In the same way, the Father loved the Son and anything the Son loved the Father loved just as much. Men were made in the image of Jesus and Jesus loved men more than his own life.
There came an angel—a created being. This angel became to be known as Satan for he is the accuser of mankind. Satan was beautiful and became quite conceited because of his beauty. He said, “I am perfect in beauty and should rise above God.” Satan wanted to be God and he wanted the life of the Son of God for the Son was God. Satan would have murdered Jesus if he could but he could not. Instead, because of Satan’s sin, he was thrown to Earth.
Since Satan could not take Jesus’ life he turned on that which Jesus loved the most; mankind. Satan tempted and defiled mankind. Satan thought he had damned and killed all men for eternity but he underestimated Jesus. When Jesus saw what Satan had done to all men, Jesus offered his life to save the lives of men. This was what Satan had wanted from the start but it would not have the results Satan wanted.
The Father saw that Jesus loved men more than his own life and that the Son was willing to die to save the lives of men. The Father had always known that Jesus would be willing to do this and it was the proof that the Father needed to prove to Satan once and for all that Jesus was worthy to be God. Jesus was worthy to be God because he was willing to die for the people he had made. Jesus was willing to do this without the knowledge that he would still be crowned God. Jesus was willing to do this if it meant eternal damnation for himself. The Father knowing this could prove to Satan that Jesus was worthy to be God because he loved the men he had made more than his own eternal life. Jesus was truly willing to die for men in an eternal fashion.
This would not be the case. Jesus’ willingness to die for his people had proven that Jesus was worthy to be God. Yes, Jesus would face death and actually die but it was through his death that Satan was defeated. Those who believe in his name and in this story of his death and resurrection will be saved from eternal death. Jesus had saved his people and at the same time had opened the door for Satan to be eternally punished. Before his sacrifice the fates of both man and Satan had been put together but after his sacrifice, Jesus made a way for men to be saved and for Satan to be punished for his crimes.
Before the sacrifice of Jesus, one thing needed to happen though. In the Old Testament, the rule was an eye for an eye. As it was with bad things, it was with good. Before the Father could send his Son into the world, he first had to find a man willing to give up his one and only son to him. The Father found that man in Abraham. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his one and only son Isaac to God. Abraham’s faith in God had opened the door for God to send his Son, Jesus, into the world.
As it is said, “the Word became flesh.” Jesus an eternal being from the beginning gave that all up to be a mortal being so he could save his people. Jesus was reborn to Mary in his earthly birth. He lived and taught among us. He healed the sick. The world had met its maker but failed to recognize him. Instead, they chose to murder him but it was this murder that brought us peace. Jesus died on the cross to save the lives of those who believe. The first person saved by the cross was on a cross next to Jesus. He was a man who admitted he deserved to die but because of one act of righteousness, one act of belief, he was saved and told he would enter heaven.
Jesus, who had become mortal, died just like any man would die. He experienced physical death but because he himself was life, death could not keep him down. He has always been life. No life exists outside Jesus. Satan and everything about Satan leads to death but everything about Jesus leads to eternal life. One must just believe in Christ’s birth, sacrifice and resurrection to be saved. It’s that simple.
Chapter 5: The Greatest Love Ever Known.
This should be no secret by now, the greatest love that the world has ever known was that of Jesus for the people he made. When the people he made were defiled and used as a bartering tool to get at his life, Jesus was willing to be damned for all eternity to save their lives. This was what Satan wanted, Jesus’ life. He thought he would be God if Jesus were murdered. Instead the Father with Jesus’ decision to give his life could prove to Satan that Jesus was worthy to be their God again, he had always been God Though, even as a mortal man. Jesus was willing to be damned for eternity to save men. His actions were righteous while Satan’s were unrighteous and evil. The Father proved to Satan with this death that Jesus was truly worthy to be God and always had been for the Father made Jesus God in the beginning. He gave that up and became a mortal man so that he could die for us and take our place. The murder of Jesus here on Earth was as brutal as any murder ever to have taken place. The most damning evidence is in the Old Testament Book of Isaiah in the 52nd Chapter. In says in it his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human. It also says that his form was marred beyond human likeness. Jesus an innocent man took on our punishment and was handed over to Satan for his beating and crucifixion. Jesus on the cross realized that the Father had left him which was necessary so that he could take on all our sin. Jesus died the death of a murderer—a condemned man to save us. More important here was the love that the Father had for us and his Son. He raised Jesus from the grave defying Satan and sealing the victory for the Son and those who believe in his name.
If you haven’t noticed, Jesus in order to become a man had to be “Born Again.” Jesus had been born in the beginning for it says, “the Lord brought me forth as the first of his works,” and it says, “He is the firstborn over all creation. All things were created by him and for him.” Jesus had already been born at the beginning of time to the Father. He is the Father’s Child and what the Father has always loved the most. When he was born to Mary this was actually his second birth. Jesus was Born Again to make it possible to save us. We must be Born Again in order to follow Jesus. This was one of Jesus’ most fundamental teachings: that we had to be Born Again to follow Jesus. Jesus says that one must accept the kingdom of heaven as a little child would. It’s a completely new way of thinking and it can begin in this life if you follow Jesus.
It all starts with a four letter word called “love” and from the first moment of your belief in Jesus. Believing in Jesus’ birth, sacrifice, and resurrection will bring a visit from God himself or as he is known “the Holy Spirit.” Does this mean you will lead a perfect life? No but things will get better. If you ask Jesus to dwell in you, he will. This is the baptism that leads from death to life. It is to believe in Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection. Then you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. If you ask, Jesus will come and make his home with you and this home will be a temple unto the Lord.
The key to all of this is love. It’s changing one’s perspective from one’s own needs to the needs of another. It’s respect. It’s peaceful. It’s putting others over oneself. One is a clanging gong without it no matter what they do. It’s under-standing that the enemies are not men and that the fight is against Satan’s followers in the heavenly realms. There is a disease and we are the cure. Christianity is not about saving one’s self. It is about bringing a piece of heaven down to earth now so that all can see that heaven really exists.
Chapter 6: The Holy Spirit.
If you truely believe with your heart that Jesus is Lord and if you believe in his birth, death and resurrection you have passed from death to life. If you truely believe with your heart that Jesus is Lord and that God is love, the Holy Spirit will come and God will make his home in you.
It is the Holy Spirit that calls out to a man to bring him to repent of his sins. The tears will flow and your heart will be emptied and God will bless you. The Holy Spirit is the teacher. He is the one who finds us and brings us to believe. Jesus is always looking for lost sheep and he will come to those he chooses to save. Read his word and seek him for it says you will find him and he will find you. If you answer him and repent and believe that love is God, you will pass from death to life. Your life will be eternal and you will not suffer the second death.
Hello. art poetry. To see more than what is below click on "Services" and "About Us" above.
and it just keeps going.
The guy in the antique store
Doesn't want me there anymore
He likes poo
Smelly, smelly poo
Germy, germy poo
Yes he likes poo
Cheese packin in the showers
and they're peeing on each other
They all like poo
Even twelve does too
Mushy, Mushy poo
Germy, Germy poo
Cheese packers love poo
Now how 'bout you
When your old you can change each other's diapers.
When you lose your control.
The smell just sends you higher.
Poo is what makes you whole.
Germy, Germy poo
He likes poo, now how about you?
A living cinder.
A flaming corpse.
Bloody, pulpy tissue.
Burning with agony.
Burn forever and never die.
The stench of malodorous rotting flesh.
Hair ablaze, a torch.
Eyeballs bubble and burst a thousand times.
The thirst drives you mad.
Waiting to die and end it all,
But you are alive to burn forever.
It’s not a question of who or when or why.
But a natural phenomenon, the reason we die.
One could rationalize fate as an answer to doubt.
Fate has no meaning, our future’s sought out.
We make the choices, the places, the times.
The choice of another could change all of our lives.
In a moment, confusion, we grieve, we are sad.
‘Cause we just can not answer the loss of what we had.
Entwined as one,
Immersed in fun.
Striving for the ultimate high.
If they say that I’m dead,
They’ve been well read.
Though this won’t be my final reply.
Don’t turn your head,
You might see what I’ve said.
Restless and waiting to die.
If you think you’re alive,
Try to open an eye.
You’re asleep with me by your side.
Over and out,
Time to sign out.
Finally reaching the ultimate high.
And since you are there,
There’s no where to go.
Together we both say good-bye.
The pale face, the pale bone.
The pale finger points home.
The pale figure comes hither.
Pale to black, aged to wither.
Green Vines.
Green is the color.
I know it’s cliché.
Trying to steal from friends.
The vines weave their way.
Pride holds you upright.
Greed turns your head.
The pressure for success
Rips the seed through its bed.
The vines will cling.
Your heart will ache.
The pressure rips, explodes, decays.
To fertilize the ground for more vines to weave their way.
Thin Air.
Staring at a glass tube.
Electrically lighted patterned waves.
Not knowing who or when.
Waiting for a friend, stranger, or thin air.
Frightened by my gloom.
A card game all night plays.
Getting closer to the end.
Panic might descend, breathing in thin air.
Ash tray by my side.
Ashes coat it black.
Solitude, hovering, covering my back.
Not knowing when or why, I lay dormant another night.
I Have a Cold.
No taste in my palate.
Numb from the freeze.
Colder and harder, I trip then I sneeze.
Sicker and miserable.
Dripping sweat from the heat.
Ice in my thawing, hydrous legs, melting feet.
Confused by the Ice-age.
Scalded by steam.
I’m hot so I’m cold, I feel like coffee in ice cream.
Blues, Early R+B, Doo Wop Reviews.
Rating scale.
10-Extraordinary classic
7-Very Good
5-Fair to Good
Generally the last number given is the rating of the song.
Clarence Ashe--A: Dancing in a Dream World--J&S 1466--7.
Clarence Ashe--B: Trouble I've Had--J&S 1466--5.
Brook Benton—A: Hotel Happiness—Mercury 72055—
Brook Benton—B: Still Waters Run Deep—Mercury 72055--
Chuck Berry—Ding a Ling (live)—dingaling.
H. Bledsoe—A: Live My Life—Flower’s 6051-20—8.
The Blockbusters—A: In a Little Spanish Town—Aladdin 45-3319—7.
The Blockbusters—B: Why Baby Why—Aladdin 45-3319—6.
Jerry Butler--A: Sweet Was the Wine--Abner 1013--6.
Jerry Butler--B: For Your Precious Love--Abner 1013--5.
Chicago Pete—A: We’re Gonna Make It—Golden Africa 625—6.
Chicago Pete—B: Sleeper—Golden Africa 625—7.
Chicago Piano “C” Red—A: Miss Annie Lou—Dawn’s D 101—5.
Chicago Piano “C” Red—B: 1 Minute After Mid-Nite—Dawn’s D 101—6.
Big Dave—A: One Stop—Capitol F2742—7.
Big Dave—B: Big Dave Special—Capitol F2742—6.
Big Ike Darby—Big Ike Kinda Blues—same.
Big Ike Darby—Your Love Still Lingers On—same.
The Daylighters—Magic Touch—same.
The Daylighters—I Can’t Stop Crying—same.
Richard Deane--A: That Stranger Used to Be My Girl--Big C-14--6.
The Detroit Blues Band—A: It Should of Been Me—Get Down Records—7.
The Detroit Blues Band—B: Friday the 13th—Get Down Records—7.
The Dixiaires—A: Until You Say You Are Mine—Pyramid 167—8.
The Dixiaires—B: You Can’t Cure the Blues—Pyramid 167—7.
Dr. Feelgood and the Interns—A: Doctor Feel-Good—Okeh 4-7144—
Dr. Feelgood and the Interns—B: Mister Moonlight—Okeh 4-7144--
Fats Domino—Detroit City Blues—DETROIT.
Fats Domino—Fat Man—FAT MAN.
The Dominoes--A: Sixty Minute Man--King KG-503--6.
The Dominoes--B: Have Mercy Baby--King KG-503--6.
The Dynamics—A: Misery—Bigtop 45-3161—7.
The Dynamics—B: I’m the Man—Bigtop 45-3161—7.
The Ebonaires—Ooh Baby Baby—same.
The Ebonaires—Most of the Pretty Young Girls—same.
The Elegants--A: Little Star--Apt 45-25005--7.
The Elegants--B: Getting Dizzy--Apt 45-25005--7.
The Emotions—One Life, One Love, One You—EMOTIONS1.
The Extentions—A: This Love of Mine—Nickel N-111—6.
The Emotions—A Story Untold—EMOTIONS2.
John Eric—A: Drinkin’ Wine Spoo-dee-o-dee—Stax STA-0184—7.
Sammy Fender—A: Ticket to Anywhere—Blue Dakin BDR 020—7.
Sammy Fender—B: Agony—Blue Dakin BDR 020—5.
The Five Keys--A: 'Cause You're My Lover--Capitol F3267--6.
The Five Keys--B: Gee Whittakers!--Capitol F3267--7.
The Five Keys--A: Wisdom of a Fool--Capitol F3597--7.
The Five Keys--B: Now Don't That Prove I Love You--Capitol F3597--7.
The Five Satins—A: In the Still of the Night—Ember E-1005—8.
The Five Satins—B: The Jones Girl—Ember E-1005—5.
The Flamingos—Lovers Gotta Cry—same.
The Flamingos—Your Other Love—same.
The Four Uniques—Looking for a Love—4U2.
The Four Uniques—Too Young—4UNIQUE.
Gove—A: Death Letter Blues—TRX 45-T-5024—8.
Gove—B: Sunday Morning Early—TRX 45-T-5024—5.
Tiny Grimes with Guitar & Rocking Highlanders—A: Tiny’s Boogie—B and F 1325—6.
Tiny Grimes with Guitar & Rocking Highlanders—B: Blues Round Up—B and F 1325—6.
Guitar Slim—A: Well, I Done Got Over It—Specialty SP-482—7.
Guitar Slim—B: The Things That I Used to Do—Specialty SP-482—6.
Slim Harpo—A: Baby Scratch My Back—Excello 45-2273—5.
Slim Harpo—B: I’m Gonna Miss You—Excello 45-2273—6.
Thurston Harris—Little Bitty Pretty One—LBP1.
Thurston Harris—I Hope You Won’t Hold It Against Me—LBP2.
Hollywood Argyles--A: Alley-Oop--Lute L-5905--8.
Hollywood Argyles--B: Sho' Know A Lot About Love--Lute L-5905--7.
The Honey Dreamers—A: Oh, Lady Be Good—Fantasy 539-X—3.
The Honey Dreamers—B: Mine—Fantasy 539-X—3.
Howlin Wolf—This Is Howlin’ Wolf’s New Album—howlinwolf1.
Howlin Wolf—This Is Howlin’ Wolf’s New Album—howlinwolf2.
The Incredible Fly—A & B: Hay Miss Lady—Superfly Music 4616—4.
Blindboy Jackson—A: Love Is a Wonderful Deal—Glenn GL-MV 1600—5.
Blindboy Jackson—B: Pretty Star—Glenn GL-MV 1600—4.
Little Willie John—A: Sleep—King 45-5394—
Little Willie John—B: There’s a Difference—King 45-5394—
Ella Johnson—A: No! I Ain’t Gonna Let You Go—Mercury 71167X45—6.
Ella Johnson—B:You’re the One for Me—Mercury 71167X45—6.
Johnny Jones--A&B: Mighty Low--Peachtree P-126--6.
Willard King—A: Police Stopped the Party—Raintree RT 2201—6.
The King Twisters—A: Your Ya Ya Is Gone—MasterCraft 102/103—7.
The King Twisters—B: Colonel Daniel P. Cunningham’s Absolute Cure All-The Wonderful Elixer of Life—MasterCraft 102/103—7.
The Long Legs—Chanson D’Amour—same.
The Long Legs—Bongo Boogie Beat—same.
The Love Notes—A: Our Songs of Love—Wilshire W-200—4.
The Love Notes—B: Nancy—Wilshire W-200—5.
Ida May Mack—Country and Urban Blues—“X” EVA 7—1. Mr. Forty-Nine Blues—7.
2. Elm Street Blues—7.
3. Good Bye Rider—7.
4. Wrong Doin’ Daddy—7.
The Magic Touch—A: Let Me Go—Sirco 19107—6.
Paddy Manna—A: Up the Lazy River—Phonograph P-1031—6.
Paddy Manna—B: All of Me—Phonograph P-1031—4.
Cia McCloud—B: Live My Life—Flower’s 6051-20—8.
Bobby McClure—A: You Got Me Baby—Checker 1152—6.
Bobby McClure—B: Peak of Love—Checker 1152—6.
Clyde McPhatter--A: Just Give Me a Ring--Atlantic 45-2049--6.
Clyde McPhatter--B: Don't Dog Me--Atlantic 45-2049--6.
Bob Mitchell--B: Next Door to an Angel--Big C-14--6.
The Mobil-Ric’s—A: You Go to My Head—Master Sound A-16—4.
The Mobil-Ric’s—B: The Continental—Master Sound A-16—5.
The Monotones--A: Book of Love--Argo 5290--9.
The Monotones--B: You Never Loved Me--Argo 5290--5.
The Mystics—A: Hushabye--Laurie 3028--8.
The Mystics—B: Adam and Eve--Laurie 3028--6.
Edard Nelson—A: Pale Blues—Specialty720—9.
Edard Nelson—B: Free, Free, Free—Specialty 720—rock—7.
The Olympics—Well—WELL.
The Olympics—Western Movies—WESTERN MOVIES.
The Penguins—Earth Angel (different recording than hit)—earthangel.
The Penguins—Ice—ice.
Jimmy Petty—A: I Wonder—Star Maid 5001—7.
Jimmy Petty—B: It’s True I’m a Fool—Star Maid 5001—7.
Phil Phillips--A: Sea of Love--Mercury 71465X45--7.
Phil Phillips--B: Juella--Mercury 71465X45--5.
Michael Read—B: Over the Mountain—Power C-27—5.
Piano Red—Jump Man Jump—jumpmanjump.
Piano Red—Pay It No Mind—payit.
Jimmy Reed--A: You Got Me Dizzy--Collectables COL 3360--7.
Jimmy Reed--B: The Sun Is Shining--Collectables COL 3360--7.
Googie Rene—A: Swingin’ Summer Love—Class 227—
Googie Rene—B: Shine On Harvest Moon—Class 227--
Revelations—A: Higher and Higher—Starlight SR-45-15—7.
Revelations—B: Spanish Harlem—Starlight SR-45-15—8.
Revelations—A: Love Potion No. 9—Starlight SR-45-16—9.
Revelations—B: Don’t Look Back—Starlight SR-45-16—6.
R.U. Kidding—Yo Yo—same.
R.U. Kidding—Woodpecker Song—same.
Safaris—A: Image of a Girl—Eldo 101—4.
Safaris—B: 4 Steps to Love—Eldo 101—5.
Lonnie Sattin—A: Take Me Along—Warner Bros. 5112—6.
Lonnie Sattin—B: Oh Baby Don’t Cry—Warner Bros. 5112—5.
Mammie Smith—Sweet Virginia Blues—same.
Tab Smith--A: Strange--United U-171--6.
Tab Smith--B: Jumptime--United U-171--7.
The Song Spinners—A: Rhythm of the Rain—Power C-27—7.
The Sonics—A: Once in a Lifetime—Clifton 45-12—6.
The Sonics—B: It Ain’t True—Clifton 45-12—7.
The Sophomores—A:Linda—Dawn 45-218—5.
The Sophomores—B: I Get a Thrill—Dawn 45-218—6.
Studebaker 7--A: One Fine Day--Coulee C45-142--7.
Studebaker 7--B: Come Go with Me--Coulee C45-142--7.
Sunnyland Slim--A: Got a Thing Going On--Airway 4743--6.
Sunnyland Slim--B: See My Lawyer--Airway 4743--6.
Swamp Dogg—A: Mama’s Baby Daddy’s Maybe—Canyon 30—7.
Swamp Dogg—B: Sal-a-faster—Canyon 30—7.
Baby Tate—A: See What You Done Done—Trix 4502—7.
Baby Tate—B: Late in the Evening—Trix 4502—6.
Buddy Tate—Heart Breaking Baby—same.
Buddy Tate—Rock with Me Momma—same.
The Temptations—A: Barbara—Goldisc 3001—4.
The Temptations—B: Someday—Goldisc 3001—4.
Willy Trice—A: Three Little Kittens Rag—Trix 4506—8.
Willy Trice—B: One Dime Blues—Trix 4506—8.
Bessie Tucker—Country and Urban Blues—“X” EVA 8—1. Got Cut All to Pieces—7.
2. Fort Worth and Denver Blues—7.
3. Fryin’ Pan Skillet Blues—7.
4. Penitentiary Blues—7.
Tommy Tucker—A: Hi-Heel Sneakers—Checker 1067—7.
Tommy Tucker—B: I Don’t Want ‘Cha—Checker 1067—6.
The Videos—A: Moonglow You Know—Casino C-102—3.
The Videos—B: Trickle, Trickle—Casino C-102—6.
The Volumes—A: Come Back Into My Heart—Chex 1005—6.
The Volumes—B: The Bell—Chex 1005—5.
Artie White—A: Leanin’ Tree—Altee ALT-111—8.
Artie White—B: A Love Like Yours—Altee ALT-111—9.
Larry Williams—A: Dizzy, Miss Lizzy—Specialty 626—7.
Larry Williams—B: Slow Down—Specialty 626—7.
Mel Williams—A: I Cried a Million Tears—DIG 45-128—5.
Mel Williams—B: All Through the Night—Dig 45-128—5.
W. Williams—A: Mississippi Round House—Little Lynn LL 133-569—7.
W. Williams and Sonny Wash—B: Don’t Lie to Me Lover—Little Lynn LL 133-569—8.
Willie Williams—A: My Baby Is Gone—Supreme 778—9.
Willie Williams—A: Black Diamond Rattler—Supreme 778—9.
Chick Willis—A: Mr. Moon Man—Reginald RR-133-1487—7.
Chick Willis—B: You Win Again—Reginald RR-133-1487—6.
Stan Wilson—A: Uncle Rubin—Bowery 45 304—7.
Stan Wilson—B: Evil Hearted Man—Bowery 45 304—7.
The Wonderful Ones—A: Lazy Love—Laurie LR-3286—3.
The Wonderful Ones—B: I Won’t Give Up—Laurie LR-3286—4.
?????—Blues Before Sunrise—blues before sunrise.
?????—Some Day Blues—some day blues.
Jazz Reviews.
Rating scale.
10-Extraordinary classic
7-Very Good
5-Fair to Good
Steve Allen—1. What Is a Wife—The Best of Steve Allen—Woodbury S-78219—1.
Steve Allen—2. Girl in the Grey Flannel Suit—The Best of Steve Allen—Woodbury S-78219—4.
Steve Allen—3. Theme from Picnic—The Best of Steve Allen—Woodbury S-78220—1.
Steve Allen—4. Just One of Those Things—The Best of Steve Allen—Woodbury S-78220—3.
Albert Ammons—Bass Gone Crazy—.
Gene Ammons—A&B: Blue Greens and Beans—Prestige 45-140—8.
Gene Ammons—A: The Black Cat—Prestige PRT-745—5.
Gene Ammons—B: Something—Prestige PRT-745—5.
Louis Armstrong—A Kiss to Build a Dream On—.
The Gil Askey Orchestra—A: Don’t Explain—Motown M 1220F—6.
Chet Baker--Chet Baker Quartet--Pacific Jazz PJLP-3--1. Isn't It Romantic--7.
2.Maid in Mexico--7.
3. Imagination--6.
4. This Time the Dream's on Me--7.
5. The Lamp Is Low--7.
6. Russ Job--8.
7. Easy to Love--7.
8. Batter Up--7.
Charlie Barnet—The Milkmans Matinee—.
Wini Beatty—You’re a Character—.
Sidney Bechet—Blue Horizon—.
Sidney Bechet—Blues for Tommy—.
Sidney Bechet—Cliff’s Boogie Blues—.
Sidney Bechet—Dear Old Southland—.
Sidney Bechet—Jackass Blues.
Chu Berry—Body and Soul—.
Chu Berry—Stardust—.
Sharkey Bonano—Farewell Blues—.
Sharkey Bonano—Tin Roof Blues—.
Paul Bryant & Curtis Amy—A:Goin’ Down, Git Me a Woman—Pacific Jazz X-304—8.
Paul Bryant & Curtis Amy—B: Searchin’—Pacific Jazz X-304—5.
Beryl Bryden with Fatty George’s Jazz Band—Beryl Sings Fatty Plays—Melodisc EPM7-69—1. Beale Street Blues—6.
2. Frankie and Johnnie—6.
3. Old Man Mose—7.
4. Doctor Jazz—6.
5. West End Blues—7.
6. Kitchen Man—5.
Russ Carlyle—A: Shepherd Boy—“X” 4X-0146—5.
Russ Carlyle—B: At Sundown—“X” 4X-0146—4.
Barbara Carroll—A: Theme from New York New York—Blue Note BN-XW1056—4.
Stanley Clarke—A: Slow Dance—Nemperor ZS8 7518—6.
Stanley Clarke—B: Rock ‘N’ Roll Jelly—Nemperor ZS8 7518—5.
Cozy Cole—A&B: Caravan—Grand Award 45-1023—8.
Hank Crawford—A: Smoky City—Atlantic 45-5079—6.
Hank Crawford—B: Hush Puppies—Atlantic 45-5079—5.
The Jan Davis Guitar—A: Maiden Spain—Ranwood R-1035—5.
The Jan Davis Guitar—B: El Lobo—Ranwood R-1035—7.
Miles Davis—Round Midnight—.
Miles Davis—Solea—.
Tommy Dean—Hours Past Midnight—.
Tommy Dean—Scamon Boogie—.
Charles Earland—A: My Cherie Amour—Rare Bird R.B. 5009—5.
Charles Earland—B: One For Lee—Rare Bird R.B. 5009—5.
Duke Ellington—A: What Else Can You Do With a Drum—Columbia CL 951—
Duke Ellington—B: You Better Know It—Columbia CL 951—
Duke Ellington—Premiered By Ellington—Capitol EBF-440—
Duke Ellington with Adelaide Hall—Creole Love Song—.
Duke Ellington and Bing Crosby—St. Louis Blues—.
Bill Evans—A: Theme from “the V.I.P.’s”—Verve VK 10296—3.
Bill Evans—B: Sweet September—Verve VK 10296—3.
Leny Eversong—A: St. Louis Blues—Coral 9-61874—
Leny Eversong—B: Autumn Concerto—Coral 9-61874—
Buddy Fite—A: For Once in My Life—Cyclone 75004—7.
Buddy Fite—B: Glad Rag Doll—Cyclone 75004—4.
Red Garland with John Coltrane—A&B: By the Numbers—Prestige 45-394—7.
Leo Gooden—Mood Tune—. (Oliver Nelson)
Leo Gooden—Would You—. (Oliver Nelson)
Ed Hall—Blue Interval—.
Ed Hall—Celestial Express—.
Ed Hall—Blues.
Edmond Hall—Jamming in Four—.
Ed Hall—Profoundly Blue—.
Ed Hall—Seein’ Red—.
The Slide Hampton Octet—A&B: Sister Salvation—Atlantic Records—8.
Eddie Harris--A: Exodus--Vee-Jay VJ 378--8.
Eddie Harris--B: Alicia--Vee-Jay VJ 378--8.
Coleman Hawkins—Beanstalking—.
Coleman Hawkins—Body and Soul—.
Coleman Hawkins—Ladies Lullaby—.
Coleman Hawkins—Leave My Heart Alone—.
Coleman Hawkins—Night Ramble—.
Coleman Hawkins—Ready for Love—.
Coleman Hawkins—Sportsman’s Hop—..
Art Hodes—Darktown Strutters Ball—.
Art Hodes—Memphis Blues—.
Art Hodes—Save It Pretty Mamma—.
Art Hodes—Shine—.
Art Hodes—St. James Infirmary—.
Art Hodes—Sugarfoot Stomp—.
Art Hodes—Sweet Georgia Brown—.
Art Hodes—Way Down Yonder in New Orleans—.
Billie Holiday—Fine and Mellow—.
Billie Holiday—Strange Fruit—.
Bobby Hutcherson—A: Brother Rap—Blue Note BN45-1985—7.
Takeshi Inomata—The Dialogue with Bass—.
Takeshi Inomata—It’s All Right with Me—.
Bull Moose Jackson—Moose on the Loose—.
Willis Jackson—A&B: Tu’gether—Prestige 45-411—6.
Illinois Jacquet—Bottoms Up—.
Illinois Jacquet—Ghost of a Chance—.
Illinois Jacquet—Jumpin at the Woodside—.
Illinois Jacquet—Music Hall Beat—.
James P. Johnson—Caprice Rag—.
Pete Johnson—Hollar Stomp—.
Pete Johnson—Vine Street Bustle—.
Pete Johnson—You Don’t Know My Mind Blues.
Quincy Jones—A: G’wan Train—Mercury 71737—5.
Quincy Jones—B: Pleasingly Plump—Mercury 71737—5.
Teddi King with Ruby Braff—Vogue EPV 1204—1. I Saw Stars—8.
2. It’s the Talk of the Town—6.
3. Our Love Is Here to Stay—7.
4. New Orleans—6.
Laureanne Lemay—A: Lover, Come Back to Me—Metro K20018—7.
Laureanne Lemay—B: Take Me Back to My Boots and Sadle—Metro K20018—5.
Ramsey Lewis—A: Up in Yonder—Cadet CA 5684—
Ramsey Lewis—B: He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother—Cadet CA 5684--
Louisiana 5—Yelping Hound Blues—.
Louisiana 5—High Brown Babies Ball—.
Junior Mance—A: Exodus—Jazzland J-45715—7.
Junior Mance—B: Never on Sunday—Jazzland J-45715—3.
Herbie Mann—A: Blue Bird—Savoy 45-4511—5.
Charlie Mariano—A: The Shout—Regina R-287—8.
Charlie Mariano—B: I Feel Pretty—Regina R-287—7.
Dean Martin—All in a Night’s Work—.
Dean Martin—Hit the Road to Dreamland—.
Billy Maxted—A: Satin Doll—K&H KT-501—5.
Billy Maxted—B: How Long Has This Been Going On—K&H KT-501—5.
John McFarland Sextet—The Chimp and the Bumble Bee—.
John McFarland Sextet—Forbidden—.
Marian McPartland—It Swings—Sesac AD 92—1. The Magpie—5.
2. Y’ Know What I Mean—7.
3. Warmin’ Up—6.
4. Don’t Panic—5.
Carmen McRae—Atlantic 45-EP-1004—1. Elusive Butterfly—5.
2. Ask Any Woman—4.
3. I’m Always Drunk in San Francisco—5.
4. My Very Own Person—4.
Jo Ann Miller—A: No More, No More—Jag J-252—4.
Jo Ann Miller—B: He Who Hesitates—Jag J-252—6.
Phil Moore—1. Deep Purple—Discovery FS-23—Reminiscing—4.
2. Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen—4.
3. Mood Indigo—4.
4. Sophisticated Lady—5.
5. I Know That You Know—4.
6. Long Ago and Far Away—4.
7. When I Grow Too Old to Dream—5.
8. Ain’t Misbehavin’—5.
Mark Murphy—A: I Don’t Worry ‘Bout You—Riverside RF-4565—8.
Mark Murphy—B: Nothin But a Fool—Riverside RF-4565—7.
Turk Murphy—Turk Murphy’s Jazz Band Vol. 2—Good Time Jazz EP 1012:
Charlie Parker—Buzzy—.
Charlie Parker—Chasing the Bird—.
Charlie Parker—Donna Lee—.
Charlie Parker—Half Nelson—.
Charlie Parker—Koko—.
Charlie Parker—Nows the Time—.
Charlie Parker—Red Cross—.
Charlie Parker—Sipping at Bells—.
Charlie Parker—Warming Up a Riff—.
Charlie Parker—Donna Lee—.
Oscar Peterson—A: Girl Talk—Prestige 45-727—7.
Oscar Peterson—B: On a Clear Day—Prestige 45-727—7.
Oscar Pettiford—A: Oscar Rides Again—Brunswick 9-80215—7.
Frank Petty Trio—1. Down Yonder—.
Frank Petty Trio—2. Rain--
Frank Petty Trio—1. Honeysuckle Rose—
Frank Petty Trio—2.Moonlight and Roses—
Noel Pointer—Phantazia—Blue Note BN-LA736-H—1. Phantazia—5.
2. Night Song—4.
3. Living for the City—5.
4. Rainstorm—5.
5. Wayfaring Stranger—3.
6. Mirabella—5.
7. Fiddler on the Roof—5.
Port of Harlem Jazzmen—Port of Harlem Blues—.
Port of Harlem Jazzmen—Pounding Heart Blues—.
Quartette Tres Bien—Joey, Joey, Joey—.
Quartette Tres Bien—Days of Wine and Roses—.
Ike Quebec—Facin the Face—.
Chuck Rainey—A: Genuine John—Cobblestone CB 752—8.
Jimmy Roma—A: Roo Roo Roo—Rainbow 45-240—5.
Jimmy Roma—B: Roma Rhythm—Rainbow 45-240—7.
Lee Roy—1. The Charleston—
Lee Roy—2. Mexican Hat Dance—.
Lee Roy—1. The Bunny Hop
Lee Roy—2. Beer Barrel Polka.
Clifford Scott—A: Lavender Sax—Aura 409—5.
Clifford Scott—B: Beach Bunny—Aura 409—4.
Tony Scott—Aeolian Drinking Song—.
Tony Scott—Deep Purple—.
Tony Scott—Jitter Bug Waltz—.
Tony Scott—Moon Walks—.
Tony Scott—My Old Flame—.
Tony Scott—Poinciana—.
Tony Scott—Rock Me But Don’t Roll Me—.
Tony Scott—Round About Midnight—.
Tony Scott—Vanilla Frosting on a Beef Pie—.
Tony Scott—Walkin’ on Air—.
Tony Scott—Yesterdays—.
Tony Scott—You, Your Driving Me Crazy—.
Omer Simeon—Bandanna Days—.
Omer Simeon—Creole Lullaby—.
Omer Simeon—Harlem Hotcha—.
Omer Simeon—Lorenzo’s Blues—.
Sir Charles—If I Had You—.
Sir Charles—Takin’ Off—.
The Howell Smith Quartet—A: When the World Was Young—Era 3175—3.
The Howell Smith Quartet—B: Seven-Up—Era 3175—5.
Jimmy Smith—A: Fiddlin the Minors—Blue Note 45-1644—6.
Jimmy Smith—B: Willow Weep for Me—Blue Note 45-1644—5.
Mamie Smith—What Have You Done to Make Me Feel This Way—.
Pinetop Smith—Pinetop’s Boogie Woogie—.
Tarantula & Fleisher--A: Only Two Can Play Blues--Colpix CP 642--7.
Tarantula & Fleisher--B: Only Two Can Play--Colpix CP 642--5.
Art Tatum—Body and Soul—.
Art Tatum—On the Sunnyside of the Street—.
Billy Taylor—B: Three Little Words—Brunswick 9-80215—8.
The Three Sounds—A: On Green Dolphin Street—Blue Note 45-1793—7.
The Three Sounds—B: Love for Sale—Blue Note 45-1793—6.
Joe Wilder—A: Wilder’s Moon—Savoy 45-4511—4.
Gerald Wilson—B: California Soul—Blue Note BN45-1985—5.
Kai Winding—Suspense Themes in Jazz EP—SLV-8493—1. Night Side—6.
2. Stella by Starlight—5.
3. Hatari—6.
4. Baby Elephant Walk—7.
5. Blues Theme from Reprieve—6.
6. Laura—5.
John Young Trio—A: I Don’t Wanna Be Kissed—Delmar 4501—7.
John Young Trio—B: Baby Doll—Delmar 4501—7.
Lester Young—Frenesi—.
Lester Young—Neenah—.
Lester Young—Three Little Words—.
Lester Young –Undercover Girl Blues—.
Rock N Roll Reviews.
Rating scale.
10-Extraordinary classic
7-Very Good
5-Fair to Good
AC/DC—A: Let’s Get It Up—What can we say about this classic. Definitely one of the few good songs AC / DC did after “Back in Black.” It has a catchy riff and a decent melody. This one is a moderate rocker. Not a great song but definitely a good one, I give this one a 7.
AC/DC—B: Snowballed—This one is not a bad track and not a real good one either. Typical AC / DC rockabilly feel. Not too bad during the verses but the chorus sucks. This particular chorus falls flat. I give this one a 5.
Alice in Chains—1. Bleed the Freak (live)—9.
Alice in Chains—2. It Ain’t Like That (live)—9.
Alice in Chains—3. Angry Chair—10.
Alice in Chains—4. I Know Somethin—10.
Alice in Chains—A: Bleed the Freak (live)—Live version of great song performed well. It’s a great song. Not a must to have this live version though unless you are a really big fan. There is nothing spectacular or different than the original. Great song that still sounds good live therefore I give it a 9.
Alice in Chains—B: Put You Down (live)—Another example of a great song done very well live. There is nothing different or spectacular about this version. This is a must to only big fans. Great song performed live therefore I give it a 9.
The American Breed—A: Bend Me, Shape Me—9.
The American Breed—B: Mindrocker—5.
The Angels--A: My Boyfriend's Back--Smash S-1834--8.
The Angels--B: Now--Smash S-1834--5.
Annette--A: Train of Love--Vista F-359--6.
Annette--B: Tell Me Who's the Girl--Vista F-359--5.
Anomalys—A: Black Hole Blues—8.
Anomalys—B: Nat Approved—6.
Apartment 213—EP—Clean Plate Records CP12—1. Follow the Flock—2.
2. Deserve to Die—0.
3. Demise—0.
4. Subject to Slaughter—3.
5. Cello Drive—0.
6. Right Now—0.
7. The Mourning—2.
8. Body Bag—0.
9. I Saw the Bloody Body—0.
10. Blue Collar Guy/ Till the Cows Come Home—4. (see Forced Expression for A side)
Apollo 100—A: Telstar—Mega 615-0080—5.
Crabby Appleton—A: Go Back—Elektra EKM-45687—7.
Crabby Appleton—B: Try—Elektra EKM-45687—8.
The Arctic Cat—Cattin’ Around—promotional for the “Arctic Cat”—4.
Armadillo—A: Groovy Suzy—Solar SOL 2001—4.
Armadillo—B: Country Gal—Solar SOL 2001—4.
The Arrows--A: Blues Theme--Tower 295--7.
The Arrows--B: Bongo Party--Tower 295--6.
Shorty Ashford—A: Sweet Lucy—Glenn 913—7.
Shorty Ashford—B: Blue Bouquet—Glenn 913—5.
Be-Bop Deluxe—A: Ships in the Night—Harvest HAR 5104—4.
Be-Bop Deluxe—B: Crying to the Sky—Harvest HAR 5104—4.
Be-Bop Deluxe—A: Maid in Heaven—Harvest HAR 5098—5.
Be-Bop Deluxe—B: Lights—Harvest HAR 5098—5.
Bill Austin—A: You Don’t Own Me—Hit 105—6.
Bags—A: It’s Heavy—GSF 6877—7.
The Bags—A: L. Frank Baum—5.
The Bags—B: Max Roach—3.
Adam Baker—A: You’ve Got a Right—Avista AV-8703—4.
Adam Baker—B: Dixie Nightlife—Avista AV-8703—5.
Don Baker—A: Surfin Bird—6—There is nothing too special about this version—a bit of a weird break.
Don Baker—B: Talk Back Tremblin’ Lips—3.
Bap—A: Kristallnaach—Musikant 1A 006-64913—4.
Bap—B: Wellenreiter—Musikant 1A 006-64913—4.
Teddy Bart—A: Guardian Angel—National NL-102x—5.
Teddy Bart—B: Sunshine and Rain—National NL-102x—5.
The Battered Elves—We’re Gonna Kill Santa Claus—7.
Battered Wives—A: Uganda Stomp—Bomb B 5016—7.
Battered Wives—B: Giddy—Bomb B 5016—6.
BB Spin—A: Evolution—Turf 101-3—6.
BB Spin—B: The Game—Turf 101-3—5.
BB Spin—A: Just Another Girl—4.
BB Spin—B: Rock Is—4.
The Beach Boys--A: Ten Little Indians--Capitol 4880--5.
The Beach Boys--B: County--Capitol 4880--5.
The Beatles—A: The Long and Winding Road—10.
The Beatles—B: For You Blue—9.
The Beatles—A: She Loves You—7.
The Beatles—B: I’ll Get You—5.
Freddie Bell--A: Ding Dong--Mercury Wing W-90066X45--6.
Freddie Bell--B: I Said It and I'm Glad--Mercur Wing W-90066X45--6.
Chuck Berry—Johnny B Good (live)—.
Bittersweet—A: Lonely Street—--Three-Bee Records—2.
Bittersweet—B: You Can Cry All Night—Three-Bee Records—3.
Black Sabbath—A: Die Young—9.
Black Sabbath—B: Mob Rules—9.
Black Sabbath—Neon Knights—Heaven and Hell—10.
Black Sabbath—Children of the Sea—Heaven and Hell—10.
Black Sabbath—Lady-Evil—Heaven and Hell—10.
Black Sabbath—Heaven and Hell—Heaven and Hell—10
Black Sabbath—Wishing Well—Heaven and Hell—8.
Black Sabbath—Die Young—Heaven and Hell—9.
Black Sabbath—Walk Away—Heaven and Hell—8.
Black Sabbath—Lonely is the Word—Heaven and Hell—9.
Black Sabbath—Hole in the Sky—Sabotage—9.
Black Sabbath—Don’t Start (Too Late)—Sabotage—9.
Black Sabbath—Symptom of the Universe—Sabotage—10.
Black Sabbath—Megalomania—Sabotage—10.
Black Sabbath—Thrill of It All—Sabotage—10.
Black Sabbath—Supertzar—Sabotage—9.
Black Sabbath—Am I Going Insane (Radio)—Sabotage—7.
Black Sabbath—The Writ—Sabotage—10.
Blast from the Past--A: Be My Baby--Spindle PP-1001--7.
Blast from the Past--B: At the Hop--Spindle PP-1001--7.
Die Blue Diamonds--A: Ramona--Fontana 266 193 TF (Germany)--4.
Die Blue Diamonds--B: Liebe Mich!--Fontana 266 193 TF (Germany)--4.
The Blisters—Search and Annoy Volume One EP—Complex Records—1. Welcome Mat—4.
The Bobbettes--A: Mr. Lee--Atlantic 45-1144--7.
The Bobbettes--B: Look at the Stars--Atlantic 45-1144--5.
Bonnie & the Clydes—A & B: Ninny Bop Bop—Audio Fidelity AF 141—6.
Jimmy Bowen--A: I'm Stickin' with You--Roulette R-4001--6.
Jimmy Bowen--B: Ever Lovin' Fingers--Roulette R-4001--7.
Box the Compass—A: Three Weeks In—City Boot Records—2.
Box the Compass—B: Hollow—City Boot Records—2.
Jim Brady and the Sonics—Goodbye—6.
Larry Bright with Mojo Dancers--A: Mojo Workout--Tide 45-T-006--7.
Larry Bright--B: I'll Change My Ways--Tide 45-T-006--6.
Brother Nigel’s Proxy Party—A: Look at the Floor—Fantasy 621—7.
Brother Nigel’s Proxy Party—B: Dancing Girl—Fantasy 621—6.
Jim Brown—A: Ain’t That a Shame—Bell 1102—7.
Jim Brown—B: Seventeen—Bell 1102—7.
Bruno--A: You Started Me Laughing--Gregar 71-0500--6.
Bruno--B: I'll Be Strong--Greagar 71-0500--6.
The Buddies—A: On the Go—Swing 45-102—4.
The Buddies—B: Only My Friend—Swing 45-102—4.
Brian Burd—A:Tutti Frutti—Parlophone 1358(Argentina)—8.
Brian Burd—B: Lucielle—Parlophone 1358(Argentina)—8.
Bobby Byrd--A&B: I'm Just a Nobody--Smash S-1868--5.
Freddie Cannon—A: Cuernavaca Choo Choo—Swan S4057—4.
Freddie Cannon—B: Happy Shades of Blue—Swan S4057—4.
The Carmel—A: They Didn’t Believe Me—MGM K-13985—4.
The Carmel—B: One Day—MGM K-13985—4.
The Cascades—A: Shy Girl—Valiant 6028—6.
The Cascades—B: The Last Leaf—Valiant 6028—5.
The Cat Ion—A: Bodied—Echostatic ECHO 07/08—3.
The Cat Ion—B: Lullaby—Echostatic ECHO 07/08—4.
Lon Chaney—A: Monster Holiday—7 (nice novelty number).
Lon Chaney—B: Yule-Tide Jerk—5 (instrumental).
The Chiefs—A: Apache!—Greenwich GR-408—5.
The Chiefs—B: Dee’s Dream—Greenwich GR-408—5.
Cinecyde—Positive Action EP—Tremor 005—1. Radiation Sickness—4.
2. Behavior Modification—4.
3. Anyway You Want It—5.
4. Phosphorus & Napalm—5.
Eddie Clearwater—A: 2 x 9—5 (cliché 12 bar rhythm and blues number, nothing special or different)
Eddie Clearwater—B: A Little Bit of Blues, A Little Bit of Rock and Roll—8.
Cockney Rebel—A: Mr. Soft—EMI 2191—7.
Cockney Rebel—B: Such a Dream—EMI 2191—3.
The Continental Cousins—A: The Paris Peppermint Twist—Palette PZ-5092—8.
The Continental Cousins—B: Manhattan Spiritual—Palette PZ-5092—7.
Cookie and His Cupcakes—A: Mathilda—Lyric 1003—6.
Cookie and His Cupcakes—B: I’m Twisted—Lyric 1003—7.
The Cords—A: Mrs. Brown You’ve Got a Lovely Daughter—Hit 212—5.
The Cords—B: Where Were You—Hit 212—4.
Dennis Correll—A: Rock ‘N Roll Heaven—A&M 1535—3.
Chris Cornell—Flutter Girl (alternate version)—.
Chris Cornell—Sun Shower—.
The Creatures—A: The Night Is Warm—Columbia 4-43689—6.
The Creatures—B: String Along—Columbia 4-43689—5.
Crosby, Stills & Nash—A: Wasted on the Way—Atlantic 4058—6.
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young—A: American Dream—Atlantic 7-89003—3.
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young—B: Compass—Atlantic 7-89003—3. (It is sad when rockers try to sound like New Age garbage.)
Cyclones—A: Bullwhip rock—Trophy T-500—8.
Bill Taylor & the Cyclones—B: Nelda Jane—Trophy T-500—6.
Lisa Dal Bello—A: Pretty Girls—Talisman Records—3.
Lisa Dal Bello—B: Dreams—Talisman Records—4.
Dick Dale—Del-tone Rock—.
Dick Dale—Let’s Go Trippin’—.
The Debonaires—A: Steel Men—Southside 45-S-1004—7.
The Debonaires—B: Sail, Sail—Southside 45-S-1004—6.
Deep Purple—Lazy—10.
Deep Purple—Pictures of Home—9.
Deep Purple—Smoke on the Water—8.
Dion—Run Around Sue—.
Dion—Runaway Girl—
Dion—The Majestic—.
Dion—The Wanderer—.
Denny Doherty—A: Indian Girl—Columbia 4-45779—4.
The Doors—Unknown Soldier—.
The Doors—We Could Be So Good Together—.
Dorian--A: If I Were 21 and You Were 24--GM 722--4.
Dorian--B: Wanna Hear Your Music Playin'--GM 722--5.
Harold Dorman—A: River of Tears—Rita 1008—4.
Harold Dorman—B: I’ll Come Running—Rita 1008—6.
Mike Douglas--A: Only a Fool--Banana BA-509--5.
Mike Douglas--B: If You Were the Only Girl in the World--Banana BA-509--5.
Dynatones--A: Steel Guitar Ra--Bomarc 303--8.
Dynatones--B: The Girl I'm Seaching For--Bomarc 303--6.
Duane Eddy—Rebel Rouser—.
Duane Eddy—Stalkin’—.
Ed’s Five—Funky Broadway—.
Ed’s Five—I’m Gonna Leave You—. (misspelled live on label)
J. Vincent Edward—A: Thanks—CBS 4579 (Germany)—6.
J. Vincent Edward—B: Do It All Over Again—CBS 4579 (Germany)—4.
Jackie Edwards & Soulmaker’s—The Vamp—.
Jackie Edwards & Soulmaker’s—Let Me Love You.
Elephant’s Memory—A: Mongoose—Metromedia MMS-182—8.
Elephant’s Memory—B: I Couldn’t Dream—Metromedia MMS-182—5.
Johnny Elmore—The Happy One—.
Johnny Elmore—War Chant Boogie—.
The El-Pres--A: Johnny B. Goode--private--6.
The El-Pres--B: Polk Salad Annie--private--6.
The Equals—A: Softly, Softly—President PT-109—6.
The Equals—B: Lonely Rita—President PT-109—5.
John Eric & the Isosceles Popsicles--A: Like Him--U.S.A. 913--5.
John Eric & the Isosceles Popsicles B: I'm Not Nice--U.S.A. 913--5.
Al Erik—A: Put Your Mini Skirt On—Johnson 741—6.
Al Erik—B: My French Love—Johnson 741—4.
The Faith Healers--A: My Loser--Elektra ST-E-64666--4.
The Faith Healers--B: Oh Baby--Elektra ST-E-64666--3.
The Family Tree—A: Electric Kangaroo—Paula 329—6.
The Family Tree—B: Terry Tommy—Paula 329—5.
The Fighters—Green Light / The Flying Father—.
The Fighters—Something Else / Breaking Bones for Laughs—.
Larry Finnegan—A: Dear One—Old Town 1113—5.
Larry Finnegan—B: Candy Lips—Old Town 1113—4.
Five By Five—Fire—.
Five By Five—Hang Up—.
Fleetwood Mac—Green Manalishi—10.
Fleetwood Mac—World in Harmony—.
Forced Expression—EP—Clean Plate CP12—1. History Lesson—0. (I think I’m gonna be sick)
2. Confused & Hungry—0.
3. Social Jokes—0.
4. Cheap—0.
5. Slider—0.
6. Beast—0. (see Apartment 213 for B side)
The Four Tunes—A: Rock ‘N Roll Call—Jubilee 45-5232—6.
The Four Tunes—B: Our Love—Jubilee 45-5232—6.
Tom Foy—A: Ichabod Sunshine—Mercury 73021—6.
Lou Fratto and Ruckus--A: Possessed--Bewitched 1940-22--5.
Lou Fratto and Ruckus--B: I Loved You--Bewitched 1940-22--3.
Freddie and the Dreamers—I’m Telling You Now—.
Freddie and the Dreamers—What Have I Done to You—.
Frijid Pink—House of the Rising Sun—.
Frijid Pink—Heartbreak Hotel—.
The Frogmen—A: Underwater—Candix 314—6.
The Frogmen—B: The Mad Rush—Candix 314—4.
Harvey Frolic—B: Talking About My Baby—Hit 105—6.
Max Frost and the Troopers—Shape of Things to Come—.
Max Frost and the Troopers—Free Lovin’—.
Fudge—Bomb Pop EP—Brilliant ANT-SI-01—1. Oreo Dust—3.
2. Mull—3.
3. Pez—4.
4. Inez—6.
Fugazi--3 Songs (EP)--Dischord 43--1. Song Number One--5.
2. Joe Number One--7.
3. Break In--3.
The Golden Spectrum—A: Fa-Rah-Fe-Vah—Aorta GS 001—6.
The Golden Spectrum—B: Millennium—Aorta GS 001—5.
Janie Grant--A: Triangle--Caprice 104--5.
Janie Grant--B: She's Going Steady with You--Caprice 104--5.
Green Magnet School—Singed—.
Green Magnet School—Slipper—.
Green Street—Were You the One—.
Green Street—Wouldn’t It Be Funny—.
Guess Who?--A: Shakin' All Over--Scepter S 1295--6.
Guess Who?--B: Till We Kissed--Scepter S 1295--5.
Guns and Roses—Sympathy for the Devil—.
Half a World Away—A: I Got Your Love—SSS International 790—8.
Paul Hampton—I’m in Love with a Bunny(at the playboy club)—.
Paul Hampton—Bandera—
Genee Harris--A: Bye Bye Elvis--ABC-Paramount 45-9900--5.
Genee Harris--B: You're Like a Jumpin' Jack--ABC-Paramount 45-9900--5.
Head’s Up—A: Corny Style Pizza—Emergo EM 5429 7—7.
Head’s Up—B: Brothers of the Blue Flame—Emergo EM 5429 7—7.
Headstrong—Search and Annoy EP—Complex Records—2. Static—3.
Heaven & Hell--Atom and Evil--8.
Heaven & Hell--Fear--7.
Heaven & Hell--Bible Black--10. (One of the creepiest if not the creepiest song written. Kind of like the Evil Dead and the Necronamicon.)
Heaven & Hell--Double the Pain--5.
Heaven & Hell--Rock and Roll Angel--5.
Heaven & Hell--The Turn of the Screw--5.
Heaven & Hell--Eating the Cannibals--8.
Heaven & Hell--Follow the Tears--5.
Heaven & Hell--Neverwhere--5.
Heaven & Hell--Breaking Into Heaven--8.
(Though the lyrics to this song are such satanic bull crap. )
(This album by Heaven & Hell called The Devil You Know is so blatantly satanic and filled with satanic lies that say Satan is very powerful. He is but a worm to God. Satan's only authority is over men who do not believe in Jesus and that ends on judgement day. Then Jesus will have his vengeance on Satan for eternity. The sad truth is I think Ronnie actually believed the lies he sung about. A great singer who sung about lost things was still lost himself. I tried writting him but I doubt he read it. Threre is little power in evil. The lie they want you to believe is that there is great power in evil. Those who burn in hell do so in the presence of Jesus and the holy angels. Jesus rules everywhere including hell.)
Hog Heaven—A: Theme from a Thought—Roulette R-7091—7.
Peyton Hogue—A: Ball and Chain—Barnaby ZS7 2047—6.
Horizon—A: I Read It in Her Eyes—Concord CR-006—5.
Horizon—B: Feelin’ Sad and Blue—Concord CR-006—4.
House of Large Sizes—A: Bankrupt in Hoven—Toxic Shock TOX-18—7.
Orangie Hubbard—A: Peepin Tom—King 45-6097—rockabilly—7.
Orangie Hubbard—B: Down on the Bottom—King 45-6097—country—5.
T.K. Hulin and Smoke—A: Alligator Bayou—Booray 45-1005—7.
T.K. Hulin and Smoke—B: Graduation Night—Booray 45-1005—4.
Robert Hunter—A:It Must Have Been the Roses—Round RX 4505—4.
Brian Hyland--A: Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini--Leader L-805--8.
Brian Hyland--B: Don't Dilly Dally, Sally--Leader L-805--5.
I Love You—A: She’s the One/i.n.s.e.t.—Geffen PRO-S-4221—6.
I Love You—B: Hang Straight Up—Geffen PRO-S-4221—6.
I Witness—All Roads Lead Southeast—track 1.—0 (not even worth mentioning the name of the track. Dog crap.) track 2.—1. (See Slapenhoden for B side)
Idle Eyes—A: Tokyo Rose—WEA 25 90947—4.
Idle Eyes—B: Uniform—WEA 25 90947—4.
Iron Maiden—Sactuary from the Law (live)—.
Iron Maiden—Murders in the Rue Morgue (live)—.
Iron Maiden—Running Free (live)—
John Roman Jackson—A: Back on Top—Oak OR 107—6.
John Roman Jackson—B: Welfare Check—Oak OR 107—6.
The Jesus Lizard—Puss—
Jim and Monica—A: Slippin’ and Slidin’—Betty 1207—6.
Billy Joel--A: An Innocent Man--Columbia 38-04259--5.
Billy Joel--B: I'll Cry Instead--Columbia 38-04259--7.
Johnny and the Jumper Cables—A: Death Squad of the Mind—Stanton Park STP-008—6.
Johnny and the Jumper Cables—B: Landmine—Stanton Park STP-008—6.
Jolly Jumpers—A: Purr—Gaga Goodies GO-31—7.
Jolly Jumpers—B: Blackstone Hill—Gaga Goodies GO-31—7.
Juggernaut Jug Band—A: Beautiful Downtown Nowhere—Caprice CA 2012--psych—6.
Juggernaut Jug Band—B: Perforated Take Home Pack—Caprice CA 2012—country—5.
Geoffrey Kafitz—A&B: Harder to Do—Virgin Vinal V-45124—7.
Kane’s Cousins—A: Alice’s Restaurant—Shove Love 45-501—7.
Kane’s Cousins—B: Drive In Window Tap Tapper—Shove Love 45-501—5.
Jonathan King—A: Flirt—Parrot 45-3030—3.
Jonathan King—B: Hey Jim—Parrot 45-3030—6.
Sammy King and the Voltaires—A: If You Can Find Someone to Love You—MGM K13569—4.
Sammy King and the Voltaires—B: Past Caring—MGM K13569—3.
King Tip Toe—A: (Love Me Like a) Dinosaur—Metromedia MM 252—5.
Kings of Mississippi—Delta Queen—.
Kings of Mississippi—Once Bitten, Twice Shy—.
Kiss—A: Shout It Out Loud—Casablanca NB 854—
Kiss—B: Sweet Pain—Casablanca NB 854—
Kong—A: 30 Years from Today—Epic 5-10731—6.
John Henry Kurtz—A: Dr. Rock and Roll—ABC ABC-11386—5.
Lateers--A: The Smock--World Artists WA-1006--6.
Lateers--B: Dance Party--World Artists WA-1006--6.
Jackie Lee—A: Happy Vacation—Swan 4034—4.
Jackie Lee—The Hucklebuck—Swan 4034—4.
Thunder Lee—A: I Won’t Be Your Fool No More—Groove 58-0005—6.
Thunder Lee—B: Too Late for Tears—Groove 58-0005—5.
Leer Bros. Band--A: I Pray--Intrepid 75033--5.
Leer Bros. Band--B: People We Got to Live Together--Intrepid 75033--5.
The Lidos—A: Bashanova—Mercury 72080—6.
The Lidos—B: Marina—Mercury 72080—5.
Little Joe—A: The Children—MGM K14290—7.
Little Joe—B: Don’t Take the Rain Away—MGM K14290—6.
Little Roger & the Goosebumps--A: Kennedy Girls--Richmond RICH 5--7.
Little roger & the Goosebumps--B: Bozo's Chimps--Richmond RICH 5--2.
Liverpool Five--A: Heart--RCA Victor 47-8725--7.
Liverpool Five--B: I Just Can't Believe It--RCA Victor 47-8725--5.
The Livers—A: Beatle Time—Constellation C-118—4.
The Livers—B: This Is the Night—Constellation C-118—4.
Lodi—A: Happiness—MoWest MW 5003F—5.
Loose—Search and Annoy EP—Complex Records—3. Truth—5.
Los Bravos—A: Black is Black—Press Records PRE 60002—
Los Bravos—B: I Want a Name—Press PRE 60002--
The Lost Ones—Trouble in the Streets—.
The Lost Ones—Little Annie—.
Love—A: Reap, Reap—Franciscan Communications—4.
Love Camp 7—A: King Sex—Bowlmor BR 9101—8.
Love Camp 7—B: Sour Old Men—Bowlmor BR 9101—7.
Lene Lovich—A: Bird Song—Stiff BUY 53—4.
Lene Lovich—B: Trixi—Stiff BUY 53—3.
Low Point Drains—A: Rock Your Ass—Slovenly 702-55—7.
Low Point Drains—B: Baby’s Night Out—Slovenly 702-55—8.
Lucy Brown—Search and Annoy EP—Complex Records—4. Color-Blind—2.
Lucy’s Fur Coat—A: Lucy—Goldenrod Records—7.
Lucy’s Fur Coat—B: Watergun—Goldenrod Records—6.
Lucy’s Fur Coat—Watergun—.
Lynard Skynard—Saturday Night Special—.
Magic—A: If You Can’t Be Good..Be Good—Chivalry 1806—6.
Magic—B: Freedom Seat—Chivalry 1806—6.
The Mamas & the Papas--A: California Dreamin'--Roulette GG-146--9.
The Mamas & the Papas--B: Twelve Thirty--Roulette GG-146--5.
Manitoba—Something in You—.
Manuel and the Renegades—A: Rev-Up—Piper 7001—6.
Manuel and the Renegades—B: Trans-Miss-Yen—Piper 7001—6.
Mashmakhan—A: As the Years Go By—Epic 5-10634—6.
Mashmakhan—B: Days When We Are Free—Epic 5-10634—7.
Sammy Masters—A: Rockin’ Red Wing—Lode 108—7.
Sammy Masters—B: Lonely Weekend—Lode 108—5.
The Medicine Show—A: The Fool—Sioux CPO-102—6.
The Medicine Show—B: Keep Me from Crying Today—Sioux CPO-102—country—4.
The Merseybeats--A: I Think of You--Fontana S-1882--4.
The Merseybeats--B: Mister Moonlight--Fontana S-1882--5.
Metal Flake Mother—1. Deem-On—Moist Records—4.
2. Dream Flamingo—3.
3. Scratchin’—6.
4. Elsewhere—5.
Michael & the Messengers--A: Romeo & Juliet--U.S.A. 874--7.
Michael & the Messengers--B: Lies--U.S.A. 874--6.
Dale Miller—A: Nothin’ Beats Love—Solmil ASM 467—4.
Dale Miller—B: Blue-Eyed Six—Solmil ASM 467—5.
The Mindbenders—A: A Groovy Kind of Love—Fontana F-1541—5.
The Mindbenders—B: Love Is Good—Fontana F-1541—7.
Mitch and the Echos—A: One Chance—Bethlehem 45-3077—5.
Mitch and the Echos—B: I Could Cry—Bethlehem 45-3077—5.
Steve Monahan—A: The Leaves of Fall—Vee Jay VJ 571—4.
Steve Monahan—B: Handsome Guy—Vee Jay VJ 571—3.
Moody Blues—Go Now / Loose Your Money—.
Moody Blues—I Don’t Want to Go On Without You / Steal Your Heart Away—.
The Moody Blues--A: Question--Threshold THS-67004--8.
The Moody Blues--B: Candle of Life--Threshold THS-67004--5.
Vic Morrell—A: Louisiana Loving Man—VM Records—6.
Vic Morrell—B: The Ruga-Ru—VM Records—6.
Moses Lake--A: Oobleck--Together T-113--10.
Moses Lake--B: Moses--Together T-113--7.
Mosquito Bandito—1: 100 Years—Hello from Haiti—MNH herp-009—3.
2.Route 81—3.
3. Omaha—1.
4. Crazy Got Drunk—1.
5. Big Man—3.
6. Oh Betty—4.
Mothers of Soul—Double Shot—.
Mothers of Soul—Its Over—.
The Move--A: Tonight--United Artists UA-XW202-W--6.
The Move--A: Chinatown--United Artists 50876--5.
The Move--B: Down on the Bay--United Artists 50876--6.
Jimmie Nabbie—A: Hold Me, Squeeze Me—Carlton 570—6.
Jimmie Nabbie—B: No Strings—Carlton 570—3.
Edard Nelson—Free, Free, Free—.
Edard Nelson—Pale Blues—.
New Young Pony Club—A: Ice Cream—Tirk 004—4.
New Young Pony Club—B: Tight Fit—Tirk 004—6.
Jack Nitzsche--A: The Lonely Surfer--Reprise R-20,202--5.
Jack Nitzsche--B: Song for a Summer Night--Reprise R-20,202--4.
Nirvana—Oh the Guilt—.
The Noblemen—A: Dragon Walk—USA EM-1213—5.
The Noblemen—B: Thunder Wagon—USA EM-1213—5.
O’Hegarty—Body in the Bag—.
O’Hegarty—What a Mouth—.
On the Lee Lurch—A: Last Murder—(German)—6.
On the Lee Lurch—B: Perception—(German)—6.
Roy Orbison--A: In Dreams--Monument 45-806--6.
Roy Orbison--B: Shahdaroba--Monument 45-806--5.
Ozzy Osbourne—Suicide Solution (live)—10.
Ozzy Osbourne—You Said It All (live)—10.
Ozzy Osbourne—I Don’t Know (live)—.
Ozzy Osbourne—1. Over the Mountain—10—Diary of a Madman.
2. Flying High Again—9.
3. You Can’t Kill Rock ‘N’ Roll—10.
4. Believer—10.
5. Little Dolls—10.
6. Tonight—10.
7. S.A.T.O.—10.
8. Diary of a Madman—10.
Mark Paul—A: I’m Gonna Love You—Cyclone CYS-101—5.
Mark Paul—B: Never Go Home—Cyclone CYS-101—4.
Penny Candy—A: The Rockin’ Lady—Flippin’ 201—4.
Penny Candy—B: Why Each Night—Flippin’ 201—4.
Paul Peters—A: Self Pity Showers—Masemo Records—6.
Paul Peters—B: I’ve Only Myself to Blame—Masemo Records—5.
The Pets—A: Cha-hua-hua—Arwin MM-109-45—5.
The Pets—B: Cha-Kow-Ski—Arwin MM-109-45—4.
Pigmy Love Circus—A: Mick Jagger Killed Brian Jones—6.
Pigmy Love Circus—B:Beat on the Brat—6.
Pindrivers—Goodbye Boozy GB 05—
Popdefect—Puro Des Madre—.
Popdefect—That Was It—.
Portrait of Fun—A: Wages Man—Holiday Inn 2207—6.
Portrait of Fun—B: Lonely Happiness—Holiday Inn 2207—5.
The Preachers—A: Dedicated—RE 491—7.
The Preachers—B: Girls, Girls, Girls—RE 491—7.
Prelude—A: After the Goldrush—Dawn DNS 1052—5.
Prelude—B: Johnson Boy—Dawn DNS 1052—5.
Elvis Presley--A: Good Rockin' Tonight--RCA Victor 47-6381--5.
Elvis Presley--B: I Don't Care If the Sun Don't Shine--RCA Victor 47-6381--6.
Elvis Presley--A: Heartbreak Hotel--RCA Victor 47-6420--8.
Elvis Presley--B: I Was the One--RCA Victor 47-6420--5.
The Princetons—A: Georgianna—Colpix CP-793—5.
The Princetons—B: Killer Joe—Colpix CP-793—5.
Prophecy—A: Mechanical Minds—Future Records—5.
Prophecy—B: The Hands of Time—Future Records—4.
The Prophets--A: Baby Come Back--Atco 45-6078--6.
The Prophets--B: Stormy--Atco 45-6078--5.
The Quinaimes Band—A: Don’t Knock—Elektra EKS-45752—8.
The Quinaimes Band—B: Try Me One More Time—Elektra EKS-45752—7.
Rainbow—Jealous Lover—9.
Rainbow—Can’t Happen Here—.
Rainbow—Jealous Lover—.
Rainbow—Weiss Heim—.
Marvin Rainwater—Oklahoma Hills—.
Marvin Rainwater & Sister Patty—Wedding Rings—.
The Ramrods--A: Take My Word--Donjaway DS 102--6.
The Ramrods--B: No Easy Way--Donjaway DS 102--5.
The Ran-Dells--A: Martian Hop--Chairman 45-4403--5.
The Ran-Dells--B: Forgive Me Darling--Chairman 45-4403--5.
Rare Bird—Hammerhead—.
Rare Bird—What You Want to Know—.
Rattus—1. Tukiaiset—Holokaust—Rotten to the Core 2011—4.
2. Pedantti Perkele—2.
3. Ihmenin—2.
4. Brainwashed—2.
5. Incinerated—3.
6. No Replies—3.
Ray & Lindy—A: Big Betty—Atco 45-6150—6.
Ray & Lindy—B: Jimmy’s Got a Girl—Atco 45-6150—4.
Margie Rayburn—A: Magic Words—Liberty F-55238—6.
Margie Rayburn—B: Sentimental Journey—Liberty F-55238—6.
The Razor's Edge--A: Night and Day--Pow! POW 103--3.
The Razor's Edge--B: True Patron of the Arts--Pow! POW 103--4.
Googie Rene—A: Swingin’ Summer Love—Class 227—5.
Googie Rene—B: Shine on Harvest Moon—Class 227—5.
The Revelators—A: Serve the Man—Crypt CR-068—5.
The Revelators—B: Crawdad—Crypt CR-068—2.
Paul Revere and the Raiders--A: Kicks--Columbia 4-43556--9.
Paul Revere and the Raiders--B: Shake It Up--Columbia 4-43556--7.
Cliff Richard—A: The Young Ones—Bigtop 45-3101—5.
Cliff Richard—B: We Say Yeah—Bigtop 45-3101—6.
Barry Richards—A: Last Night a Heart Was Broken—Groove G4-2—5.
Barry Richards—B: What Are You, Some Kind of Nut—Groove G4-2—6.
The Rip Chords—Wah-Wahini—.
The Rip Chords—One Piece Topless Bathing Suit—.
The Rip Chords--A: Hot Rod U.S.A.--Columbia 4-43035--6.
The Rip Chords--B: Three Window Coupe--Columbia 4-43035--6.
The David Rockingham Trio—A: That’s All—Josie 45-913—5.
The David Rockingham Trio—B: Dawn—Josie 45-913—6.
Betty Rogers—A: If I Had My Way—Briar 45-122—4.
Betty Rogers—B: When I See You Through My Window—Briar 45-122—4.
Rogue—A: Borderline—Ariola AROPX 147—4.
Rogue—B: The Last Goodbye—Ariola AROPX 147—3.
The Rolling Stones--A: It's All Over Now--London LON 9687--7.
The Rolling Stones--B: Good Times Bad Times--London LON 9687--6.
The Rolling Stones--A: Tell Me--London LON 9682--5.
The Rolling Stones--B: I Just Want to Make Love to You--London LON 9682--7.
David Lee Roth—Shy Boy—0 stars Vomit!
RTE—A: Ken’s Bungalow Boogie—RTE 4643—6.
RTE—B: When Rivers Run Dry—RTE 4643—4.
Bobby Russell and the Beagles—A: Roll Over Beethoven—Spar 740—6.
Bobby Russell and the Beagles—B: Right or Wrong—Spar 740—5.
Charlie Ryan—Hot Rod Lincoln—9.
Charlie Ryan—Thru the Mill—.
The Sandalwood Candle—A: Does Your Mother Know—440/Plus FF45-4400—3.
The Sandalwood Candle—B: Ended Moments—440/Plus FF45-4400—4.
Saxon—A: Wheels of Steel—Carrere CAR 7300—7.
Jack Scott--A: Oh, Little One--Top Rank RA 2041--5.
Jack Scott--B: Burning Bridges--Top Rank RA 2041--4.
Jack Scott--A: It Only Happened Yesterday--Top Rank RA 2055--6.
Jack Scott--B: Cool Water--Top Rank RA 2055--6.
Second Opinion—1. 650—Cowabunga Records—2.
2. Two Faced—2.
3. Jesus Freaks—3.
4. Thrash Up Your Ass—2.
5. American Way—2.
The Seeds—Satisfy You—.
The Seeds—900 Million People Daily—.
Senator Bobby--A: Wild Thing--Parkway P-127--5.
Senator Everett McKinley--B: Wild Thing--Parkway P-127--5.
Shadows of Knight—From Way Out to Way Under—.
Shadows of Knight—Shake—.
The Shadows of Knight--A: Oh Yeah--Dunwich DX-122--6.
The Shadows of Knight--B: Light Bulb Blues--Dunwich DX-122--7.
Billy Shepard—A: Somebody Stole My Gal—Felsted 45-8549—4.
Billy Shepard—B: You Call Everybody Darling—Felsted 45-8549—3.
Shiva Speedway—A: Deal with the Devil—Echostatic ECHO 07/08—3.
Shiva Speedway—B: Burning Building—Echostatic ECHO 07/08—4.
Jumpin’ Gene Simmons—EP—Hi SBG 29—1. Haunted House—7.
2. Bony Moronie—7.
3. Rock Around the Clock—6.
4. Slippin’ and Sliddin’—6.
5. Just a Little Bit—5.
6. No Help Wanted—7.
Sixth Day Creation—Cherry Pie—.
Sixth Day Creation—You’re Better By Far—.
Peter Skellern—A: Hard Times—Private Stock PS 45,054—4.
Slapenhoden—B side All Roads Lead Southeast—track 1.—1.
track 2.—2. (terrible and I don’t know the names of the songs, the crappy labeling on this record makes impossible to know the stupid names of these crappy songs.)
Somethin’ Else—A: Number Nine Train—Goofin’ GREP 203—7.
Somethin’ Else—B: You’re Undecided—Goofin’ GREP 203—5.
Somethin’ Else—B: Vibrate—Goofin’ GREP 203—5.
The Sonics—Anyway the Wind Blows—.
The Sonics—Anyway the Wind Blows—.
The Sonics—Boss Hoss—.
The Sonics—Dirty Robber—.
The Sonics—Don’t Believe in Christmas—.
The Sonics—Do You Love Me—.
The Sonics—Psycho—.
The Sonics—Money.
The Sonics—Walkin’ the Dog—.
The Sonics—The Night Time—.
The Sonics—Strychnine—.
The Sonics—Good Golly Miss Molly—.
The Sonics—Santa Claus—.
The Sonics—The Village Idiot—.
The Sonics—Have Love Will Travel—.
The Sonics—Keep a Knockin’—.
The Sonics—Like No Other Man—.
The Sonics—Lost Love—.
The Sonics—Roll Over Beethoven—.
The Sonics—The Witch—8.
Sonics—She Can’t See Me—.
Sonny & Cher--A: I Got You Babe--Atco 45-6359--7.
Sonny & Cher--B: It's Gonna Rain--Atco 45-6359--6.
The Sound Laboratory—A: Rainy Day Girls—SSS International SSS-740—4.
Soundgarden—The Day I Tried to Live—.
Soundgarden—Just Like Suicide—.
Soundgarden—Don’t Stand Me Up—.
Soundgarden—Come Together—.
Soundgarden—Everybody’s Got Something to Hide.
Soundgarden—Get on the Snake / Fresh Deadly Roses—.
Soundgarden—Loud Love / Big Dumb Sex—.
Sparrow AM/FM—A: Hit-Hook—Neon NE 45-01—7.
Sparrow AM/FM—B: November Cold—Neon NE 45-01—2.
Michael Spears—A: Rockin’ Feelin’—DGC DGC 1001—7.
Michael Spears—B: Stop—DGC DGC 1001—7.
The Statons—A: Hey Sally Ann—Bullet K 10706/7—7.
The Statons—B: Ooh Did I Miss Her—Bullet K 10706/7—7.
Ray Stevens--A: Butch Bubarrian--Mercury 72255--6.
Ray Stevens--B: Don't Say Anything--Mercury 72255--country--4.
The Stevensons—A: Happiness—DB 25567—psych—6.
The Stevensons—B: Hangin’ Around—DB 25567—country—4.
The Strangeloves—A: I Want Candy—Bang B-501—7.
The Strangeloves—B: It’s About My Baby—Bang B-501--6.
Strawberry Alarm Clock—A: Incense and Peppermints—Uni 55018--10.
Strawberry Alarm Clock—B: The Birdman of Alkatrash—Uni 55018--5.
Styx—A Day—.
Styx—Father O.S.A.—.
Screaming Lord Sutch—I’m a Hog for You—.
Screaming Lord Sutch—Monster in Black Tights—.
Screaming Lord Sutch—Bye Bye Baby—.
Screaming Lord Sutch—She’s Fallen in Love with a Monster—.
Sutherland Brothers and Quiver—A: You Got Me Anyway—Island P-1217—6.
Suzy and the Red Stripes--A: Seaside Woman--Epic 8-50403--6.
Suzy and the Red Stripes--B: B-Side to Seaside--Epic 8-50403--6.
Therapy—Heavy Church—.
Therapy—Who Am I—.
The Third World—A: Steal the Guns—RCA 74-0494—8.
The Third World—B: Hitler Is Alive and Well—RCA 74-0494—5.
360’s—A: Texas—Link L-H101—6.
360’s—B: Wild Roads—Link L-H101—5.
360's--A: Illuminated--Link L-H 103--4.
360's--B: H.M.S.--Link L-H 103--4.
Treepeople—B: Neil’s Down—Toxic Shock TOX-18—4.
The Tren-Dells—Tough Little Buggie—.
The Tren-Dells—Hey Da-Da-Dow—.
Tiny Lights—A: I Think I Just Want to Go Away—Koko Pop KOKO 12—4.
Tiny Lights—B: Pull It Together—Koko Pop KOKO 12—3.
The U.S. Male—A: The Girl Who Made Me Cry—Special Delivery SD 1005—3.
The U.S. Male—B: I Don’t Want to Know—Special Delivery SD 1005—7.
The Unknown?—A: All Over the World—Cinema 6903—6.
The Unknown?—B: You Could Help Me Ease the Pain—Cinema 6903—6.
Van Halen—Jump—3. This is the one that made it clear, Eddie and David were turning into fruitcakes and that they were both forsaking good hard rock for fruitcake music.
Vanity Fair—Hitchin’ a Ride—.
Vanity Fair—Early in the Morning—.
Bobby Vee and the Crickets—A: Someday—Liberty 55479—6.
Bobby Vee—B: Punish Her—Liberty 55479—4.
The Ventures—A: Walk—Don’t Run—Dolton No. 25—
The Ventures—B: Home—Dolton No. 25—
Johnny Victor—A: The Tears You Never Cried—Dolton No. 53—3.
Johnny Victor—B: Come to Me Johnny—Dolton No. 53—2.
The Wackers—A: I Don’t Want My Love Refused—Elektra EKS-45743—6.
The Wackers—B: I Like—Elektra EKS-45743—3.
The Wailers—Beat Guitar—.
The Wailers—Doin’ the Seaside—.
The Wailers—End of the Summer—.
The Wailers—It’s You Alone—.
The Wailers—Mau—.
The Wailers—Roadrunner—.
The Wailers—Shakedown—.
The Wailers—Stompin’ Willie—.
The Wailers—Surfin’—.
The Wailers—Tall Cool One—.
The Wailers—Tears—.
The Wailers—Think Kindly Baby—.
Travis Wammack—Fire Fly—8.
Travis Wammack—Scratchy—8.
Bobby Wayne—A: Wheels—Jerden 751—6.
Bobby Wayne—B: Moonshine—Jerden 751—6.
Webster’s New Word—A: Hard Loving Loser—Columbia 4-43745—7.
Webster’s New Word—B: I Don’t Want to Be the One—Columbia 4-43745—4.
Whitesnake—In the Still of the Night—4.
Ray Whitley—A: 1983—TRX 45-T-5007—4.
Ray Whitley—B: Gotta Go There—TRX 45-T-5007—4.
Wigwam—True Confession—.
Tex Williams—A: Here’s to You and Me—Boone B 1072—rockabilly—7.
Tex Williams—B: If Not for You There Could Go Me—Boone B 1072—country—5.
Tony Wilson—A: Baby I Love, Love I Love You—Revolver 61,000—4.
Tony Wilson—B: Come Back to My Lonely World—Revolver 61,000—3.
Workdogs—A&B: Haunted House of Love—Vital VMS-2—8.
Gene Wyatt—A: I Stole the Flowers from Your Garden—Mercury 72752—3.
Gene Wyatt—B: I’m a One Woman Man—Mercury 72752—4.
The Yardbirds—Happenings Ten Years Ago—.
The Yardbirds—The Nazz Are Blue—.
The Yardbirds—I’m a Man—.
The Yardbirds—Still I’m Sad—.
The Yardbirds—Ever Since the World Began—.
The Yardbirds—Farewell—.
The Yardbirds—He’s Always There—.
The Yardbirds—Hot House of Omagarashid—.
The Yardbirds—I Can’t Make Your Way—.
The Yardbirds—Jeff’s Boogie—.
The Yardbirds—Lost Woman—.
The Yardbirds—Over Under Sideways Down—.
The Yardbirds—Turn Into Earth—.
The Yardbirds—What Do You Want—.
The Yardbirds—Evil Hearted You—.
John Zacherle—A&B: Dinner with Drac—Cameo C 130—7.
Zakary Thaks—Everybody Wants to Be Somebody—.
Zakary Thaks—Outprint—.
Unholy Sacrifice
His tormented soul walked to his car
To search for gold and a brighter star
He sees a glow coming from her womb
And in his mind she lies in her tomb
A virgin man, death, sex, heartache pain
He sees his mark in the pouring rain
It's dry inside, he'll offer a ride
She won't accept, hit and pulled inside
He sees a glow coming from her womb
A shallow grave, she lies in her tomb
It isn't rape for he's Satan's seed
The child is born which has filled his need
The glow is gone coming from her womb
A shallow grave, she lies in her tomb
The child is brought, unholy alter
The knife is drawn, they stab and kill her
The world is dark, an unholy mess
They drink her blood and carve up the rest
Abortion child that was in the womb
Is now a feast in a belly tomb
Woe to the man who doesn't cherish life
For without love, there is only a knife
Commentary on "Unholy Sacrifice."
Definition of Abortion: the spiritual rape and murder of a mother in which the doctor eats her baby. That is what feeds an abortion clinic doctors family--dead babies. I chose a virgin man because abortion clinic doctors are innocent under the law. I have said spritually murdered because it is very difficult once the decision is made to have an abortion to come back from that type of philosophy that says there is no God and it is ok to have an abortion. The good news is that all things are possible through Jesus and even these things are forgivable.
We now live in a world where pregnacy no longer means there will be a new member of a family. No , in this world you are not pregnant, you have a tumor that needs to be removed. It may grow into a child that needs a parent or parents and we couldn't let that happen. After all it is a dangerous tumor that needs to be removed and not a child.
The scary thing is I posted this as a comment online and a woman commented back to me arguing for abortion. She agreed with me that an unborn child is a tumor. Another comment from another person on the same article was that an unborn child is not a child but a parasite. Evidently these women have never held a baby in their arms. Like the devil they prefer death over the miracle of life.
A single celled organism like an ameba is considered life. Both a fetus and an ameba start with one cell. But a fetus grows into so much more. Even parasites are a form of life if that is what you want to call a fetus. So you lose anyway because you claim it is not alive but yet to be a parasite it must be alive.
To sum it up and say it simply. Abortion is the cowards way out. Whether man or woman, if you involve yourself and support such an action as a woman having an abortion, you are nothing but a coward. While it is noble to give your own life to save another it is the exact oppisite to take a life to improve your own life. In other words, if you have an abortion or you support a persons decision to have an abortion, you are nothing more than a gutless chicken--a lower form of life because a real man or woman would face up and take responsibility for their actions and love their own son or daughter at least enough to make sure they have good parents, whether it be themselves or someone adopting. Only the devil would hate his or her own child enough to kill it. Only a coward would kill their own flesh and blood.
If you are into spiritually minded poetry please purchase a copy of my good friends book. "Bound Verse" by Carl Martin Cole, available on amazon.
For a man with a golden voice visit,
Will Ferrell give up. You'll never be funny. You'll always be just a big retard.
Art Poety
The Day Following Today.
Tethered pants, slants, eyes blurred, tomorrow’s gone.
Today is here, there is no tomorrow, tomorrow’s gone.
It doesn’t exist.
What is today?
May I believe in what?
Night, day, darkness, light.
Defining imagination, some man’s thoughts,
Used by us to comfort our mind.
Distortion, mush, instant freedom.
No rules, definitions fade—lost for tomorrow to find.
But I ask you, what is tomorrow?
The day that’s never reached.
Tomorrow never exists.
The Martyr’s Voice.
Would they have died for a lie?
When preaching Christ, meant their life.
Now I know I’m alive.
The martyr’s voice had survived.
They were there at the crucifixion.
And when he rose, they were with him.
They were there, they knew the truth.
That he died and rose for me and you. Oh Yah!
If it weren’t the truth, could they face their death?
Could they face Christ’s punishment?
The penalty of God’s own name.
It was the truth and that remains the same.
Somebody posed nude
But it’s no longer lewd
There’s a thirteen year old boy
And you’re his pride and joy
Somebody’s pulled down their pants
For a ghastly form of romance
She cost him ten bucks from a friend
Jerkin’ on the bathroom john ‘til night’s end.
Just out of prison
For rape and molestation
He sees you at the corner store
He gets the feeling once more
Somebody’s pulled down their pants
For a ghastly form of romance
The corner store, his best friend
Jerkin’ on the bathroom john ‘til night’s end
Voyeurism is simple, you watch others have sex
Or get off on snuff films handed over and hexed
Then there is the simple magazine
Sitting on the bathroom john they look at the obscene
Toilette paper cleans up the scene.
Yes it’s the bathroom john and the paper prostitute.
Look out now, or become their next recruit.
Pose for the film and guess what, you’re a slut.
Jerkin’ the bathroom John with a snarly pimply butt. Slut.
We live in a world where there are many mafia bosses and other organized crime bosses that deserve to be put to death. This is the way our laws should read. I believe in capitol punishment for these people because more than anybody they deserve it. It is a crime worse than murder in many cases. These people should die but I have to wonder why the politicians and lawyers let these people live. They should die in many circumstances. The big leaders in crime are the ones who deserve to die more than anybody for what they've done. It is their drugs which murder a lot of people. Cut thier balls off instead of letting these organizations continue to exist. Make them pay the price. Give them a consequence. Kill the leaders. Kill the rich guys in charge. Kill the one's who pull the strings. Remember the old west. I think that the motto "wanted dead or alive," should be brought back and that these people should have prices on their heads. You'll never get anywhere with any of these people unless you litterally scare the livin' shit out of them. Make them fear for their life and stop allowing them to continue in criminal activity in prison and if that means solitary for a large section of prisoners that is what it means. That is my perspective.
I hate gang culture. I don't hate it based on race. I don hate it based on money. It's not based on weather you are poor or rich. I don't hate it because it is different. No. The only reason I hate gang culture is that it is evil. Getting involved with gangs is like selling your soul into slavery and eventually death.
Children gathered in their masses.
Lured by witches to black masses.
Evil minds that plot seduction.
Sorcerers of death’s corruption.
In their seats, their lighters burning.
Satan’s war machine keeps turning.
Against the youth and all mankind.
Poisoning their brainwashed minds.
Woe to those who teach children to sin for “It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a huge millstone tied around his neck.”
Not my words but Gods.
Soul and Funk Reviews.
Rating scale.
10-Extraordinary classic
7-Very Good
5-Fair to Good
Afrique—A: Soul Makossa—Mainstream MRL 5542—6.
Afrique—B: Hot Mud—Mainstream MRL 5542—7.
Alfonzo—A: Change the World—Larc LR81011—3.
Alfonzo—B: Backstabbers—Larc LR81011—4.
The Artistics--A: I'm Gonna Miss You--Brunswick 55301--5.
The Artistics--B: Hope We Have--Brunswick 55301--6.
The Augustine Twins—Everyday of My Life—.
The Augustine Twins—My Place—.
Bar-Kays—A: Soul Finger—Volt 45-148—9.
Bar-Kays—B: Knucklehead—Volt 45-148—7.
The Bar-Kays—A: Attitudes—Mercury DJ-550—4.
Kathy Barnes--A: I'm in Love with Love--Republic REP-021--7.
H. B. Barnum—A: Lost Love—Eldo 45-0011—5.
H. B. Barnum—B: Hallelujah—Eldo 45-0011—5.
Chris Bartley—A: The Sweetest Thing This Side of Heaven—Vando DV-101—6.
Chris Bartley—B: Love Me Baby—Vando DV-101—5.
The Bayou Brothers—A: Beautiful—Mercury 73928—4.
The Bayou Brothers—B: You Don’t Have to Be an Angel—Mercury 73928—4.
William Bell—A: Easy Comin’ Out—Mercury DJ-525—5.
Cado Belle—A: Got To Love—Anchor AN-21007—6.
Beautiful Bend—A: Boogie Motion—Marlin 3327—9.
Beautiful Bend—B: Make That Feeling Come Again—Marlin 3327—5.
Bobby Bland – Ain’t Nothing You Can Do –.
Bobby Bland—If I Hadn’t Called You Back—.
Bobby Bland—Today’s Got to Be the Day—.
Bobby Bland—When You Put Me Down—.
Bobby Bland—So Long—.
Bobby Bland—Black Night—.
Bobby Bland—A: Make Believe Lover—Old Town 1088—5.
Bobby Bland—B: Harmony—Old Town 1088—6.
Blood, Sweat & Tears—A: Cowboys and Indians—Columbia 4-45477—5.
Blood, Sweat & Tears—B: Lisa, Listen to Me—Columbia 4-45477—6.
Bloodstone—A: Peter’s Jones—London 45-1046—6.
Bloodstone—B: Natural High—London 45-1046—5.
The Blossoms—A: Tweedlee Dee—MGM K 13964—6.
The Blossoms—B: You Got Me Hummin’—MGM K 13964—6..
Booker T. & the M.G.’s—Time Is Tight.
Booker T. & the M.G.’s—Johnny I Love You—.
Booker T. and the MG’s—Green Onions—.
Booker T. and the MG’s—Behave Yourself—.
Jim Brady and the Sonics—Near My Soul—.
Brass Construction—Sambo—.
Brass Construction—Ha Cha Cha—.
Brenda & Albert—A: Talking About Loving You—Clarama CL-1200—6.
Brenda & Albert—B: This Has Happened Before—Clarama CL-1200—4.
Jimmy Brisco & the Little Beavers—A: Why Do Fools Fall in Love—Atlantic 45-2822—5.
Brother to Brother—A: In the Bottle—Turbo TU-039—8.
Brother to Brother—B: The Affair—Turbo TU-039—3.
James Brown—Body Heat 1—.
James Brown—Body Heat 2—.
Al Browne’s Band—A&B: Soul—Providence PROV-408—7.
Sammy Bryant—A&B: He Knows How Much We Can Bear—Checker 5023—gospel—3.
Bull & the Matadors—A&B: The Funky Judge—Toddlin’ Town TT 108—6.
Michael Burton—A: She’s My Woman—Turbo TU-030—5.
Michael Burton—B: Love On a Two Way Street—Turbo TU-030—5.
Jerry Butler—Windy City Soul—.
Jerry Butler and Brenda Lee Eager—Ain’t Understanding Mellow—.
Shirley Caesar & the Caesar Singers with the Mt. Calvary Mass Choir—A: Dry Bones—HOB 1383—gospel—7.
Shirley Caesar & the Caesar Singers with the Thompson Community Singers—B: Teach Me Master—HOB 1383—gospel--5.
Bobby Caldwell—A: My Flame—Clouds CLX-18—5.
Bobby Caldwell—A: Can’t Say Goodbye—Clouds CL-15—4.
Bobby Caldwell—B: Down for the Third Time—Clouds CL-15—3.
G.C. Cameron—A: Don’t Wanna Play Pajama Games—MoWest MW 5036F—4.
Chairman of the Board—A: Everybody Party All Night—Invictus ZS7 1268—9.
Chairman of the Board—B: Morning Glory—Invictus ZS71268—6.
The Champs' Boys Orchestra--A: Tubular Bells--Janus J-259--6.
The Champs' Boys Orchestra--B: Fleur--Janus J-259--4.
Mista Charge—A: The Taste of Love—Target TGT 123—6.
Mista Charge—B: Show Me What You’re Made Of—Target TGT 123—8.
Mista Charge—B: The Difference Between a Duck—Target TGT 123—7.
The Chips—A: Break It Gently—Philips 40520—4.
The Chips—B: Mixed-Up, Shook-Up Girl—Philips 40520—4.
Stanley Clarke—Rock ‘N’ Roll Jelly—.
Stanley Clarke—Slow Dance—.
Dennis Coffey—A: Our Love Goes on Forever—Westbound WB 55402—4.
Dennis Coffey—B: Back Home—Westbound WB 55402—7.
Lyn Collins—A: Think—People PE 608—8.
Lyn Collins—B: Ain’t No Sunshine—People PE 608—7.
Wil Collins & Beverly Crosby—A: Isn’t It Lonely Together—Ap BCK-312—6.
Steve Colt—A: Dynamite—Big Beat BB-105—7.
Steve Colt—B: Take Away—Big Beat BB-105—6.
Consumer Rapport—A: Everybody Join Hands—Wing & a Prayer HS-102—7.
Sam Cooke—Forever—.
Sam Cooke—I’ll Come Running Back to You—.
The Core—A: World Citizenship—Core 1001--6.
The Core—B: Cry Love—Core 1001—7.
The Cotton Brothers—A: This World—Song Bird 1076—gospel—7.
The Cotton Brothers—B: Love Lifted Me—Song Bird 1076—gospel—4.
Creative Source—A: Who Is He, And What Is He to You—Sussex SR-509—7.
Crystal Winds—A&B: Signs of Winters Time—Cashear 9251—8.
King Curtis—Any Time—.
King Curtis—Home on the Range—.
The Dark Knights of Soul—A: Fatso—Mocambo 45-1024—8.
The Dark Knights of Soul—B: Doin’ the Tick—Mocambo 45-1024—9.
Tyrone Davis—A: One-way Ticket—Dakar 45-624—6.
The Deacons—A&B: Sock It to Me—Shama S-100—7.
Deep Velvet—A&B: Hanna Mae—Aware AW-034—7.
Delegation—A: Oh Honey—Shady Brook SB-1048—5.
Delegation—B: Let Me Take You to the Sun—Shady Brook SB-1048—5.
Gregg Diamond--A: Star Cruiser--Marlin 3329--6.
Gregg Diamond--B: This Side of Midnight--Marlin 3329--5.
Jimmy Dockett—A: Here—Flo-Feel FFR 2000—6.
Jimmy Dockett—B: I Got It—Flo-Feel FFR 3002—6.
The Drexall Singers—A: When He Shall Come—Song Bird 1072—gospel—7.
The Drexall Singers—B: I Found the Lord—Song Bird 1072—gospel—8.
The Earles, Inc.—A: What Would Your Daddy Say—Tee-Ti 802—6.
The Earles, Inc.—B: Let’s Try Again—Tee-Ti 802—6.
Eastside Connection—A: La Cucaracha—Rampart 761—7.
Ebony Rhythm Funk Campaign—How’s Your Wife—.
Ebony Rhythm Funk Campaign—Oh Baby—.
Ecstacy—A: Living in Ecstasy—Disco DJ 181—7.
Ecstasy, Passion & Pain—A: Good Things Don’t Last Forever—Roulette R-7156—6.
El Chicano—A: Dancin’ Mama—Shadybrook 45-032—7.
The Emotions—Show Me How—.
The Emotions—Boss Love Maker—.
Betty Everett & Jerry Butler--A: Let It Be Me--Vee-Jay VJ-613--5.
Betty Everett & Jerry Butler--B: Ain't That Loving You Baby--Vee-Jay VJ-613--6.
Executive Suite—When the Fuel Runs Out—.
Executive Suite—You Got It part 2—
Yvonne Fair—Love Ain’t No Toy—.
The Fame Gang—A: Spooky—Atlantic 45-2499—8.
The Fame Gang—B: Night Rumble Part II—Atlantic 45-2499—7.
Kim Fields—Dear Michael—Critique CRI 705—2.
The First Theremin Era—A: The Barnabas Theme from Dark Shadows—Epic 5-10440—8.
The First Theremin Era—B: Sunset in Siberia—Epic 5-10440—5.
Eddie Floyd—A: California Girl—Stax STA-0060—5.
King Floyd—A: I Feel Like Dynamite—Chimneyville CH-10202—8.
King Floyd—B: Handle with Care—Chimneyville CH-10202—4.
Darrow Fletcher—Now Is the Time for Love part 1—.
Darrow Fletcher—Now Is the Time for Love part 2—.
Aretha Franklin—A: Share Your Love with Me—Atlantic 45-2650—6.
Aretha Franklin—B: Pledging My Love/The Clock—Atlantic 45-2650—5.
Erma Franklin—Piece of My Heart—.
Erma Franklin—Baby What You Want Me to Do—.
Frederick II—A: Groovin’ Out on Life—Vulture 45-5002—4.
Frederick II—B: Gwendolyn—Vulture 45-5002—5.
Free Movement—A: Love the One You’re With—Columbia 4-45567—9.
The Friends of Distinction—A: Going in Circles—RCA 74-0204—6.
Funkadelic—Magot Brain / Chant—.
Funkadelic—Lunchmeataphobia / P.E. Squad/Doo Doo Chasers—.
Marvin Gaye—A: I Want You—Tamla T 54264 F—6.
Good Bread Alley—A: Soul Mate—Private Stock PS 45.161—Reggae—6.
Al Green—Tired of Being Alone—.
Al Green—Get Back Baby—.
Garland Green--A: Jealous Kind of Fella--Uni 55143--5.
Garland Green--B: I Can't Believe You Quit Me--Uni 55143--6.
The Grits—Strychnine—.
The Grits—Funky Mile—.
Ground Hog—Bumpin’ part 1—.
Ground Hog—Bumpin’ part 2—.
Guys & Dolls—A: Pretty, Pretty, Baby—Astrophe 37114—6.
Guys & Dolls—B: Ain’t It a Shame—Astrophe 37114—7.
Fergus Hambleton—A: Steal This Girl—Ready SR 241—reggae—6.
Fergus Hambleton—B: Ta Blonde Va S’en Aller—Ready SR 241—reggae—6.
Clay Hammond—A: I’m Gonna Be Sweeter—Kent K 511—6.
Clay Hammond—B: The Good Side of My Girl—Kent K 511—6.
Betty Harris—A: Can’t Last Much Longer—Sansu 471—6.
Betty Harris—B: I’m Gonna Git Ya—Sansu 471—7.
Will Hatcher—A: Who Am I Without You Baby—Wand WND 11286—5.
Will Hatcher—B: What Is Best for Me Is Better for You—Wand WND 11286—4.
Donny Hathaway—Extension of a Man EP—Atlantic SD 7-7029—1. I Know It’s You—5.
2. Flying Easy—5.
3. The Slums—6.
4. Valdez in the Country—6.
Isaac Hayes—A: Chocolate Chip—ABC ABC-12118—9.
Roy Head--A: Just a Little Bit--Scepter SCE 12116--4.
Roy Head--B: Treat Me Right--SCE 12116--5.
Bobby Hebb—A: I Love Mary—Scepter SCE 12166—5.
Bobby Hebb—B: I Love Mary (Instrumental)—Scepter SCE 12166—4.
Richard Hewson Orchestra—Love Bite—.
Chris Hills—A: Sweet Joanne—Embryo EM-513—6.
Holland-Dozier—A: I’m Gonna Hijack Ya, Kidnap Ya, Take What I Want—Invictus ZS71258—7.
Holland-Dozier—B: You Took Me from a World Outside—Invictus ZS7 1258—5.
Frank Hooker & Positive People—A: Rock Me—Panorama YB-11634—7.
Frank Hooker & Positive People—B: Looking for My Number One Love—Panorama YB-11634—5.
Hot Line—A&B: Juice It Up—Red Coach RC 808—7.
Hot Line—A: Feelin the Feelin—Vigor VIDJ-1724—5.
Little Larry Hudson—A: Strong Constitution—Inner City Trade TS-11146—5.
Little Larry Hudson—B: Land of Dog Eat Dog—Inner City Trade TS-11146—5.
Terry Huff—A: Where There’s a Will—Mainstream MRL 5586—6.
Rhetta Hughes—A: Light My Fire—Tetragrammaton T-1513—10.
Rhetta Hughes—B: Sooky—Tetragrammaton T-1513—7.
The Incredable Fly—Hay Miss Lady part 1—.
The Incredable Fly—Hay Miss Lady part 2—.
Infernal Blues Machine—A: Needing You—London 5N-225—6.
Luther Ingram—A: Pity for the Lonely—Ko Ko KOA-2102—7.
Luther Ingram—B: Looking for a New Love—Ko Ko KOA-2102—8.
The Intrigues—In a Moment—.
The Intrigues—Scotchman Rock—.
The Intrigues—The Language of Love—.
The Intrigues—I Got Love—.
Deon Jackson—A: Love Makes the World Go Round—Carla 45-2526—4.
Deon Jackson—B: You Said You Loved Me—Carla 45-2526—5.
J.J. Jackson—A: Boogaloo Baby—Calla 119—7.
J.J. Jackson—B: But It’s Alright—Calla 119—7.
John Roman Jackson—A: Back on Top—Oak OR 107—
John Roman Jackson—B: Welfare Check—Oak OR 107—
Rev. Leroy Jenkins—1. Peace in the Valley—LJEA 45-1007—2.
Rev. Leroy Jenkins—2. How Great Thou Art—LJEA 45-1007—1.
Rev. Leroy Jenkins—3. Michael—LJEA 45-1007—1.
Rev. Leroy Jenkins—4. How Great Thou Art—LJEA-1007—2.
Al Johnson—A: It’s Not Too Late—Marina WMS 500—5.
The Jones Boys—A: The Champ—Lemco 875—7.\
Bobby Jones—A&B: The Boogie Train—Capri 1020—7.
Quincy Jones Featuring James Ingram—A: Just Once—A&M 2357-S—5.
Quincy Jones Featuring James Ingram—B: The Dude—A&M 2357-S—3.
The Jones Boys—B: Half Pound O’Ground Round—Lemco 875—7.
Junior & the Classics—Kill the Pain—.
Junior & the Classics—Please Make Love to Me—.
Kaise Joe—A: Bum Bum—Afro-Carib KJ 516—reggae—5.
Kaise Joe—B: Revue—Afro-Carib KJ 516—reggae—4.
Ernie K-Doe--A: I Cried My Last Tear--Minit 634--4.
Ernie K-Doe--B: A Certain Girl--Minit 634--6.
Eddie Kendricks--A: Eddie's Love--Tamla T 54218F--4.
Theola Kilgore—A:This Is My Prayer—Serock 2006—7.
Theola Kilgore—B: As Long as You Need Me—Serock 2006—6.
King Biscuit Boy—A: The Bum Is Mine—Epic 8-50050—6.
Bo Kirkland & Ruth Davis—Easy Loving—.
Bo Kirkland & Ruth Davis—We Got the Recipe—.
Earl Knight & George Kelley—A&B: Let It Roll—ABC Paramount 45-10,023—7.
Robert Knight—A: Everlasting Love—Rising Sons RS 45-705—8.
Robert Knight—B: Somebody’s Baby—Rising Sons RS 45-705—6.
Bob Kuban and the In-Men—A: The Cheater—Musicland U.S.A. 20,001—6.
Bob Kuban and the In-Men—B: Try Me Baby—Musicland U.S.A. 20,001—4.
Denise La Salle—Man Sized Job—.
Denise La Salle—I’m Over You—.
Law—Wake Up—.
Otis Leavill--A: I Love You--Dakar 45-614--3.
Otis Leavill--B: I Need You--Dakar 45-614--4.
The Lebron Brothers—A: Amazona—Cotique C-270—7.
The Lebron Brothers—B: Apagame El Fuego—Cotique C-270—5.
Jackie Lee—A: Your Sweetness Is My Weakness—Uni 55259—9.
Jackie Lee—B: You Were Searching for a Love—Uni 55259—5.
Laura Lee—A: I Need It Just as Bad as You—Invictus ZS7 1264—9.
Laura Lee—B: If I’m Good Enough to Love—Invictus ZS7 1264—5.
Leroy and the Drivers—A: Blow Wind—Coral 62515—6.
Leroy and the Drivers—B: LOVE—Coral 62515—4.
Livin’ Proof—A&B: You and I—Ju-Par JP532—5.
Carol Lloyd—Shake Me Wake Me—.
Lisa Lopez—A: Lookin’ Back—Omega ST-4446—4.
Lisa Lopez—B: Funkie Disco Song—Omega ST-4446—5.
C.M. Lord—A: Your Love Is Like the Morning Sun—London 205—6.
Louisiana Purchase--A: For the Moment--Kelli-Arts KA-1005--3.
Candace Love—A: Heaven & Hell—Aquarius AQ4051—5.
Candace Love—B: I Wanna Get Back—Aquarius AQ4051—5.
The Love Machine—A: Desperately—Buddah BDA 595—5.
Lowrell—A: Overdose of Love—AVI 235-S—10.
Lowrell—B: Smooth and Wild—AVI 235-S—5.
Manchild—A: Power and Love—Chi-Sound CH-XW1073—8.
The Manhattans—A: If My Heart Could Speak—DeLuxe 45-152—5.
The Manhattans—B: Do You Ever—DeLuxe 45-152—6.
Manzanilla—A: Far from the Maddening Crowd—GNP Crescendo GNP 433—3.
The Roberta Martin Singers—A: I Found Him—Savoy 45-4103—gospel—3.
The Roberta Martin Singers—B: God Specializes—Savoy 45-4103—gospel—3.
Liz Martinez—A: La Cancion es Parati—Magic Touch MT 9021—5.
Liz Martinez—B: El Hijo Que Olvidaste—Magic Touch MT 9021—4.
The Masqueraders—A: Tell Me You Love Me—American Group Production 122—6.
The Masqueraders—B: Love, Peace and Understanding—American Group Production 122—8.
Curtis Mayfield—Freddie’s Dead (Theme from Superfly)—.
Curtis Mayfield—Underground—.
Skip McHoney and the Casuals—A: Your Funny Moods—DC International DCI 5003—4.
Skip McHoney and the Casuals—B: Struggling Man—DC International DCI 5003—4.
Ronnie McNeir—A: Saggitarian Affair—Prodigal PLP 0620F—5.
Mebusas—Vol. 1 Blood Brothers—Academy ALP003—1. Son of Mr. Bulldog—10.
2. Blood Brothers—6.
3. I Wanna Do It—9.
4. Return-Pada—5.
5. Mr. Bulldog—8.
6. Grooving Out on Life—6.
7. Kwashioko—7.
8. Do You Know—6.
9. Goodbye Friends—6.
Mel and Tim—Backfield in Motion—.
Mel and Tim—Do Right Baby—.
Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes—A: If You Don’t Know Me By Now—Philadelphia International ZS7 3520—8.
Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes—B: Let Me Into Your World—Philadelphia International ZS7 3520—5.
Middle Earth—Free Yourself—.
Middle Earth—Time Travelers—.
Willie Mitchell—A: Soul Serenade—Hi 45-2140—7.
Willie Mitchell—B: Mercy, Mercy, Mercy—Hi 45-2140—7.
The Mob—A: I Dig Everything About You—Colossus CS 130—7.
The Mob—B: Love Has Got a Hold on Me—Colossus CS 130—6.
The Montclairs—A: Dreaming Out of Season—Paula 363—5.
The Montclairs—B: I Just Can’t Get Away—Paula 363—4.
Kitty Montgomery—A: Tired, Tired of You—PM MS-44950—8.
Kitty Montgomery—B: Bring Love—PM MS-44950—6.
Dorothy Moore—A: Misty Blue—Malaco M 1029—5.
Dorothy Moore—B: Here It Is—Malaco M 1029—6.
Melba Moore—A: My Sensitive, Passionate Man—Buddah BDA 572—4.
Stan Mosley—A: Good Stuff—Mardi Gras MG 257—5.
Stan Mosley—B: Rockin’ Slide—Mardi Gras MG 257—5.
Idris Muhammad—A&B:Could Heaven Ever Be Like This (part 1 / part 2)—Kudu KU-939—8.
Fred Munnings Jr.—A&B: Goombay Jump—Cap Productions 1003—7.
Net Wt. 14 Karat Black—A&B: Gotta Make a Change—Luna L-805—7.
The New Birth—Pretty Words Don’t Mean a Thing—.
The New Birth—It’s You Or No One—.
Frankie Newsome with the Mod Singers—A: You’re Gonna Need Me—Savern SN110—7.
The Mod Singers—B: You’re Gonna Need Me (Instrumental)—Savern SN110—7.
The Nite-Liters—Tanga Boo Gonk—same.
The Nite-Liters—K-Jee—same.
Cliff Nobles—A: Love Is All Right—Phil L.A. of Soul 313—9.
Cliff Nobles—B: The Horse—Phil L.A. of Soul 313—9.
Freddie North—A: She’s All I Got—Mankind 12004—6.
Freddie North—B: Ain’t Nothing in the News—Mankind 12004—6.
Ojay’s—Don’t You Know a True Love—same.
The O’jays—I Just Want to Satisfy—Philadelphia International ZS5 02834—6.
100 Proof—Somebody’s Been Sleeping—same.
100 Proof—I’ve Come to Save You—same.
Pacific Orchestra—A: Sweat It Out—PO 666—7.
Pacific Orchestra—B: Day After Day—PO 666—6.
Louis Paul—A: Love Someone—Memphis 711—6.
Louis Paul—B: There Ain’t Been No Rockin’ Since Rock and Roll Left Town—Memphis 711—6.
The Peppers—Pepper Box—same.
The Peppers—Pinch of Salt—same.
George Perkins & the Silver Stars—A&B: Cryin’ in the Streets—Silver Fox 18—5.
Bill Pinkney—A: Broke Blues—Southern Charisma 3279/3289—7.
Bill Pinkney—B: 60 Minute Man—Southern Charisma 3279/3289—8.
Pirate—Step Down—same.
The Pirates—A: Big Boy Pete—Deaux 45-DEA-1150—6.
The Pirates—B: Little Boy Sad—Deaux 45-DEA-1150—5.
Pleasure--A: Joyous--9.
Pleasure--B: Dance to the Music--6.
Carolyn Porter—A: Put Your Mind Where Your Heart Is—SSS International SSS-811—5.
Carolyn Porter—B: The Man I’m Looking For—SSS International SSS-811—6.
Lloyd Price—A: Pistol Packin’ Mama—Double-L 714—8.
Lloyd Price—B: Tennessee Waltz—Double-L—7.
The Profitts—A: Harlem Shuffle—Watch 1905—8.
The Profitts—B: Comin’ Home Baby—Watch 1905—8.
Raven—A: Feeling Good—Columbia 4-44988—8.
Raven—B: Green Mountain Dream—Columbia 4-44988—5.
James Ray—A: If You Gotta Make a Fool of Somebody—Caprice 110—5.
James Ray—B: It’s Been a Drag—Caprice 110—4.
The Real Thing—A: Tears of Joy—Whiz 616—6.
The Real Thing—B: It’s My Life—Whiz 616—7.
Otis Redding--A: The Dock of the Bay--Atlanic OS 13100--9.
Otis Redding--B: My Lover's Prayer--Atlantc OS 13100--6.
Rhythm Heritage—Theme from S.W.A.T.—same.
Rhythm Heritage—I Wouldn’t Treat a Dog—same.
Rockie Robbins—A: When I Think of You—A&M 2153—5.
Jimmy Robins—A: I Can’t Please You—Jerhart 207—7.
Jimmy Robins—B: I Made It Over—Jerhart 207—4.
Rock Flowers—A: Good Company—Mattel 1167—6.
Rock Flowers—B: Sweet Times—Mattel 1167—8.
Rosco Robinson—One More Time—same.
Rosco Robinson—That’s Enough—same.
The Rock Flowers—A: Put a Little Love Away—Wheel 32-0042—5.
Priscilla Rollins—A: Letter from Miami—Roulette R-7148—6.
Jackie Ross--A: Don't Change Your Mind--Fountain FOA-1101--5.
Jackie Ross--B: Who Could Be Loving You--Fountain FOA-1101--4.
Rose Royce—A: I Wanna Get Next to You—MCA MCA-40662--6.
Rose Royce—B: Sunrise—MCA MCA-40662—5.
The Rumour—A: I’m So Glad—Mercury 73949—5.
The Rumour—B: This Town—Mercury 73949—5.
Bobby Rush—A: Talk to Your Daughter—LaJam LJ004—7.
Bobby Rush—B: Think—LaJam LJ004—6.
Sam & Bill—For Your Love—same.
Sam & Bill—Beautiful Baby—same.
Sattalites--A: She Loves You--Axe 87--reggae--5.
Sattalites--B: Isn't That So--Axe 87--reggae--5.
Scott Bros. Orchestra—A&B: I Don’t Wanna Lose You—Toddlin’ Town TT 131—7.
Bunny Sigler—A&B: Love Train—Philadelphia International ZS7 3545—6.
Silver Convention—A: Get Up and Boogie—Midsong International MI 9002—9.
Silver Convention—B: Fly, Robin, Fly—Midsong International MI 9002—8.
Simtec Simmons—A: Some Other Time—Innovation II INS 8047—6..
Simtec Simmons—B: Classified Crazy Man—Innovation II INS 8047—7.
Simtec & Wylie—Gimme Some of What You Got—same.
Simtec & Wylie—Put an Extra Plus to Your Love—same.
Sister Power—A: Gimme Back My Love Affair—Ocean 7501—6.
Sister Power—B: Help Me Love Again—Ocean 7501—3.
Gizelle Smith—A: Snake Charmer—Mocambo 45-1020—7.
Gizelle Smith—B: Out of Fashion—Mocambo 45-1020—6.
Gizelle Smith—A&B: Johnny—Mocambo 45-1032—6.
The Soul Brothers—A: I Could Have Danced All Night—Jomada M-604—5.
Soul Sisters--A: Loop de Loop--Sue 45-107--6.
Soul Sisters--B: Long Gone--Sue 45-107--5.
Sparrow AM/FM—Hit-Hook—same.
Sparrow AM/FM—November Cold—same.
Rick Spinnato—A: She Sure Is Something Good—High N’ Low Notes Records—metal—6.
Rick Spinnato—B: Straight for the Heart—High N’ Low Notes Records—metal—6.
Springers—A: Why—Way Out Records—5.
Springers—B: Last Heartbreak—Way Out Records—5.
Spiral Staircase—A: More Today Than Yesterday—Columbia 13-33166—9.
Spiral Staircase—B: No One for Me to Turn To—Columbia 13-33166—6.
Candi Staton—Evidence—same.
Candi Staton—Sweet Feeling—same.
Candi Staton—A: Young Hearts Run Free—Warner Bros. WBS 8181—7.
Candi Staton—B: I Know—Warner Bros. WBS 8181—6.
Melody Stewart—Get Down, Get Down—same.
Melody Stewart—Action Satisfaction—same.
Stories—Brother Louie—same.
Stories—What Comes After—same.
Nolan Struck—A: My Nerve’s Gone Bad—Retta’s RET-004—8.
Nolan Struck—B: Fire Don’t Burn All the Time—Retta’s RET-004—7.
Stuff ‘N’ Ramjett—A:If You Love Me Let Me Know—Chelsea CH-3048—5.
Super Heavy—A: Nit-Wit Thing—Fedra Records—4.
Super Heavy—B: Everything I Want—Fedra Records—5.
Supercharge—A: Give It to Nasty—Virgin ZS8 9507—8.
The Supremes--A: He's My Man--Motown M 1358F--6.
Swamp Dogg—Sal-a-Faster—same.
Swamp Dogg—Mama’s Baby, Daddy’s Maybe—same.
The Sweet Brothers—A: My Life Will Be Sweeter—Song Bird 1074—gospel—7.
The Sweet Brothers—B: God Is Still on the Throne—Song Bird 1074—gospel—5.
Alex Taylor—A: Night Owl—Capricorn 45-8019—7.
Gloria Ann Taylor—A: Jolen—Selection Sound 0351—8.
Gloria Ann Taylor—B: Music—Selection Sound 0351—6..
Johnnie Taylor—Who’s Make Love—same.
Johnnie Taylor—I’m Trying—same.
Ted Taylor—A: I Feel a Chill—Ronn R-40—7.
Ted Taylor—B: The Loving Physician—Ronn R-40—6.
Ted Taylor—A: Somebody’s Gettin’ It—Alarm 112—7.
Ted Taylor—B: Steal Away—Alarm 112—5.
Ted Taylor—A: Funky Situation—Ronn RONN 46—7.
Ted Taylor—B: I’m Glad Your Home—Ronn RONN 46—6.
The Mike Theodore Orchestra—the Bull—same.
Bobby Thomas & the Hotline—A: Swept Away—MCA MCA-40542—4.
Bobby Thomas & the Hotline—B: Sugar Boogie—MCA MCA-40452—6.
David Clayton Thomas—A: Yesterday’s Music—Columbia 4-45675—6.
Tyrone Thomas & the Whole Darn Family—A: Fly Away Love Bird—Soul International 110—6.
Tyrone Thomas & the Whole Darn Family—B: Stuck on Your Self—Soul International 110—6.
Bertha Tillman—A: Oh My Angel—Brent 7029—5.
Bertha Tillman—B: Lovin’ Time—Brent 7029—5.
Tim—A: I Need Your Love—Celtex CT-102—8.
Tim—B: My Side of the Track—Celtex CT-102—7.
TNT Band—A: The Meditation—Cotique C-136—7.
TNT Band—B: Sabre Olvidar—Cotique C-136—4.
Lou Toby—B: Heavy Steppin’—Peachmint AR-6065—7.
Israel Tolbert—A: Big Leg Woman—Warren WAA-106—7.
Israel Tolbert—B: I Got Love—Warren WAA-106—6.
Oscar Toney, Jr.—A: Down on My Knees—Capricorn C-8005—5.
Oscar Toney, Jr.—B: Seven Days Tomorrow—Capricorn C-8005—5.
The Tri-Ems—Tea Pot—same.
The Tri-Ems—I Wouldn’t Believe—same.
Andrea True Connection—More, More, More part 1—same.
Andrea True Connection—More, More, More part 2—same.
The U.S. Six—A: The Push—Ascot AS 2162—6.
The U.S. Six—B: I Do Love You—Ascot AS 2162—5.
Universal Mind—A: Something Fishy Going On—Red Coach RC 807—9.
Universal Mind—B: For You Girl—Red Coach RC 807—6.
Philip Upchurch—A&B: You Can’t Sit Down—Boyd BB-3398—8.
Phil Upchurch/Tennyson Stephens—A: You Got Style—Kudu KU-926 F—4.
Phil Upchurch/Tennyson Stephens—B: Ave Maria—Kudu KU-926 F—5.
The Ventures—A: Superstar Revue—United Artists UA-XW687-Y—5.
The Vontastics—A: Day Tripper—St. Lawrence 1014—8.
The Vontastics—B: My Baby—St. Lawrence 1014—6.
Voyage—A: From East to West—Marlin 3322—6.
Voyage—B: Latin Odyssey—Marlin 3322—6.
Albertina Walker and the Caravans—A: Love One Another—Caritas—8.
Albertina Walker and the Caravans—B: Mama Said Thank You—Caritas—6.
Travis Wammack—A: New Orleans—Fame FM-XW267-W—6.
Anita Ward—A: Don’t Drop My Love—Juana JUX-3425—8.
Chico Waters—B: If You Were Mine—Embryo EM-513—5.
Fred Wesley & the J.B.’s—A: If You Don’t Get It Right the First Time Back Up and Try It Again, Party—People PE 627—8.
Fred Wesley & the J.B.’s—B: You Can Have Watergate Just Gimme Some Bucks and I’ll Be Straight—People PE 627—8.
Johnn Billy West—A: Nothing But a Devil—Invictus IS-9101—6.
Johnn Billy West—B: Yeah, I’m a Devil—Invictus IS-9101—6.
Clarence Wheeler—A: Inseparable—Grits GR-71833—6.
Clarence Wheeler—B: Calling Card—Grits GR-71833—6.
The Willing Four—A: What a Friend—Jewel J 188--gospel—6.
The Willing Four—B: Plenty Good Room—Jewel J 188—gospel—7.
Chick Willis—Stoop Down Baby—same.
Chick Willis—It Ain’t Right—same.
Wilmer & the Dukes—A: Heavy Time—Aphrodisiac SME 261—7.
Wilmer & the Dukes—B: I’m Free—Aphrodisiac SME 261—7.
Al Wilson—A: Poor Side of Town—Soul City SCR-771—7.
Al Wilson—B: The Dolphins—Soul City SCR-771-5.
Bobby Wilson--A: Here Is Where the Love Is--Chain TCH-2101--3.
Bobby Wilson--B: Anything--Chain TCH-2101--5.
Bill Withers—Ain’t No Sunshine—same.
Bill Withers—Harlem—same.
Bill Withers—A: Use Me—Sussex SUX 241—10.
Bill Withers—B: Let Me in Your Life—Sussex SUX 241—4.
Wolfticket—A: Just Might Be a Rich Man—Say Music Copy 76—8.
Wolfticket—B: Can’t Stand It—Say Music Copy 76--8.
Betty Wright—A: Clean Up Woman—Alston 45-4601—7.
Betty Wright—B: I’ll Love You Forever—Alston 45-4601—4.
The Young Sisters—A: Let’s Do the Latin Hustle—Philips 40803—5.
The Young Sisters—B: Latin with the Sisters—Philips 40803—5.
Lenny Zakatek—A: Do It Right—A&M 2187-S—7.
Lenny Zakatek—B: Viens—A&M 2187-S—3.
Tapper Zukie—A: New Star—New Star NEW 1—reggae—4.
Tapper Zukie—B: Living in the Ghetto—New Star NEW 1—reggae—4.
Pop, Country and Folk Reviews.
Rating scale.
10-Extraordinary classic
7-Very Good
5-Fair to Good
Urel Albert—A: C&W Meets R&B—Sugar Hill SH017—country—6.
Urel Albert—B: I’m Free from Your Love—Sugar Hill SH017—country—3.
Steve Alexander—A: I’m So Lonely—Relco R 2165—country—5.
Steve Alexander—B: Holly—Relco R 2165—country—5.
Annette--A: Don't Jump to Conclusions--Disneyland F-102--pop--5.
Annette--B: How Will I Know My Love--Disneyland F-102--pop--3.
James Arr Septette—A: Congo Elegy—Scott 1541—
James Arr Septette—B: Panther Dance—Scott 1541—
Al Bain—A: Water and the Wine—Chart CH-5063—country—5.
Al Bain—B: Don’t Trouble Trouble—Chart CH-5063—country—4.
Andy Badale—A: Finger Pickin’ Good—GP 577—country—6.
Andy Badale—B: Nashville Beer Garden—GP 577—country 4.
Lloyd Baron—A: Arizona, Has Anybody Ever Seen It All?—Southwest Words and Music—folk—3.
John Barry--A: Goldfinger--United Artists UA 791--instrumental--6.
John Barry--B: Troubadour--United Artists UA 791--instrumental--5.
Barbi Benton—A: Brass Buckles—Playboy P 6032—country—6.
Barbi Benton—B: Put A Little Bit on Me—Playboy P 6032—country—6.
Lloyd Benton & the Country Four—A: Monkey See Monkey Do—Mootrey’s 1253—country—6.
Lloyd Benton & the Country Four—B: Yodeling for Fun—Mootrey’s 1253—country—5.
Ben Gay—A: The Ballad of Ben Gay—GNP Crescendo GNP 479—country—4.
The Bestmasters—B: Exodus—Music-Hall—easy listening—7.
Joe Bibbiano—Pennies from Heaven—pop—
Big Pete—A: Baracuda—Brent 7025—pop—6.
Big Pete—B: Big Pete—Brent 7025—pop—4.
Arkey Blue—A: It’s So Easy—Grande No. 8—Country—3.
Arkey Blue—B: Feeling Bad—Grande No. 8—Country—4.
Arkey Blue—A: The Worst of You, Just Got the Best of Me—Grande No. 10—Country—5.
Arkey Blue—B: Mona—Grande No. 10—Country—3.
Bobby Butler—A: Cheaper Crude or No More Food—IBC 0001—country—6.
Bobby Butler—B: Bobby’s Breakdown—IBC 0001—country—7.
Bert Bryant—A: What’ll Happen to Me—Mis-Tal Records—country/rockabilly—6.
Bert Bryant—B: Walk Away—Mis-Tal Records—country—3.
Calhoun Twins—A: Path Across My Mind—Marathon 45-1127—country—4.
Calhoun Twins—B: Little Rosa—Marathon 45-1127—country—3.
Johnny Carver—A: Hold Me Tight—Imperial 66341—country—6.
Johnny Carver—A: This Town’s Not Big Enough—Epic 5-10760—country—4.
Johnny Carver—B: If You Think That It’s All Right—Epic 5-10760—country—3.
Johnny Cash—A: See Ruby Fall—Columbia 4-45020—country—4.
Johnny Cash—B: Blistered—Columbia 4-45020—country—5.
Johnny Cash--A: Guess Things Happen That Way--Sun 295--country--5.
Johnny Cash--B: Come in Stranger--Sun 295--country--6.
Terry Cashman--A: Talkin' Baseball (Cubs Version)--Sparrow LS-45104CC--pop--5.
Terry Cashman--B: Baby, Baby I Love You--Sparrow LS-45104CC--pop--4.
Chester & Lester—A: I’m Your Greatest Fan—RCA JB-11330—country—5.
Chester & Lester—B: Hot Toddy—RCA JB-11330—country—5.
Roger Christopher—A: Country Rock Sound—Relco R 2161—country—7.
Roger Christopher—B: Our Love Song—Relco R 2161—country—4.
Frank Clark—A: Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer—Hit 69—pop—5.
Shaye Cogan—A:Little Ring—Roulette R-4095—pop—4.
Shaye Cogan—B: Tippy Canoe—Roulette R-4095—pop—4.
Jaret David Cole—A: Winter in My Heart—Relco R 2157—country—6.
Jaret David Cole—B: Captain of the Angels—Relco R 2157—country—6.
Brian Collins—A: Hello Mama—Blast-Off B-001—country—5.
Brian Collins—B: Get Smart—Blast-Off B-001—country—5.
Bob Craig—A: Not By Bread Alone—Relco R 2142—country—6.
Bob Craig—B: Leah Jane—Relco R 2142—country—6.
Cliff Crofford—A: Every Time I Hear the Fiddle Play—Mega MR 211—country—4.
Cliff Crofford—B: Livin’ Her Life in a Song—Mega MR 211—country—4.
Danny Daniels—B: David’s Delight—Lemco 851—Rock N Roll—5.
Bill Davis—A: I’m a Low-Down Son-of-a-gun—Wizard 240—
Bill Davis—B: That’s What Friends Are For—Wizard 240—
Gary Davis Band—A: Like Old Times Again—Ram 1978 13/14—country—6.
Gary Davis Band—B:El Captain—Ram 1978 13/14—country—6.
Jimmie Davis—A: Heaven’s National Anthem—Canaan CAS-295—country—3.
Jimmie Davis—B: Walking on the Water—Canaan CAS-295—country—3.
Paul Davis—A: Cry Just A Little—Bang ZS9 4811—pop—1.
Al Dean and the All Stars—A: Jalisco—Kik-R 202—rockabilly—6.
Al Dean and the All Stars—Cotton Eyed Joe—Kik-R 202—country—5.
The De Castro Sisters—A: It’s Love—Abbott 3001-45—pop—4.
The De Castro Sisters—B: Touch Me Tonight—Abbott 3001-45—pop—3.
Bobby Denver—A:Act Naturally—Country & Western Hits 206—country—5.
Bobby Denver—B:Wings of a Dove—Country & Western Hits 206--country—4.
Bobby Denver—A: Ring of Fire—Country & Western Hits 211—country—6.
Bobby Denver—B: Candy Kisses—Country & Western Hits 211—country—3.
Henri De Pari—A: Seven Days in Barcelona—RKO Unique 394—pop—4.
Sharon Dickel—A: Greer’s Ferry Lake—Relco R 2163—country—7.
Sharon Dickel—B: Thank You for Happening to Me—Relco R 2163—country—5.
Dr. Strangelove & the Fallouts—Love That Bomb—pop.
Phil Driscoll—A: O Come Let Us Sing—Benson BR 5639—Christian—9.
Jess Duboy—A: Achin’ Breakin’ Heart—Brooke BR-121—country rockabilly—7.
Jess Duboy—B: The Only One I Love—Brooke BR-121—country rockabilly—6.
Dave Dudley—A:Cowboy Boots—Golden Ring GR 3030—rockabilly—7.
Dave Dudley—B: I Think I’ll Cheat—Golden Ring GR 3030—country—3.
Lesley Duncan—A:Sing Children Sing—Columbia 4-45473—folk—4.
Cliff Duphiney—A: Deep Night—Decora Amphora DA-1013—pop—5.
Cliff Duphiney—B: Hi! Joy—Decora Amphora DA-1013—pop—3.
The Electronic Concept Orchestra—A: Grazing in the Grass—Limelight L-3090—pop—4.
The Electronic Concept Orchestra—B: Aquarius—Limelight L-3090—pop—5.
Terry English & Nightshift—A: Naples Bay—Nightshift ELP 1006—country—5.
Terry English & Nightshift—B: One More Time—Nightshift ELP 1006—country—5.
Chiemi Eri—A: Rock and Roll Waltz—King EA 2, Japan--pop—4.
Chiemi Eri—B: Love Me or Leave Me—King EA 2, Japan—pop—3.
Scott Erickson—A: Sad Song Sing Along—Ribbon Rail RRS 103—country—5.
Scott Erickson—B: Talkin’ Saturday Night Blues—Ribbon Rail RRS 103—country 4.
Myron Esch—A: The Derrick—Loanco L102079—6.
Myron Esch—B: These Hands—Loanco L102079—4.
The Family Jewels—A: Sweet Sauce—Agape 45-9010—country—6.
The Family Jewels—B: Chicken Gumbo—Agape 45-9010—country—7.
Donita Fay--A: Slide Over Bronson--Gee Pee Records--rockabilly--6.
Donita Fay--B: The Cheating Look--Gee Pee Records--country--5.
Zoot Fenster—A: The Man on Page 602—Antique IRDA-106—country—4.
Zoot Fenster—B: Vinegar in My Wine—Antique IRDA-106—country—4.
Bob Floyd--A: Too Many Memories of You--Tiffany 45-1322--pop--3.
Bob Floyd--B: Painted Lips--Tiffany 45-1322--pop--4.
The Flying Pickets—A: When You’re Young and in Love—10 TEN 20—pop—3.
The Flying Pickets—B: Monica Engineer—10 TEN 20—pop—2.
4 of a Kind—A: You Were Made T’ Love—Cameo C154—pop—4.
4 of a Kind—B: Love Every Moment You Live—Cameo C154—pop—4.
Rudy Gaddis—A:Bass Fisherman—G.M. GM-183—5.
Bob Gallion—A: Loving You—Hickory 45-1130—rockabilly—5.
Bob Gallion—B: Start All Over—Hickory 45-1130—rockabilly—6.
Danyel Gerard—A: Butterfly—Columbia 4-45468—country—4.
The Glenwood Trio—A: Heaven’s Brightest Star—Heart Song HSR-2005-45—country gospel—5.
The Glenwood Trio—B: He Found Me—Heart Song HSR-2005-45—country gospel—4.
Don Goodwin—A: This Is Your Song—Silver Blue SB 806—pop—4.
Don Goodwin—B: Help It Along—Silver Blue SB 806—pop—4.
Vern Gosdin--A: Don't Ever Leave Me Again--AMI 1302--country--5.
Vern Gosdin--B: Love Is All We Had to Share--AMI 1302--country--4.
Larry Gostkowski & the Oilers—A: Ballad of Bum & the Boys—Texas Gold 45-2—country (for Houston Oilers fans)—4.
Rocco Greco—A:I Believe—Vegas 1001—easy listening—2.
Rocco Greco—B: Wheel of Fortune—Vegas 1001—easy listening—2.
George Stardust Green—A: Al Di La—FM & PM 1111/2—pop—5.
George Stardust Green—B: Feelings—FM & PM 1111/2—pop—5.
Richard Peters Hagen—A: The Ballad of the Salt Spreader—Happy Hearts HH-115—folk—4.
Richard Peters Hagen—B: Dry Bones—Happy Hearts HH-115—folk—3.
Sammy R. Hall--A: Hey the Moon Is Falling--Gar-Pax NMR 2713--pop--4.
Sammy R. Hall--B: Keep On Keepin' On--Gar-Pax NMR 2713--pop--4.
Paul Hampton—A: If You Don’t Want Me Now—Warner Bros. 5290—country—4.
Paul Hampton—B:When Will Your Heart Change Its Ways—Warner Bros. 5290—country—3.
Phil Harris--A: Goofus--RCA Victor 47-3968--pop--4.
Phil Harris--B: The Thing--RCA Victor 47-3968--pop--5.
Rolf Harris--A: Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport--Epic 5-9596--folk--5.
Rolf Harris--B: The Big Black Hat--Epic 5-9596--folk--4.
Cindy Hataway—A: Love Me Till the Morning Comes—CRI NR4818—country—6.
Cindy Hataway—B: Touch the Hurt—CRI NR4818—country—4.
David Heavener—A: I Am the Fire—Brent D.H 1020-RE—country—7.
Ernie Heckscher—A: Wave—Earl EH 1500—pop—6.
Ernie Heckscher—B: When Was the Time—Earl EH 1500—pop—5.
Heileman Orchestra and Chorus—A: Heileman Beer Song—1955 promotional—Easy Listening—3.
Heileman Orchestra and Chorus—B: Heileman Waltz—1955 promotional—Easy Listening—3.
Dori Helms—A: Neglected—Little Darlin’ LD-0058—country—4.
Dori Helms—B: A Touch of Yesterday—Little Darlin’ LD-0058—country—4.
Ron Henchar Band—A: Don’t Ever Try—Good Luck—country—4.
Joel Herskowitz—A: The Double Talking Helix Blues—Vertebral JH-350—folk—3.
Joel Herskowitz—B: The Battle of Gross Anatomy—Vertebral JH-350—folk—3.
The Hesitations—A: Born Free—Kapp 878—pop—4.
The Hesitations—B: Love Is Everywhere—Kapp 878—pop—5.
The Houston Team—A: Theme from Rollerball—United Artists UA-XW697-Y—organ—7.
Lee Hudson Orchestra—A: It’s Leap Year Man—Clare 101—pop—5.
Lee Hudson Orchestra—B: I Will Forgive, But I Can’t Forget You—Clare 101—4.
Interview with a Vampire (soundtrack)—Escape to Paris—.
Janet and Jay—A: Have Some Popcorn—Hanover 4549—pop—2.
Russ Jeffers Band—A: When the Blue in My Grass Turns Green—Papa Joe PJ 726—country—7.
Jerry Jericho—3. Crying in the Chapel—Vaden EP-200—country—3.
Gene Jimae—A: Riders in the Sky—Gene 1301—harmonica—5.
Gene Jimae—B: Song of India—Gene 1301—harmonica—3.
George Jones—A: The Battle—Epic 8-50187—country—5.
Jordan Bros.—A: Things I Didn’t Say—Jamie 1169—pop—3.
Jordan Bros.—B: Polly Plays Her Kettle Drum—Jamie 1169—pop—3.
Steve Karmen Orchestra—A: You’ve Said It All (Four Feeling)—Audio Fidelity AF-171—pop—5.
Steve Karmen Orchestra—B: You’ve Said It All (Tuba)—Audio Fidelity AF-171—pop—4.
Ramsey Kearney—A: I’ll Cry Myself to Sleep—Hickory 45-1192—country—4.
Ramsey Kearney—B: But Whatcha Gonna Do—Hickory 45-1192—country—6.
Bill Kenny—A: I’d Climb The Highest Mountain—Tel C 1011—pop—3.
Bill Kenny—B: The Ol’ Dream Mender—Tel C 1011—--pop—3.
David Kirchner—A: Here’s a Toast to the Record—Stargem SG 2118—5.
David Kirchner—B: Danny Boy—Stargem SG 2119—4.
Kitty—A: Love or Lust—Ban-TX No. 1—country—4.
Kitty—B: Feelings Inside—Ban-TX No. 1—country—4.
Ken Kogler—A: Let the Back Door Slam—Relco R 2135—country—6.
Ken Kogler—B: Devil at Heart—Relco R 2135—country—6.
Roger Kubes—A: Memories of the Past—UA UA-423-42739—pop—3.
Roger Kubes—B: I Made It—UA UA-423-42739—pop—3.
The Laurie Johnson Orch.—The Theme from Dr. Strangelove—.
Late As Usual—A: You’re a Bitch and an Asshole Too!—Tropical Isle NR 17814—country—4.
Late As Usual—B: On the Ole Bayou—Tropical Isle NR 17814—country—4.
Linda Laurie--A: Ooh, What a Lover--Glory 45-290--pop--4.
Linda Laurie--B: Ambrose--Glory 45-290--pop--2.
Roberta Lean—A: Thank You—20th Century Fox 409—pop—3.
Roberta Lean—B: Stop It Stanley—20th Century Fox 409—pop—3.
Jay Leonard—B: I Was Wrong—Hanover 4549—pop—3.
Susie Lillig—A: I’ll Always Love You—Relco 2148—5.
Susie Lillig—B: Listen for Your Music—Relco 2148—6.
Linn County—A: Let the Music Begin—Philips 40644—country—7.
Linn County—B: Wine Take Me Away—Philips 40644—country—4.
The Little Dippers—A: Two by Four—University 210—rockabilly—5.
The Little Dippers—B: Forever—University 210—easy listening—4.
Lisa Lopez—A: Wrong Time to Love You—Hacienda HAC-185—country—5.
Lisa Lopez—B: I Loved You—Hacienda HAC-185—country—4.
Los Tres Diamantes—A: Historia de un Amor—RCA Italiana 45N 0719—4.
Los Tres Diamantes—B: Virgen Guadalupana—RCA Italiana 45N 0719—3.
Ralph Loveday—A: I Don’t Know If I’ve Been Loved—Top Pic TP-1010—country—4.
Ralph Loveday—B: Easier to Lie—Top Pic TP-1010-country 4.
Butch Lowry—A: It’s All Over Now—Dot 45-17216—country—6.
Butch Lowry—B: Shutting Out the Light—Dot 45-17216—country—5.
Ludon—A: Bye Bye Love—Tomorrow Enterprises TEI-0001—country—6.
Ludon—B: What Will Tomorrow Bring—Tomorrow Enterprises TEI-0001—country—5.
The Maddox Bros. & Rose—1. Flowers for the Master’s Bouquet—Vaden EP-200—country—2.
Barry Mann—A: Lay It All Out—New Design ZS7 1006—pop—2.
Bobbi Martin—A: Harper Valley P.T.A.—United Artists SUA 50443—
Bobbi Martin—B: He Called Me Baby—United Artists SUA 50443—
Joe Martin—A: Doing My Time—Lemco 851—country—5.
Woody Martin—A: Six Days on the Road—Country and Western Hits 210—country—7.
Woody Martin—B: A Satisfied Mind—Country and Western Hits 210—country—4.
Martin & Finley—A: White Bird—Motown M 1294F—pop—4.
Frankie Marvin—Big Rock Candy Mountain—.
Frankie Marvin—Ridin on the Elevator—.
Mildred Matthews—A: Show Me Your Heart—Relco R 2149—country—3.
Mildred Matthews—B: Touch Me Gently—Relco R 2149—country—3.
Harry McClintock—Big Rock Candy Mountain—.
Harry McClintock—the Bum Song—.
Gary McCray—A: One Teardrop Too Long—Compo 74109—country—5.
Gary McCray—B: Anything to Stop the Hurt—Compo 74109—country—4.
Bill McElhiney & Orchestra featuring Bob Johnson—A: Down Yonder—MGM K13156—country—3.
Bill McElhiney & Orchestra featuring Bob Johnson—B: At the Cumberland Gap—country—MGM K13156—4.
George McGee—A: The Fountainbleau—Orbit 1118—country—5.
George McGee—B: The Things to Do Today—Orbit 1118—country—4.
Kenneth McKellar—A: My Ain Folk—Decca 45-F 10655(England)—pop easy listening—2.
Kenneth McKellar—B: My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose—Decca 45-F 10655(England)—pop easy listening—2.
The Melody Mates—Enchantment—.
The Melody Mates—Prominade—.
Larry Merritt—A: Yard Sale—Tell International TELL 407--country—5.
Larry Merritt—B: La Rochelle—Tell International TELL 407--country—4.
Higher Ground—A: I Am—Milk & Honey HGP125—Christian—8.
Lefty Miller—A: Sweet Bunch of Daisies—Musicol AG-38-72—country—2.
Lefty Miller—B: Belpre Landing—Musicol AG-38-72—country—4.
Mary K Miller—A: Handcuffed to a Heartache—Inergi I-310—country—6.
Mary K Miller—B: Over and Over—Inergi I-310—country—5.
Sylvia Mills—A: Tied—Relco R 2132—country—5.
Sylvia Mills—B: Invitation to Sin—Relco R 2132—country—4.
Duke Mitchell—A: It’s too Soon to Know—Liberty F55031—pop—3.
Duke Mitchell—B: Be Mine Tonight—Liberty F55031—pop—1.
Melba Montgomery—A: Love Was the Wind—Elektra E-45296—country—4.
Melba Montgomery—B: I Never Dreamed That Love Could Be This Good—Elektra E-45296—country—3.
Patsy Montana—A: Goodnight Soldier—Presta 45-1007—country—3.
Patsy Montana—B: Steppin’ Out—Presta 45-1007—country—5.
Kenny Moore—A: I’ve Got My Own Rainbow—CNC Records—country—5.
Kenny Moore—B: If There’s a Tomorrow—CNC Records—country—4.
William Moore—2. Pay Day in Heaven—Vaden EP-200—country—3.
Vic Morrell—A: Walkin’ in Louisiana Rain—VM 45-1901—country—5.
Vic Morrell—B: Inside Your Memories—VM 45-1901—country—5.
Dee Mullins—A: Love Makes the World Go ‘Round—Melody 117—country—5.
Dee Mullins—B: Come on Back—Melody 117—country—5.
Jim Mundy—A: Catchin’ Up Time—Hickory 45-K-1634—country rockabilly--7.
Jim Mundy—B: Sorry—Hickory 45-K-1634—country rockabilly—5.
Lydia Murdock—A&B: Superstar—Polydor/Team PDS-2234 Canada—pop—4.
The Music Magicians—Command Performance CEP-223—country—1. Hawaii—3.
2. Since I Met You—3
3. That Sweet Old Fashioned Mother of Mine—3.
4. Women Truckdrivers—4.
5. Let’s Jump with the Band—6.
6. Moonlight Waltz—3.
The Music Magicians—Command Performance CEP-195—country—1. My Mermaid Awaits—3.
2. Wiggles—5.
3. My Trip to Earth—4.
4. Together Again—3.
5. Just Sing Your Troubles Away—3.
6. California on My Mind—3.
The Music Magicians—Command Performance CEP-222---country—1.Never Should Have Said Goodbye—3.
2. Blind So Blind—3.
3. What Happiness Is—4.
4. Stormy Skies of Life—4.
5. Request—3.
6. This Dream of Mine—4.
The Music Magicians—Command Performance CEP-221—country,pop, gospel—1. The Beauty God Created—3.
2. Our Society—6.
3. Life of Peace—5.
4. Little David—3.
5. I Found a Friend—5.
6. Ahead of It All—3.
The Music Magicians—Command Performance CEP-203—pop, country—1. Time Goes By—3.
2. My Old Country Home—4.
3. Waiting for Your Call—4.
4. My Basket, My Basket—3.
5. Season’s Sermon to Our Life Span—4.
6. Only for a Day—4.
The Nelons—A: Alleluia to the Lamb—Canaan 9016262202—country—3.
Albert Nelson—A: Lonesome Summertime—7 Arts S 703—easy listening—4.
Albert Nelson—B: That’s the Way That You Are—7 Arts S 703—easy listening—4.
The New Generation Singers—A: The Towers of Old Notre Dame—Medway 45-1702 V—pop—3.
The New Generation Singers—B: Why Do I Love You So—Medway 45-1702 V—pop—4.
The Newcommers—A: Gypsy River—Music-Hall—easy listening—8.
Mickey Newbury—A:An American Trilogy—Elektra EKS-45750—country—6.
Mickey Newbury—B:San Francisco Mabel Joy—Elektra EKS-45750—country—4.
Stevie Nicks--A: Two Kinds of Love--7-99179--pop--3.
The Northams—A: I’ve Had a Ressurrection—Copperfield CG-45-126—Christian—5.
Denny Oakes—A: An Angel in My Arms—Relco R 2153—3.
Denny Oakes—B: I’m Gonna Sing a Happy Song—Relco R 2153—5.
Esther & Abi Ofarim—A: Cinderella Rockefella—Philips 40526—pop—2.
Esther & Abi Ofarim—B: Your Heart Is Free Just Like the Wind—Philips 40526—pop—4.
Ruth Olay—A: Never Do—Mercury DJ-43—pop—1.
Ruth Olay—B: I Wanna Be a Friend of Yours—Mercury DJ-43—pop—3.
Gilbert Ortega—A: Send Me the Pillow—Ortega GO-1051—country—3.
Gilbert Ortega—B: I Don’t Believe I’ll Fall in Love Today—Ortega GO-1051—country—4.
Maggie Owens—A: Peterbilt Mama—Lode LO 119—country—6.
Maggie Owens—B: Shadows of My Mind—Lode LO 119—country—4.
Gene Pack & E. G. Cox—Your Love Is Like a Flower—.
Gene Pack & E. G. Cox—Dim Lights, Thick Smoke—.
The Partnership—A: Al Di La—Poco TM5348/49—pop—2.
The Partnership—B: Rubber Ducky—Poco TM5348/49—pop—3.
The Pathfinders—A: Ponderosa—ABC Paramount 45-10207—western easy listening—4.
The Pathfinders—B: Swiss Yodler’s Waltz—ABC Paramount 45-10207—easy listening—3.
The Petites—A: Making Miracles—Columbia 4-42053—pop—2.
The Petites—B: A Little Love—Columbia 4-42053—pop—4.
The Petites—A: Marguerite—Spinning HM6003—pop—3.
The Petites—B: Blessed Are They—Spinning HM6003—pop—3.
Tom Phillips—A: Let Me Down Easy—Hummingbird HBP 12882—6.
Tom Phillips—B: So Long to Our Goodbyes—Hummingbird HBP 12882—6.
Edith Piaf—La vie en rose—.
Lucky Pierre—B: You Go – I Go—RKO Unique 394—pop easy listening—3.
Harlan Powell—A: I’m Gonna Sing—Cheatham C 102—country—6.
Harlan Powell—B: Miss Heartache—Cheatham C 102—country—5.
John Preston—A: Blue on Blue—Hit 69—pop—4.
Robert Preston—A: Chicken Fat—CF-1000—pop vocal—3.
The Quackers--A: Jolly Old Saint Nicholas--Step One SOR-396--Christmas sung by a duck--5.
The Quackers--B: Up on the Housetop--Step One SOR-396--Christmas sung by a duck--5.
Sammie Raley—A: Keep Holdin On—Relco R 2144—country—5.
Sammie Raley—B: Heart of Stone—Relco R 2144—country—4.
Eddie Rambeau—A: Concrete and Clay—Dyno Voice 204—pop—6.
Eddie Rambeau—B: Don’t Believe Him—Dyno Voice 204—pop—4.
Russ Ramsey—A: Nancy—RR 6410—pop—3.
Russ Ramsey—B: When Will You Say Yes—RR 6410—pop 3.
Johnny Raven—A: Fly Me to the Moon—Felsted 45-8669—pop—4.
Johnny Raven—B: Love Me Just a Little Bit—Felsted 45-8669—pop—3.
Alma Ray—A: I’ve Hat It—Musicor MU 1323—rockabilly—6.
Alma Ray—B: Once More You’re Mine Again—Musicor MU 1323—country—5.
The Rays—A: Magic Moon—XYZ 45-607—pop—3.
The Rays—B: Louie Hoo Hoo—XYZ 45-607—pop—4.
Rick Rea—A: The End of the World—Relco R 2166—country—5.
Rick Rea—B: Wonder if a Man Can Love Too Much—Relco R 2166—country—5.
The Real Pros—Cinema CR 7404—pop, country, soul—1. Walking in the Afternoon Wind—6.
2. Black Phoenix Blues—5.
3. See Me in the Morning—4.
4. Reflections—5.
5. Tiger Twist—5.
6. Emptiness Blues—3.
The Real Pros—A: I’ll Die Without Her—Cinema CR 7610—country—4.
The Real Pros—B: Goodbye—Cinema CR 7610—country—5.
The Real Pros—A: In Our Home Upon the Hill—Cinema CR 7533—country—4.
The Real Pros—B: One Hundred Years Ago—Cinema CR 7533—country—4.
The Real Pros—Cinema CR 7507—country, pop—1. I Thank You—5.
2. Fountain of Love—5.
3. Baby, Stop the Rain—4.
4. The Journey of Hank Williams—3.
5. You’re a Soldier & That’s Your Way—3.
6. When I Leave the City—6.
The Real Pros—Cinema CEP 7471—soft pop—1. Our Capitol Gem—2.
2. Hawaii—2.
3. Walking on the Waters—3.
4. He Left Just As Quietly as He Came—3.
5. The Moons Are Four—4.
6. I Love the Birds and the Bees—3.
Jerry Reed—A: The Crude Oil Blues—RCA DJH0-0224—country—
The Rivermen—A: Captain Rebel—Lakeside 100—folk—6.
The Rivermen—B: Brazos—Lakeside 100—folk—5.
Johnny Roebuck—A: She Tells Me No—Marjon MJ-545—country—5.
Johnny Roebuck—B: Lonely in a Crowded Room—Marjon MJ-545—country—5.
Carol Rogers—A: Sweet Soul Music—Relco R 2162—country—6.
Carol Rogers—B: Love Is a Merry Go Round—Relco R 2162—country—5.
Vickie & Ronnie Rowe—A: Sweet Thang—Nugget NR-257—country—5.
Vickie & Ronnie Rowe—B: I’m Wild Bill Tonight—Nugget NR-257—country—5.
Rudolph & the Gang--A: Here Comes Fatty Clause--Yuletide 7233/34--Christmas comedy (foul language)--7.
Rudolph & the Gang--B: Comink Zee Clauski Fattnik--Yuletide 7233/34--Christmas (backwards)--5.
Rusty & Doug--A: Louisiana Man--Hickory 45-1137--country--5.
Rusty & Doug--B: Make Me Realize--Hickory 45-1137--country--4.
Sage—A: Looking for Love—Sandwich R-532—country, rockabilly—6.
Sage—B: On the Road Again—Sandwich R-532—country, rockabilly—6.
Charlene Sager—A: Rainbow Rider—Relco R-2131—country—6.
Charlene Sager—B: Tennessee Snow Tree—Relco R-2131—country—5.
Veronique Sanson—A: Amoureuse—Elektra EK-45822—pop—4.
The Satellite Singers—A: Martian Theme Song—Little Golden Records—My Favorite Martian—Childrens pop—6.
The Satellite Singers—B: When I Was a Boy on Mars—Little Golden Records—My Favorite Martian—Childrens pop—3.
Rancy Scherrer—A: Codine—Evergreen EG-901—Folk—8.
Bobby Scott—A: Chain Gang—ABC Paramount 45-9568—pop—5.
Bobby Scott—B: Shadrach—ABC Paramount 45-9568—pop—5.
The Seekers—A: Brand New Feeling—Harvest HAR-45-1038—Christian country—4.
The Segos—A: Jesus Just Moved In—Windchime WC 5028 BB—Christian—5.
Shadrack—A: Oklahoma Rosie—GRT 142—country—8.
Shadrack—B: Easy Was the Bending Road—GRT 142—country—6.
Whitey Shafer—A: I Need Someone Like Me—Hickory H 335—country—4.
Whitey Shafer—B: Warm Red Wine—Hickory H 335—country—4.
Colleen Sharp—A: Are You Guilty—Boone 1050—country--3.
Colleen Sharp—B: I Love the Way You Love—Boone 1050—country—3.
John Sharp—A: Talkin’ ‘Bout Heaven—Lifestream 3007-45—Christian—6.
John Sharp—B: Let Jesus Be Lord of Your Life—Lifestream 3007-45—4.
Quint Shepherd Singers—A: Friend of God—Trail Nashville TR 1964—Christian—3.
Merv Shiner—A:Teach Your Children—Certron C-10012—country—6.
Merv Shiner—B: Protest—Certron C-10012—country—5.
Showdown—A: The Rodeo Song—Damon JB-122—country—8.
Showdown—B: Banjo Symphony—Damon JB-122—country—8.
Johnnie Silvers—A: Tuff Stuff—Sims 45-111—rockabilly—5.
Johnnie Silvers—B: When Love Ain’t Right—Sims 45-111—rockabilly—6.
Jimmy Simmons—A: Give Me ‘Til Forever—7 Star 78-0001—country—4.
Jimmy Simmons—B: You Gotta Love People—7 Star 78-0001—country rock—6.
Al Simone—A: Before It’s Too Late—Gold Standard GS 253—pop—3
Al Simone—B: Tomorrow, Who Knows—Gold Standard GS 253—pop—3.
Frank Sinatra—I Left My Heart in San Francisco—.
Frank Sinatra—The Good Life—.
Frank Sinatra—Quiet Nights—.
Frank Sinatra—That’s All—.
The Singing Americans—A: God Is Greater—Benson RS-5671—country gospel—7.
Gene Smith—One Smooch Behind—.
Gene Smith—I’m Gone—
Les Smith and the Rawhiders—A: Artificial Woman—Fine-R-Tone 10—country—6.
Les Smith and the Rawhiders—B: Where Has My Young Years Gone—Fine-R-Tone 10—country—5.
Sammi Smith—A: City of New Orleans—Mega 615-0118—country—6.
Sammi Smith—B: Don’t Blow No Smoke on Me—Mega 615-0118—country—6.
Sounds of Sunshine—A: It’s Hard to Say Good-bye Forever—Ranwood R-912—pop—4.
Sounds of Sunshine—B: I Do All My Crying in the Rain—Ranwood R-912—pop—3.
Billie Jo Spears—A: Ease the Want in Me—Cutlass CUT-8139—country—5.
Bill Spivery—A: Mr. John (John F. Kennedy)—Tahoe 45-2538—folk gospel—4.
Bill Spivery—B: Envy, Falsehood, and Pride—Tahoe 45-2538—folk gospel—5.
Lola Star—A: Charms and Spells for Sale—Witch Queen W-0003—pop—0 stars, absolute vomit. Can’t keep a tune. One of the absolute worst of all time.
Lola Star—B: Fishnet Stockings and Some Wild Perfume—Witch Queen W-0003—pop—0 stars, terrible, absolute vomit.
Roy Starkey—A: Women Make A Fool Out of Me—Custom J-103—rockabilly—5.
Roy Starkey—B: Those Gamblers Blues—Custom J-103—rockabilly—5.
Belle Starr—A: You Don’t Care What Happens to Me—Bell-Star S-1304—pop—0 stars, absolute vomit. Same person as Lola Star. Terrible, can’t sing.
Belle Starr—B: I Thought That We Were Both in Love—Bell-Star S-1304—pop—0 stars.
Ruthie Steele—A: If You Want to Find Love—A&R AR-10038—country—5.
Ruthie Steele—B: Highway to Heaven—A&R AR-10038—country—4.
The Stewart Family—4. Thirty Pieces of Silver—Vaden EP-200—country—2.
Jim Stover—A: Country Feelings—Big Tree BT 138—country—4.
Earl Strickland—A: The Joke’s On Me—Elvitrue 5973—country—5.
Earl Strickland—B: We’re Right for Each Other—Elvitrue 5973—country—5.
Jud Strunk—A: I Wasn’t Wrong About You—Melodyland ME 6015F—country—4.
Jud Strunk—A: The Biggest Parakeets in Town—Melodyland ME 6015F—country—5.
Marlin Theodore—A: I’m a Traveling Man—One-Way 45-1002—country—6.
Marlin Theodore—B: I Think About You—One-Way 45-1002—country—5.
Charlie Thompson—A: I Forget You Every Day—A-Kan 102—country—3.
Charlie Thompson—B: Just a Closer Walk with Thee—A-Kan 102—country—2.
Mike Tony—A: Business As Usual—Caprice CA 2010—country—4.
Mike Tony—B: King of Fools—Caprice CA 2010—country—5.
Wayne Toombs—A: Goodbye New Orleans—Joyway 150—country—6.
Wayne Toombs—B: Because of You—Joyway 150—country—4.
Trevor—A: True Love Is Hard to Find—Paula P 1239—country—4.
Trevor—B: I Know Just How You Feel—Paula P 1239—country—4.
Ronnie Tuck—A: Louisiana Guitar Man—Caprice CA 2009—country—7.
Ronnie Tuck—B: If You’ve Ever Seen a Fool—Caprice CA 2009—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—A: My Friend Pedro—Command Performance CP-178—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—B: They Must Be Sad—Command Performance CP-178—country—3.
The Tune-Timers—1. My Kingdom for a Dime—Command Performance CEP-230—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—2. Listen Brother Love—Command Performance CEP-230—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—3. Welcome Back to the U.S.A.—Command Performance CEP-230—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—4. The Call of Love—Command Performance CEP-230—country—4.
The Tune Timers—5. Give Me Your Name—Command Performance CEP-230—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—6. If You Are Going to Love Me—Command Performance CEP-230—country—3.
The Tune-Timers—1. Meant That Way—Command Performance CEP-240—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—2. One More Coffee Time—Command Performance CEP-240—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—3. Roses By the Hillside—Command Performance CEP-240—country—3.
The Tune-Timers—4. My Lonely Heart—Command Performance CEP-240—country—3.
The Tune-Timers—5. No Reason—Command Performance CEP-240—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—6. Born to Love You—Command Performance CEP-240—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—A: Don’t Fall in Love—Command Performance CP 251—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—B: My Religion—Command Performance CP 251—country—3.
The Tune-Timers—A: Baby—Command Performance CP-260—country—6.
The Tune-Timers—B: God and the Devil—Command Performance CP 260—country—5.
The Tune-Timers—A: You’re Tired of Me—Command Performance CP 262—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—B: We Love God—Command Performance CP 262—country—3.
The Tune-Timers—1. There’s Gotta Be a Reason—Command Performance CEP 264—country—6.
The Tune-Timers—2. In the Snow—Command Performance CEP 264—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—3. My Blessed Savior—Command Performance CEP 264—country—2.
The Tune-Timers—4. If I Could Be the Only One—Command Performance CEP 264—country—3.
The Tune-Timers—5. Inflation’s Brother—Command Performance CEP 264—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—6. Do You Know—Command Performance CEP 264—country—6.
The Tune-Timers—A: Queen of Skid Row—Command Performance CP 299—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—B: The Girl with Something Extra—Command Performance CP 299—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—A: I Should Have Told You—Command Performance CP 303—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—B: A Better Tomorrow—Command Performance CP 303—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—A: So I’d Not Be Alone—Command Performance CP 334—country—4.
The Tune Timers—B: Calendar—Command Performance CP 334—country—5.
The Tune-Timers—A: You Have Returned My Love—Command Performance CP 335—country—6.
The Tune-Timers—B: It Happens Every Day—Command Performance CP 335—country—4.
The Tune-Timers—A: This Is America—Command Performance CP-176—country—5.
The Tune-Timers—B: I Would if I Could—Command Performance CP-176—country—5.
Mary Lou Turner—A: To the Other Woman—Jamboree 45-101—country—5.
Mary Lou Turner—B: I Don’t Believe—Jamboree 45-101—country—5.
Jim Vaughn—A: ‘Til Sheila Comes—Royal American RA-131—country—5.
Jim Vaughn—B: When You’re Lovin’ Me—Royal American RA-131—country—5.
The Vo-Cals—A: You Are My Love—Silhouette SR 516—pop—3.
The Vo-Cals—B: You Aren’t the Only One—Silhouette SR 516—pop—3.
Jerry Wallace—A: At the End of a Rainbow—BMA WIG-BMA-8-006—country 4.
Jerry Wallace—B: Looking for a Memory—BMA WIG-BMA-8-006—country—4.
Ferman Wells—A: Worried Mind—Royaal 1003—country—5.
Ferman Wells—B: Blondes Brunetts & Redheads—Royaal 1003—country—5.
Gary D. Whatley—A: Where’s My Baby—Portland 45-031—country—5.
Gary D. Whatley—B: The Only One for Me—Portland 45-031—country—4.
Bill and Shirley White—A: Softly and Tenderly—DMIR 1005—country—3.
Bill and Shirley White—B: Hard Luck Sam—DMIR 1006—country—5.
David Williams—A: Nuclear Power Blues—Reel NO 101—folk—4.
David Williams—B: Saskatchewan—Reel NO 101—folk—4.
Paul Williams—A: A Little Bit of Love—A&M 1659-S—pop—5.
Paul Williams—B: Nice to Be Around—A&M 1659-S—pop—3.
Tex Williams—Here’s to You and Me—.
Tex Williams—If Not for You There Could Go Me—.
Hal Willis—A: Klondike Mike—Sims 235—rockabilly—6.
Hal Willis—B: So Right But So Wrong—Sims 235—country—4.
Don Wilson & George Czar—A: Gypsy Lineman—Pilot Master 6021-20—country—5.
Don Wilson & George Czar—B: Forever Blue—Pilot Master 6021-20—country 4.
Frankie Ruth Wilson—A: I Never Knew How It Felt—FW-5411 (private)—country—3.
Frankie Ruth Wilson—B: Gone—FW-5411 (private)—country—3.
Marty Wood—A: I Love You Because—Hit 67—country—3.
Marty Wood—B: 18 Yellow Roses—Hit 67—country—3.
The Wurzels—A: The Combine Harvester—EMI 2450—pop—4.
The Wurzels—B: The Blackbird—EMI 2450—pop—3.
The Young Collegiates—A: Mr. Touchdown USA—Welk Music Group—easy listening—4
The Young Collegiates—B: Hometown Band—Welk Music Group—easy listening—4.
Jesus: The Firstborn Over All Creation.
Chapter 1: “Firstborn Over All Creation.”
Colossians: 1:15-20.
“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all Creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.”
To fully understand the Bible you must understand how each and every scripture relates to Jesus. For, he is our maker. He is from the beginning and the Bible is the story of Jesus and the people he loved. Once you understand that you will understand the Bible and Gods great love for man.
In the next scripture I am going to change the language of it a little and bring out its full meaning.
John 1:1-18.
“In the beginning there was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God. Jesus was with God in the beginning.
Through Jesus all things were made; without Jesus nothing has been made that has been made. In Jesus was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.
Jesus was in the world, and though the world was made through Jesus, the world did not recognize Jesus. Jesus came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive Jesus. Yet to all who received Jesus, to those who believed in his name, Jesus gave the right to become children of God—children not born of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
Jesus became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John testifies concerning Jesus. He cries out saying, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’” From the fullness of his grace we have received one blessing after another. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side has made him known.”
Jesus not only is God’s Son but he is the one who made us in his own image. Jesus was part of the creation story. He made what the Father commanded. The book of Genesis doesn’t quite tell the whole creation story as it happened. The book of John completes the story by telling us that Jesus was there from the beginning and that all things were made through him. Mankind met its maker and chose to murder him rather than honor him. Here in this next set of scripture, I have added Jesus to the story to bring out its full meaning.
Genesis 1:1-31, 2:1-3.
In the beginning Jesus created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
And the Father said, “Let there be light,” and Jesus made light. Jesus saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. Jesus called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
And the Father said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water.” So Jesus made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. Jesus called the expanse “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.
And the Father said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And Jesus made it so. Jesus called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered water Jesus called “seas.” And Jesus saw that it was good.
Then the Father said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And Jesus made it so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And Jesus saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.
And the Father said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on earth.” And Jesus made it so. Jesus made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. Jesus also made the stars. Jesus set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And Jesus saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning—the fourth day.
And the Father said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky.” So Jesus created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And Jesus saw that it was good. The Father blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on earth.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day.
And the Father said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along on the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.” And Jesus made it so. Jesus made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And Jesus saw that it was good.
Then the Father said to Jesus, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
So Jesus created man in his own image, in the image of Jesus, Jesus created him; male and female Jesus created them.
The Father blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Then the Father said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And Jesus made it so.
Jesus saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and the was morning—the sixth day.
Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in their vast array.
By the seventh day Jesus finished the work Jesus had been doing; so on the seventh day Jesus rested from all his work. And Jesus blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
Chapter Two: Jesus Points the Way.
Mathew 11:18-19 (Jesus Speaking) “For John came neither eating nor drinking and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and “sinners.”’But wisdom is proved right by her actions.”
Notice that Jesus says, "her actions" not "his actions." Here Jesus is pointing the way to Proverbs 8 which begins describing wisdom as a woman.
Proverbs 8:1-11 “Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? On the heights along the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand; beside the gates leading into the city, at the entrances, she cries aloud: To you oh men, I call out; I raise my voice toall of mankind. You who are simple, gain prudence; you whoare foolish, gain understanding. Listen, for I have worthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right. My mouth speaks what is true, for I detest wickedness,all the words of my mouthare just; none of them is crooked or perverse. To the discerning all of them are right; they are faultless to those who have knowledge. Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies,and nothing you desire can compare with her.”
Then Jesus introduces himself for he is the voice of wisdom.
Proverbs 8:12-36
"I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledgeand discretion, To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate prideandarrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. Counsel and sound judgement are mine; I have understandingand power. By me kings reignand rulers make laws thatare just; by me princes govern, and all nobles who rule on earth. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. With meare riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yeild surpasses choice silver. I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, bestowing wealth on those who love me and making their treasures full. THE LORD BROUGHT ME FORTH AS THE FIRST OF HIS WORKS, BEFORE HIS DEEDS OF OLD; I WAS APPOINTED FROM ETERNITY, FROM THE BEGINNING, BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN. When there were no oceans, I was given birth, when there were no springs abounding with water; before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth, before he made the earth or his fields or any of the dust of the world. I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep, when he established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep, when he gave the sea it's boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth. THEN I WAS THE CRAFTSMANAT HIS SIDE. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, rejoicing in his whole worldand delighting in mankind. Now then, my sons, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instructionand bewise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. FOR WHOEVER FINDS ME FINDS LIFE AND RECEIVES FAVOR FROM THE LORD. But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death."
Chapter 3: The Greatest Story Ever Told.
In the beginning, the Father created God. God became known as the Son of God or Jesus. As the Father commanded, the Son made everything. Nothing exists that wasn’t made by Jesus. All things were made by Jesus. Heaven and all the angels in heaven were made by Jesus. All of the universe and our small planet earth were made by Jesus. When the time came, man was created by Jesus. Jesus made man in his own image as the Father instructed. The great love of God or Jesus was mankind. Nothing gave Jesus more joy than mankind. Jesus in fact, loved man more than his own life. In the same way, the Father loved the Son and anything the Son loved the Father loved just as much. Men were made in the image of Jesus and Jesus loved men more than his own life.
There came an angel—a created being. This angel became to be known as Satan for he is the accuser of mankind. Satan was beautiful and became quite conceited because of his beauty. He said, “I am perfect in beauty and should rise above God.” Satan wanted to be God and he wanted the life of the Son of God for the Son was God. Satan would have murdered Jesus if he could but he could not. Instead, because of Satan’s sin, he was thrown to Earth.
Since Satan could not take Jesus’ life he turned on that which Jesus loved the most; mankind. Satan tempted and defiled mankind. Satan thought he had damned and killed all men for eternity but he underestimated Jesus. Satan was using man as bargaining tool to get at the life of Jesus. When Jesus saw what Satan had done to all men, Jesus offered his life to save the lives of men. This was what Satan had wanted from the start but it would not have the results Satan wanted.
The Father saw that Jesus loved men more than his own life and that the Son was willing to die to save the lives of men. Satan thought he had gotten the bargain he was looking for--the life of Jesus for by getting rid of Jesus he thought he would be God. The Father had always known that Jesus would be willing to give up his eternal soul to damnation to save the eternal lives of men and it was the proof that the Father needed to prove to Satan once and for all that Jesus was worthy to be God. Jesus was worthy to be God because he was willing to die for the people he had made. Jesus was willing to do this without the knowledge that he would still be crowned God. Jesus was willing to do this if it meant eternal damnation for himself. The Father knowing this could prove to Satan that Jesus was worthy to be God because he loved the men he had made more than his own eternal life. Jesus was truly willing to die for men in an eternal fashion.
This would not be the case. Jesus’ willingness to die for his people had proven that Jesus was worthy to be God. Yes, Jesus would face death and actually die but it is through his death that Satan was defeated. Those who believe in his name and in this story of his death and resurrection will be saved from eternal death. Jesus had saved his people and at the same time had opened the door for Satan to be eternally punished. Before his sacrifice the fates of both man and Satan had been put together but after his sacrifice, Jesus made a way for men to be saved and for Satan to be punished for his crimes.
Before the sacrifice of Jesus, one thing needed to happen though. In the Old Testament, the rule was an eye for an eye. As it was with bad things, it was with good. Before the Father could send his Son into the world, he first had to find a man willing to give up his one and only Son to him. The Father found that man in Abraham. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his one and only son Isaac to God. Abraham’s faith in God had opened the door for God to send his Son, Jesus, into the world.
As it is said, “the Word became flesh.” Jesus an eternal being from the beginning gave that all up to be a mortal being so he could save his people. Jesus was reborn to Mary in his earthly birth. He lived and taught among us. He healed the sick. The world had met its maker but failed to recognize him. Instead, they chose to murder him but it was this murder that brought us peace. Jesus died on the cross to save the lives of those who believe. The first person saved by the cross was on a cross next to Jesus. He was a man who admitted he deserved to die but because of one act of righteousness, one act of belief, he was saved and told he would enter heaven.
Jesus who had become mortal, died just like any man would die. He experienced physical death but because he himself was life, death could not keep him down. He has always been life. No life exists outside Jesus. Satan and everything about Satan leads to death but everything about Jesus leads to eternal life. One must just believe in Christ’s birth, sacrifice and resurrection to be saved. It’s that simple.
Chapter 4: The Old Testament Jesus.
An often overlooked scripture that says little actually says a lot about Jesus. That is probably why Jesus often referred to it. It is Psalms 110:1:
The Lord says to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”
This little verse says a lot. First of all it is the Father speaking to the Son. So it could just as well have read, “the Father says to Jesus, “Sit at my…” What this means is a couple things. First it shows the enemies are not the Fathers enemies but the Son’s enemies. Satan was the enemy of Jesus and mankind. Second, this is a Psalm of David and he refers to Jesus as “my Lord” meaning that David worshiped Jesus. Abraham worshipped Jesus as well. John 8:56, “Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad." How were the Old Testament people saved from their sins? It was Jesus. It always has been.
Let us take a second look at Proverbs 8 and how wonderfully it describes Jesus in a way that matches the New Testament description to a tee. This is the scripture that set up Jesus to have the classic one liner “But wisdom is proved right by her actions.” A dig at those who questioned him and at the same time it pointed to the message directly from him in the Old Testament scripture, Proverbs 8. As we know at the beginning of Proverbs 8, wisdom is described as a woman. In verse 4 though this ends and the voice of wisdom starts speaking. Proverbs 8:4-21: “To you oh men, I call out; I raise my voice to all of mankind. You, who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish gain understanding. Listen, for I have worthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right. My mouth speaks what is true for I detest wickedness, all the words of my mouth are just; none of them is crooked or perverse. To the discerning all of them are right; they are faultless to those who have knowledge. Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.
I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion, to fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. Counsel and sound judgement are mine; I have understanding and power. By me kings reign and rulers make laws that are just; by me princes govern, and all nobles who rule on earth. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yeild surpasses choice silver. I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, bestowing wealth on those who love me and making their treasures full.”
Notice how similar these things are to what Jesus taught about himself in the New Testament. Did Jesus not teach that his treasure was worth more than gold and silver? Yes he did. This entire passage shows just how closely this Old Testament passage agrees with the New Testament description of Jesus. Jesus is clearly speaking in this passage.
Proverbs 8:22-29: THE LORD BROUGHT ME FORTH AS THE FIRST OF HIS WORKS, BEFORE HIS DEEDS OF OLD; I WAS APPOINTED FROM ETERNITY, FROM THE BEGINNING, BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN. When there were no oceans, I was given birth, when there were no springs abounding with water; before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth, before he made the earth or his fields or any of the dust of the world. I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep, when he established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep, when he gave the sea it's boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth.
This bold speech clearly agrees with the New Testament assertion that Jesus has existed since the beginning and that his birth was at the beginning of time. The first thing the Father ever did was create the Son. The Father’s greatest love is the Son because he made him first. Jesus was the Father’s partner in creation because the Father loved the Son so much. The voice of wisdom is clearly Jesus.
Proverbs 8:30-31: Then I was the Craftsman at his side, I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.
Jesus was the craftsman, the one who made everything. The great joy of Jesus was mankind. Nothing gave the Son of God more joy than mankind.
The end of Proverbs 8 again agrees with the New Testament teachings of Jesus to a tee. Proverbs 8:32-36: Now then, my sons, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. FOR WHOEVER FINDS ME FINDS LIFE AND RECEIVES FAVOR FROM THE LORD. But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death.
What more can be said. If you find Jesus, you have found life. This is the truth of the story. This is the truth of the cross. Belief in Christ’s birth, death and resurrection is all that a person needs to cross from death to life. Are we not to listen and put into practice Christ’s words? He says “listen to my instruction” and “do not ignore it.” This fits perfectly with what is said in the New Testament. This isn’t the end. Jesus has many roles in the Old Testament including this speaking role in Proverbs 8.
Another Old Testament Scripture that describes Christ to a tee is Isaiah 52:13-53:12. It starts with Isaiah 52:13-15 which has two contrasting pictures.
Isaiah 52:13-15: See my servant will act wisely, he will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted. Just as there were many who were appalled at him—his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of many man and his form marred beyond human likeness—so will he sprinkle many nations, and kings will shut their mouths because of him. For what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand.
First there is the picture of a man who is highly exalted and who would shut the mouths of kings. Jesus was highly exalted by the people. Just before he died there were some who wanted to make him king. He has gone on to become one of the most influential people in history. Kings have shut their mouths because of him. What is said here is true.
Second, there is the picture of a man who was brutally beaten. It says he was beaten so severely he no longer looked human. He was disfigured beyond human likeness. Satan took his full wrath out on Jesus. Jesus took on our full punishment in his beating and his sacrifice. We had met our maker and in one day lifted him up and in the next we murdered him. Though it is through his death and the power of the cross that we are saved. The man next to him on the cross became the first man saved by the cross. Jesus loved men more than his own life and offered his life freely. That is what he wanted. It is this willingness to do this that also confounded Satan because the Father could prove through this that Jesus was worthy to be God because he was willing to die in the place of the people he had made. Don’t forget we were made in the image of Jesus who has always been the only way to the Father.
Isaiah 53: 1-2: Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
Jesus was truly human in every way. He didn’t look any different than the rest of us. In fact, before he began his ministry late in his human life, he lived a normal human life no different than anybody else. God had humbled himself and become a man so he could save them. God had come to serve rather than be served.
Isaiah 53:3: He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised and we esteemed him not.
We were visited by God himself. We were visited by the one who made us. Yet we rejected our own maker. Would you want to look at a man who had been brutally beaten as Jesus was brutally beaten? That is why they hid their faces. He was despised for no reason.
Isaiah 53:4-5: Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.
It was his death, his wounds and his suffering that saved us. He took on our punishment though he himself was innocent. Jesus was punished like a murderer though he was truly completely innocent. He was pierced during that punishment on the cross. Jesus suffered greatly in his last hours. We have to understand he was taking on the sins of all mankind.
Isaiah 53:6: We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
There isn’t a single person who doesn’t need Jesus. Only by believing in his birth, death and resurrection one can be saved and pulled from the hands of Satan. The devil’s only authority is over men who don’t believe in Jesus. Jesus is the one who saves those who believe. It’s that simple. Our guilt was put upon Jesus when he died on the cross.
Isaiah 53:7: He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before the sheareres is silent, so he did not open his mouth.
Jesus did not open his mouth amongst the many accusations. He did not even try to defend himself. This was so that he would take on our full guilt. Even though he was guilty of nothing, they would accuse him but he would not defend himself because it was necessary so that he would die and suffer for our sins.
Isaiah 53:8: By oppression and judgment he was taken away. And who can speak of his descendants? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was stricken.
It was by the decision of evil men that Jesus was killed. But this was necessary to pay the price of the sins of all of his people. It was his suffering that saves us all.
Isaiah 53:9: He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.
Jesus had wronged no one. He had not hurt anybody nor had he lied to anybody. Yet, he was on the cross like a murderer. After he died he was given a rich man’s grave. These are all true things to say about Jesus.
Isaiah 53:10-11: Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand. After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities.
Jesus was willing to and did die for the sins of those who believe. And though he took on all of our guilt in his death, he rose from that death so that we could live through him. Those of us who believe are the descendents of Jesus. His death was not in vain. It was so that those who believe in his birth, death and resurrection could have eternal life.
Isaiah 53: 12: Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors for he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
Jesus took on our sins in his death and was rewarded with the ultimate, to be worshipped in the Father’s name. He took on our sins and since he was willing to die for us and did he was given the right to be God. He always was God but his sacrifice was the proof that the Father needed to prove to Satan that Jesus truly was worthy to be God. So he was to be found the greatest among all men for this.
Notice the sarcasm of Jesus in this next passage as he tell the price that was paid for his head.
Zechariah 11: 13: And the Lord said to me, “Throw it to the potter”—the handsome price at which they priced me! So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the Lord to the potter.
Jesus who was and always has been God’s life was priced at thirty pieces of silver. In this passage we introduce ourselves to the sarcasm of God. The creator’s life was only worth 30 pieces of silver. That is the price that was paid to Judas to turn Jesus in. Apparently Jesus our creator was only worth 30 pieces of silver. How ironic.
In this next passage of scripture, Jacob wrestles with God. I believe it is Jesus he was wrestling with. Two of the reasons is because the Father appeared as fire to Moses and the Father never took human form for the Israelites. It was pretty much understood that seeing the Father would bring death to the one who sees him. Yet in this passage, Jacob was able to wrestle with him. That is why I believe this is a hidden passage involving Jesus. It was a man that Jacob wrestled with and this man was God.
Genesis 32: 22-30: That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two maidservants and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. After he had sent them across the stream, he sent over all his possessions. So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, “Let me go for it is daybreak.”
But Jacob replied, I will not let you go unless you bless me.”
The man asked him, “What is your name?”
“Jacob,” he answered.
Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome.”
Jacob said, “Please tell me your name.”
But he replied, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blessed him there.
So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.”
Coming soon: Chapter 5: Jesus Was Born Again.
Do Not Judge Lest Yee Be Judged!
I’ve done drugs
You over eat. Right!
Don’t deny it
Or is it, you don’t exercise?
I use to smoke cigarettes.
You’ll end up with clogged arteries and a bad ticker.
I still occasionally smoke pot,
But whose habits are more unhealthy?
I want to get to the bottom of this.
When you weigh 250 are you going to admit you have diabetes and can’t eat donuts in the morning anymore?
Do not judge or you will be judged by God.
Forgive and you will be forgiven by God.
Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. You will be forgiven if you show mercy rather than returning evil for evil.